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FY09 STA-21 Soup to selection and beyond MEGA thread


bewellm thanks for that info. I didn't know that.

Stick Colt McCoy is going to choke again this season. In all reality they are good and I can't wait to see the game this weekend and watch two great teams duke it out!

Now don't take that for gold, simply take that for face value. The fact that the previous messages that we saw were pre-dated could mean that they're doing that but not necessarily on purpose. So, again, I know this is getting old and frustrating but all we can do now is yet again, "hurry up and wait." I just wanted to put that out about the DTG thing because sometimes we have to send out 4-5 messages at a time and we can draft all of them in about 2 minutes but all messages can't have the same DTG within those 2 minutes. Does that make sense? In short, if I draft 3 messages at 1430 and the other 2 at 1431, I simply change the DTG by up-ing it one minute per message so that they get transmitted at 1430, 1431, 1432, 1433 and 1434. I hope that clears up any confusion and calms down the anxiety as well. Good luck for when it shows up all.


It has actually crossed my mind that they may be holding the message until after the long weekend so as to make it less likely that the selectees would go out, celebrate a little too hard and do something dumb. It would seem the very "navy thing to do."

Now that is a very "Navy" observation and could possibly be a reasonable explanation. Not bad there Jeep!


FY09 NFO Selectee...turned FY12 CHOP

Our message last year came out on the Friday before Columbus Day.

NPC says that the results came out last year on the 4th of OCT which is a Thursday. Are you sure that they came out on a Friday? When I talked to NPC today they said they might be loaded but sometimes a message that big takes a while to download into the system. I know I am reaching here but just MAYBE they loaded it today and it will come out tomorrow with todays date. STICK are you positive it came out on a friday?


NPC says that the results came out last year on the 4th of OCT which is a Thursday. Are you sure that they came out on a Friday? When I talked to NPC today they said they might be loaded but sometimes a message that big takes a while to download into the system. I know I am reaching here but just MAYBE they loaded it today and it will come out tomorrow with todays date. STICK are you positive it came out on a friday?

Don't take this the wrong way but you can google the old messages and look up the exact day on a calendar. I don't know the exact day myself and it doesn't really matter to me being that it's the past and not a guarantee for this year. So, if it pleases you to know that this is how to find that answer, I hope that I helped.


Yes it was on Friday because I was at NNPTC and wearing whites. We only wore whites on Fridays. I remember because I went home around 10am and was called and told to be in the CO's office at 1300 and didn't want to put my whites back on. I put two and two together and checked NPC where I saw the results. I checked on Thursday and the results were not posted.


FY-09 STA-21 Pilot Select!!
Wow! I thought I was crazy. It was Navadmin 256/07 last year. Don't remember the day, but I still have it. It just says OCT 07. Just don't hurt yourself thinking about how you can speed this up because you can't. Take a deep breath...................were nukin it...lol, except for the nukes, That's normal.


FY-09 STA-21 Pilot Select!!
and yes.....I just looked it up it was dated Thursday OCT 4th, which means it could have been posted on Friday the 5th. If they're posted and dated a day earlier(not sure if that always happens) that would make tomorrow very likely and yes another Friday. Who knows.............


New Member
Yes it was on Friday because I was at NNPTC and wearing whites. We only wore whites on Fridays. I remember because I went home around 10am and was called and told to be in the CO's office at 1300 and didn't want to put my whites back on. I put two and two together and checked NPC where I saw the results. I checked on Thursday and the results were not posted.

Glad I'm not crazy. My husband and I were talking about this, and he said that the results came out on a Thursday last year, but it was after he left work. Not likely that he wouldn't have gotten a call. I argued that it was Friday because I took the kids on a business trip with me to Boston and got home late on Thursday night. I went out the next morning and returned home to find roses and a copy of the results with his name highlighted.

Who said that NPC has a 4-day weekend?


New Member
I got a question about what school you go to. If you get selected do you have to go to one of the schools on you application or can you go to one of those schools cross town affiliate's? Just wondering if they are going to say, "hey we want you to go to your second choice, now show me your acceptance letter!" or if it is a much less strict situation.


I'm planning on apply at OU if I don't get picked up for the area here. Honestly, I hope I get OU for a change of scenery. I've been stationed in Norfolk for 7 years now and this is my 3rd command. And Cleonard, they were wrong about the number of apps this year. Also guys, the post STA-21 brief is now available with the numbers and percentages of what happened at the board. Just a heads up, 16% availability for the IW field this year. Ouch considering that was my primary selection. Also, 1/3 of packages were dropped for not being qualified for primary or secondary options. The most common factor was age, No Co endorsement or SAT/ACT scores. Lastly, 22% of IW apps were unqualified!!! If you guys want more info, let me know and I'll see what I can find.


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
I got a question about what school you go to. If you get selected do you have to go to one of the schools on you application or can you go to one of those schools cross town affiliate's? Just wondering if they are going to say, "hey we want you to go to your second choice, now show me your acceptance letter!" or if it is a much less strict situation.

Everything that I've heard suggests that your choice of school on your application is not a binding contract. What past selectees (they've posted throughout this forum) have said is that you have to know exactly where you're going to go to school by the end of NSI. So I think that you ought to be alright.


"I can't wait for" the opprotunity to go back home for the next three years and hang out with my brothers which I haven't seen for almost 3 years. I can't wait to see an OU game for the first time in a really long time. Oh yeah, I can't wait for the results, and I can't wait to get away from watches, duty, and a bunch of annoying ass people that have nothing better to do than try and piss you off with stupid stuff. OH yeah and I can't wait to get that respect that we get just being an OC especially in non-military towns!

Good luck with that.;)



"I can't wait for" the opprotunity to go back home for the next three years and hang out with my brothers which I haven't seen for almost 3 years. I can't wait to see an OU game for the first time in a really long time. Oh yeah, I can't wait for the results, and I can't wait to get away from watches, duty, and a bunch of annoying ass people that have nothing better to do than try and piss you off with stupid stuff. OH yeah and I can't wait to get that respect that we get just being an OC especially in non-military towns!

Seriously??? You do realize that once you get picked up, you might as well consider yourself at the bottom of the totem pole once again... it doesn't matter if you're a First class or a seaman, once you're in the program you're a nub, scrub, slick sleeve - what ever you call your noobs - but you're one of those again. If that is really your outlook on how things are to be, my only advice to you is "Stand by to standy by!" ;)