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FY 2012 IDC Boards


New Member
I am now living in the Central Connecticut area and would like to get in touch with a good and attentive recruiter. I'm being told that the nearest officer recruiter is in Boston. Given the fact that CT is home to a major Naval Base and a Service Academy, I am sure there are recruiters lurking around here somewhere. Please help.


Marc (IP Ensign)
What you applying for PapaK? There is some Linkedin areas to post in also that might be able to help you


New Member
My recruiter also recommended using a private physician....It just so happens that it is time for my physical with my civilian job, so I should be able to take care of my medical evaluation next week.


Marc (IP Ensign)
I'm still waiting on N3M to decide on me. I had to send more stuff yesterday. Having all the medical paperwork available is very important. Hopefully they clear me today so I can stop worrying.


IW Officer
You doing MEPS or private?
Interestingly enough, with the regards to the medical, I am doing neither. We have a Navy hospital in our region and the recruiter is having most officer recruits walked through there. A liaison came with us to the hospital and took us from department to department over a couple days (based on our work schedule), and made sure we got all the proper exams and paper work checked off.

As a side note, I had my last appointment today and was declared fit for duty after a final exam.


New Member
Hello All:

Happened upon this board in doing a search for resources that might help me as I am trying to get a commission in Intel and will submit my package to the March 2012 Board (which I believe meets 19 March 2012 or thereabouts). Folks on this board are indeed impressive. By way of background:
  • 39 years old
  • Male
  • Currently senior counsel at an 800 lawyer firm that practices in global financial capital markets (structured finance)
  • Represented a vast majority of major global investment banks at one time or another in cross-border financing transactions
  • No prior military experience (although father was a reserve army major corp of engineers, grandfather was sailor in WWII and I did some Army ROTC time)
  • Political Science BA, Cum Laude, with International Relations Minor
  • JD, Magna Cum Laude, Law Review
  • 4 strong recommendation letters from investment banking clients and colleagues
  • Letter of recommendation from local Congress Person (on house select permanent committee on intelligence)
  • Volunteer through Church
My recruiter seems to think I have a fairly strong package. I also saw from this board and from chatting with him that finding some O-6s or above to write a recommendation might be helpful. I am constantly bringing myself up to speed on all of the resources that I can find on the Navy its culture, history, lingo and organization. Am in constant physical training. I appreciate all who contribute to this board, and it is a true wealth of information. Any thoughts would be welcomed as to what else I might be doing. Note, I guess I will appear before the interview committee in 2012 January.


Mr. Innocent.

I am sorry that you were on the receiving end of that "snaff-foo". Das is right, what's done is done. A similar situation happened to me on on my second packet, not to mentioned that it nearly happened on the first also. If there is anything that I could add that would help would be to just keep applying. I kept improving and applying. I eventually picked up. Persistense is the key in this ball game. Das had posted numbers in earlier posts of packets submitted and those that were accepted within a couple of the various communities. As he mentioned, the numbers get smaller every board, so I would suggest that you keep applying. good luck my friend.

Regrettably, my experience tells me that 'Mr. Innocent's' experience is likely something more than a snafu, and 'persistance' made little difference for me. I'd been applying since 2008, and in 5 packages, my first and fourth (last March) never made it to the board, even though all of my material had been submitted, as directed, and on time. And I'd never have known about either of those late packages had I not done my own homework, since nobody at NRD (Naval Recruiting District) told me voluntarily or owned up to it when I found out about then when I queried NRC/Millington (in each case).

And like many, I had hit all the necessary points: industry relevant experience, graduate degree with high GPA, Weight/PFT, 5 excellent officer interviews (including a former IP/IW community manager), and LORs (including a retired O-8), and numerous industry certifications, and strong support from individuals like the Reserve Commander at 10th Fleet/Cybercom. The only obvious outliers in my package would seem to have been age and re-code (3K, Secretarial Board action). While I required (and received) an age waiver, and my sep code was granted *specifically* so that I could be commissioned, there's still NO reasonable excuse for packages not getting to the board on time, except a failure on the part of the NRD recruiter or someone farther up the chain -- IMO.

FWIW - My 5th package went to this last board, but was I informed before the board convened that my package was not forwarded to the board by the admin review because I'd (finally) aged out of the DCO program (50, this summer). While, I'm not surprised, I am definintely disappointed. No telling what the outcome might have been had I gotten the looks I earned at those two missed boards.

Long story short - do your own homework, ride your recruiter, double check everything.


Registered Member
...there's still NO reasonable excuse for packages not getting to the board on time, except a failure on the part of the NRD recruiter or someone farther up the chain -- IMO.
There is no excuse. The Officer recruiter drives everything and should be held accountable. If I were in your shoes and had two packages that never made it, I would have unleashed hell and notified everyone from the recruiters CO all the way up to Admiral Gay, Commander, Navy Recruiting Command. I may have even filed an IG complaint.

do your own homework, ride your recruiter, double check everything.
Sage advice.


There is no excuse. The Officer recruiter drives everything and should be held accountable. If I were in your shoes and had two packages that never made it, I would have unleashed hell and notified everyone from the recruiters CO all the way up to Admiral Gay, Commander, Navy Recruiting Command. I may have even filed an IG complaint.
Sage advice.

In fact, I did wind up going to the IG with a complete e-mail thread documenting the first instance. Ultimately, they did not elect to pursue an investiation. However, they did guarantee me (directly, in writing) that my second package would be reviewed (and it was).

As for the fourth package, a different OPO dragged his feet but supposedly 'got permission' from NRC to send it in late. But once it arrived late, the board admin still refused to review it. And whoever it was who 'approved sending it in late', they were never identified to me.

I found out about both of these instances by calling Millington directly (strongly discouraged by NRDs, since it makes your recruiter look like he's not doing his job). In fact, until last March, I'd never received a single piece of correspondence from the U.S. Navy on letterhead (save for the letter from the NRC IG). My OPO said my NONPROREC letters were in my file. I had to remind him that their presence in my file does not mean that they were ever mailed to me. Only then did he e-mail copies of them to me.