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FY09 STA-21 Soup to selection and beyond MEGA thread


Yes, and a bowling alley and a starbucks. They also have batting cages

Looks like I'll be getting a little better at bowling and see how well i do on the tables later - granted these results come out one of these weeks.


STA-21 NFO Selectee
I want to post a generic message first apologizing to anyone that may have been offended by myself. Now to the real message, I have had a feeling about a day next week about the middle for about a month (OPSEC don't want to get to much info on here). I said it will probably come out the day we go to the boat because we are going on our last workup cycle next week. Anyways, I am still holding out for tomorrow for whatever reason, but it will probably not come out until next week, which is going to make this weekend long, but that is usually a good thing except this time. Oh by the way, BOOMER SOONER, hopefully the Sooners stomp Texas this weekend.


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
Looks like I'll be getting a little better at bowling and see how well i do on the tables later - granted these results come out one of these weeks.

Has anyone noticed that the date attached to these messages is yesterday, not today? An interesting little anomaly if I do say so myself.


I'mjust hoping that my name is on that sheet period...5000 online apps, 3000 packages...good lord!!!!

Naval Reactors made it mandatory this year that anyone with a certain GPA was required to attend the brief for STA-21 and the Academy, and anyone with a GPA over a certain point was mandated to put in a package for one of the two programs. They apparently thought that the downward trend in package numbers for enlisted commissioning programs was something to worry about....

i guess they were wrong.


Has anyone noticed that the date attached to these messages is yesterday, not today? An interesting little anomaly if I do say so myself.

We can always hope that this means that their system is 24 some odd hours slow updating online, and it could possibly come out tommorow, but its not likely.

Personally, if I had any say in the process (which i don't), I would put them out tommorow so that any celebrating that takes place happens on a long weekend and not during the week when it could affect job performance. But hey, thats just me.


STA-21 NFO Selectee
That is kinda weird, but I am sure that they will do the same thing with our message because if it has already came out and signed then they will probably back date that message also.


Registered User
that sucks they are going to make you all wait it out this weekend. i would igure they would release the message, so that the weekend could that much better for some of you all. anxiety is a B@#$%^.


That is kinda weird, but I am sure that they will do the same thing with our message because if it has already came out and signed then they will probably back date that message also.

Never believe the DTG on most messages simply because those transmitting them ( I'm one of "those" ) We can change the DTG to anything that we want to as long as it's not taken by another message. That's as simple as checking for previously sent messages and simply changing the requested DTG by a minute or two.


STA-21 NFO Selectee
"I can't wait for" the opprotunity to go back home for the next three years and hang out with my brothers which I haven't seen for almost 3 years. I can't wait to see an OU game for the first time in a really long time. Oh yeah, I can't wait for the results, and I can't wait to get away from watches, duty, and a bunch of annoying ass people that have nothing better to do than try and piss you off with stupid stuff. OH yeah and I can't wait to get that respect that we get just being an OC especially in non-military towns!


STA-21 NFO Selectee
bewellm thanks for that info. I didn't know that.

Stick Colt McCoy is going to choke again this season. In all reality they are good and I can't wait to see the game this weekend and watch two great teams duke it out!


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
Never believe the DTG on most messages simply because those transmitting them ( I'm one of "those" ) We can change the DTG to anything that we want to as long as it's not taken by another message. That's as simple as checking for previously sent messages and simply changing the requested DTG by a minute or two.

It has actually crossed my mind that they may be holding the message until after the long weekend so as to make it less likely that the selectees would go out, celebrate a little too hard and do something dumb. It would seem the very "navy thing to do."