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FY09 STA-21 Soup to selection and beyond MEGA thread


FY09 SWO/IP Alternate
Also, 286 is listed on the home page but not on the page that has the messages. Perhaps there is a slim possibility that it might still release today. Am I the only one that doesn't have 286 on the reference/message page?

No, 286 is only showing on the main NPC page. I'm hoping for that slim chance for today too! COME ON!!!


New Member
Also, 286 is listed on the home page but not on the page that has the messages. Perhaps there is a slim possibility that it might still release today. Am I the only one that doesn't have 286 on the reference/message page?

No, we are in the same ship ...
I am biting my nails waiting for the results. I am hoping that they release them before the begining of their four day weekend!


New Member
The Case of the Missing NAVADMIN

Our story starts earlier in this year when people from all over the nation and some parts across the world sent in letters, papers, and other documents in hope to achieve the ranks of commissioned officer in the united states military. Like many years before, everything started as usual, but little did they know…. That the results of their long hard work, would vanish, not to be seen.

Where is this NAVADMIN now, who has seen it. Maybe held ransom in a some dark room on an oak desk guarded, deprived of food and water….

If you have any information to help solve this mystery please contact our offices at 555-1934, all callers are kept anonymous.

now a word from out sponsors….

Bro, you crack me up, LOL. :icon_tong


This question is to the Smag (ELT/SS). I was wondering how was NSI as compared to say power school? I was on Vols in power school so it wasn't too bad. Is it worse or better in terms of amount of school and studying? Just curious. Any info would be appreciated.
The info is easy, but you don't have much free time, and it is miserably cold and crappy out most of the time. Easier than power school, but less to do with the free time.


STA-21 FY08 College Dude
The info is easy, but you don't have much free time, and it is miserably cold and crappy out most of the time. Easier than power school, but less to do with the free time.

HA, I had so much free time I about lost my damn mind. You have school every day starting the second week (I think) and have inspections about every Tuesday as well as room inspections. We didn't get on base liberty until the 3rd week in and off base the 4th week. The classes are not bad, but you do need to study and will have some homework. Other than getting up at 5 am every day and PTing after eating breakfast (don't ask me why) it should be an easy time. First day you will get yelled at but not as bad as the OCS guys. All the stuff you learned in boot camp comes back to you very quickly. Go in the summer if you can, besides it being really damn hot, you get a lot of hot girls out in town ;) Good times.


HA, I had so much free time I about lost my damn mind. You have school every day starting the second week (I think) and have inspections about every Tuesday as well as room inspections. We didn't get on base liberty until the 3rd week in and off base the 4th week. The classes are not bad, but you do need to study and will have some homework. Other than getting up at 5 am every day and PTing after eating breakfast (don't ask me why) it should be an easy time. First day you will get yelled at but not as bad as the OCS guys. All the stuff you learned in boot camp comes back to you very quickly. Go in the summer if you can, besides it being really damn hot, you get a lot of hot girls out in town ;) Good times.
True, tons of free time, but there is nothing to do. Bring movies, PSP, books, anything to pass time indoors.


Great...just more time to study and ensure that I pass on the first try. Is there a pool hall? LOL


Yes, but if you want to have a beer at the same time you have to pay to play. The free pool is located where you cant have alcohol.


I'll be fine then. I don't drink that much and usually when I do, it's because I win them LOL...other than that, i usually suck on the table.