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FY09 STA-21 Soup to selection and beyond MEGA thread


NPC is back up and 285 about the Navy B-Day is still there. Good luck to hoping yet again that results are posted yet again... "today"


If I was talking to you then yeah that comment would of had warrant, but I said my peace so you can stop being an adolescent by saying this is the fourth attempt or here comes the fifth. I could really care less what people think of me on a message board, but I do appreciate all the help from the grown folks in here. Good luck to everyone who has packages in yes that means you dave and yes you to NAVEE
Let people joke, it relieves the tension. With tension comes people taking jokes as attacks on their lovely personality. For all of your sakes, I hope results come out 5 minutes ago. Good luck to all


New Member
To the smag

This question is to the Smag (ELT/SS). I was wondering how was NSI as compared to say power school? I was on Vols in power school so it wasn't too bad. Is it worse or better in terms of amount of school and studying? Just curious. Any info would be appreciated.


FY09 NFO Selectee...turned FY12 CHOP
Just got off the phone with NPC....since everyone loves the people that call up there..thought I should give the update though. They are officially given liberty by the Admiral for tomorrow and obviously off for Monday. So IF we dont find out today you can forget it until Tuesday of next week. Dont you just love the people up there


I found it to be easier than nuke school. I hardly studied at all at NSI and got A's. All you have to do is listen and pay attention in class. I went to a few "study sessions" after school the day before a test and those helped out. Overall it was very easy. If you can make it thru nuke school you should have no problem making it thru NSI.


New Member
I found it to be easier than nuke school. I hardly studied at all at NSI and got A's. All you have to do is listen and pay attention in class. I went to a few "study sessions" after school the day before a test and those helped out. Overall it was very easy. If you can make it thru nuke school you should have no problem making it thru NSI.

Thanks a lot, I was just curious about the difficulty of the curriculum. Everyone seems to talk about the atmosphere(ie liberty, semi-boot camp style) and pt.


The hardest part about the classes were when the engineering instructor would say things that were so horribly wrong some of us nukes would keep our mouths shut. But you always have those few that must correct everything. Some guys couldn't understand that he was explaining things in an easy to understand method, wrong sometimes, but easy to understand.

Well I hope the results come out for you guys soon. I am off to my next class. Getting paid to be a college student is the best. Good luck to all.


New Member
The hardest part about the classes were when the engineering instructor would say things that were so horribly wrong some of us nukes would keep our mouths shut. But you always have those few that must correct everything. Some guys couldn't understand that he was explaining things in an easy to understand method, wrong sometimes, but easy to understand.

The hardest part right now seems like just waiting for these results. What the hell is going on? I wasn't too bad a couple of days ago now it seems I can't stop getting on-line and hitting refresh.


New Member
Well on the bright side NPC has yet to be updated today. So maybe thats a good thing, i dunno!!

I'm off to the pool hopefully when i get back we will all know something.

:) :clock_125 :snorkel_1


FY09 SWO/IP Alternate
Just got off the phone with NPC....since everyone loves the people that call up there..thought I should give the update though. They are officially given liberty by the Admiral for tomorrow and obviously off for Monday. So IF we dont find out today you can forget it until Tuesday of next week. Dont you just love the people up there

I know we all want as much info about the results as possible- that's part of the reason we're all here.
Although I personally would hate to call and bug NPC or STA-21, I don't mind if someone else does and happens to get some info :D