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FY09 STA-21 Soup to selection and beyond MEGA thread


I am an applicant for the FY-09 and this is my first time posting. All of my boards went extremely well and I came across something interesting when I received a copy of my package from my admin department after the package was mailed off. The nomination board chairsperson sat on my nomination board and filled out both an appraisal sheet and chairperson recommendation form. Will that be a hit on me?

The captain who chaired my nom board last year completed both forms as well and NETC had no problem with it.

Good luck to you all!


AC -> OC -> O3E
I am an applicant for the FY-09 and this is my first time posting. All of my boards went extremely well and I came across something interesting when I received a copy of my package from my admin department after the package was mailed off. The nomination board chairsperson sat on my nomination board and filled out both an appraisal sheet and chairperson recommendation form. Will that be a hit on me?

Mine did the same too. I didn't even think anything of it until you mentioned it. I think the others are right. Better to have extra than not enough. Also if others have done the same in the past and been selected then we should be okay.

What program option are you applying for?


FY09 STA-21 Pilot Hopeful
Does anyone know how many people applied for STA-21 this year and how many are board eligible, or does that information release post results?


New Member
This is my first time. Yeah...... I have a crazy question, do you guys think since i only applied for CORE that it will be a hit on the board. I had a tough decision to make with either finishing AA degree or ASTB. I choose the degree, i hope it was the right one. I understand that i will be going against everybody applying, but what do you guys think.

Another question is there a way to find out if your package made it to the board to be reviewed, and or rejected.


New Member
I appled for the Pilot option and backed it up with Core just to show interest. I'm still up in the air about it though.


This is my first time. Yeah...... I have a crazy question, do you guys think since i only applied for CORE that it will be a hit on the board. I had a tough decision to make with either finishing AA degree or ASTB. I choose the degree, i hope it was the right one. I understand that i will be going against everybody applying, but what do you guys think.
When applying to the STA-21 Program, a Sailor may select from the following alternatives:
Apply for the STA-21 Core Program only,
Apply for one Target group option only, or
Apply for one Target group option plus STA-21 Core Program.

Another question is there a way to find out if your package made it to the board to be reviewed, and or rejected.[/QUOTE
Go to the website where you should have registered and check the status of your package.
STA-21 online application page

What's really crazy is that you asked two questions without a question mark.:D


STA-21 FY08 College Dude
Congrats to all who have put your package in this year. I hope that all of you guys on this site get picked up since its such a great program an opportunity to improve your lives.

I know this is not the place to post about NSI but I figured it might help some of you with a few questions about how it is. The website for NSI is out of date and is "being updated" by one of the officers at Newport. We all told him what was wrong with the site but who knows if he will change it. If you report next year, report to King Hall with either civilian cloths or your dress uniform. Most the people at the desk have no idea what they are doing anyways or who the hell you are so that should be helpful. They may not have boost next year but if they do, show up a little early to get to know some of those guys.

NSI is a mixture of suck and fun. Its kind of like how boot camp was with not as much BS. You have your own locker, own bed, and you can keep stuff in your locker and they wont open it. Just make sure to keep the damn thing locked! If its unlocked they will toss your stuff all over the damn place. Don't be over picky on things, they are going to toss your rack, throw your shit, and give you hits on everything no matter what you do. Just have a good time and enjoy the weekends.

When you get to NSI you may ask yourself why all these guys and girls are in this program... your way better than them. Give it time and you may find out that these people will soon be good friends of yours, give them a chance to show the group that they have something to offer the officer community.

When you get picked up for this program for the FY09, never ask yourself if you should do it... you should! Its the best program the Navy has to offer, and you blessed to be in such a great position.

I'm off to college, hope to see your names on the list come October.


AC -> OC -> O3E
They may not have boost next year but if they do, show up a little early to get to know some of those guys.

If they do get rid of BOOST the planning on our end would be much easier. The biggest benefit would be mo more guessing when we will start school. A downside would be the guys/gals who really need the refresher end up going straight to college.

Anybody who has or is attending BOOST have any opinions on if it really helps? With no college credit for completing the 3 month program is it worth the extra time?


Freshly stashed Ensign
If they do get rid of BOOST the planning on our end would be much easier. The biggest benefit would be mo more guessing when we will start school. A downside would be the guys/gals who really need the refresher end up going straight to college.

Anybody who has or is attending BOOST have any opinions on if it really helps? With no college credit for completing the 3 month program is it worth the extra time?

I didn't go to BOOST so I don't know from personal experience, but a I know a few guys who went through it this year and said that it helped some with preparing for school again. One guy even said that ERAU is going to give him some credits for BOOST. The general feeling I got from them though is that the benefits aren't really worth the 5 months away from home for BOOST and NSI, especially for the guys with families.


BOOST really helped me a lot. I attended the last six month class, and some of the credits transfered/counted as pre requisites at my college. Additionally, those of us who attended did really well in the math, writing, and physics courses. Those who did not seemed to have more problems (Two guys had to retake physics, one math, and one didn't have the pre requisite to take the math or physics so he really struggled) BOOST was a kick in the junk, but it really helped.


FY09 STA-21 Pilot Hopeful
SNA Physical

Do any prior selectees or applicants have expirence with gettting SNA physicals/ Commisioning physicals at MEPS or do you have to go a NAS?:confused:


AC -> OC -> O3E
Do any prior selectees or applicants have expirence with gettting SNA physicals/ Commisioning physicals at MEPS or do you have to go a NAS?:confused:

I completed mine a few months back at the medical clinic on my base, NAS Patuxent River. Just call and tell them you need to set up a SNA physical. Mine was a two part, or day, examination not including the eye portion. I suggest completing the eye portion first so at your last medical visit you will be 100% done with everything. I did the eyes last resulting in a forth visit to meet with the doc and finalize everything. If possible have the doc email (or just make a copy) you a completed copy of your physical. They sent mine off to NOMI and I received a phone call a couple weeks later saying they couldn't do anything with it until the results were out. With a copy in hand you will be ready to send them off when you find out that you are selected (thinking positive!!).

The clinic where I am stationed is very busy and it is hard to get appointments. Not sure where or how you will go about completing yours but I suggest making an appointment now. If there is a MEPS closer to you than a NAS maybe try calling and asking if they do them. I am not very familiar with OCS stuff but I would assume a lot of the civilian applicants do their physicals at a MEPS, SNA/NFO, etc... Not sure though.


New Member
Do any prior selectees or applicants have expirence with gettting SNA physicals/ Commisioning physicals at MEPS or do you have to go a NAS?:confused:

It is highly unlikely to get MEPS to do the physical for you, mainly because it's run by an Army command. I was a recruiter in Dallas and still wasn't able to use the MEPS out there they made me drive to a reserve base to do my physical. Good luck, and I'd reccomend doing your physical soon while you are still waiting on the results to come out. I waited until the last minute (January) to get mine done and regret it, 'cause I didn't get to spend as much time on my school apps that I wanted to.


New Member
STA-21 pre-result jitters

Hi all,

This seems like a great forum here- I'm sorry I only just stumbled upon it. i'm on a precom carrier, so I was one of only 10 people to submit a package from my command for FY09. I was pretty confident at first, but now i'm starting to get nervous. While some of the other candidates are saying "hey, what happens happens", I'm thinking, "This is my future!" Also, I'm 24 and will need all 3 years to get my degree, which means i'm starting to approach the age limitations. I won't have many other years to apply. I have a couple of questions though, and will be very thankful for any help at all. I took the ACT for the first time and scored a 29, with math and english 24 and 34 respectively. I'm aware this is well above the required cumulative score, but am concerned about the lower math score. I am going for an engineering degree-will this be frowned upon? Also, I only scored the mimimum 4/5 on the ASTB my second time taking it. How will that factor in? My other concern is the fact that i am female. Historically, is there a lower percentage of selection into the pilot community for females? While I tell myself that they can't look at a package as a male's/female's, i also realize this type of thing happens all the time in the world. That's about it! Thanks again for everyone's help!

ET2 Awesome Swanson :icon_smil