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FY09 STA-21 Soup to selection and beyond MEGA thread


New Member
Glad I'm not crazy. My husband and I were talking about this, and he said that the results came out on a Thursday last year, but it was after he left work. Not likely that he wouldn't have gotten a call. I argued that it was Friday because I took the kids on a business trip with me to Boston and got home late on Thursday night. I went out the next morning and returned home to find roses and a copy of the results with his name highlighted.

Who said that NPC has a 4-day weekend?

Someone posted on here on like page 54 or something that they had called their desk...and was told by their Admiral that they had Friday off as well as Monday


STA-21 NFO Selectee
I'm planning on apply at OU if I don't get picked up for the area here. Honestly, I hope I get OU for a change of scenery. I've been stationed in Norfolk for 7 years now and this is my 3rd command. And Cleonard, they were wrong about the number of apps this year. Also guys, the post STA-21 brief is now available with the numbers and percentages of what happened at the board. Just a heads up, 16% availability for the IW field this year. Ouch considering that was my primary selection. Also, 1/3 of packages were dropped for not being qualified for primary or secondary options. The most common factor was age, No Co endorsement or SAT/ACT scores. Lastly, 22% of IW apps were unqualified!!! If you guys want more info, let me know and I'll see what I can find.

What were the numbers for NFO because I can't seem to find that brief with the numbers.


Last year the message came out at about 8pm eastern on a Thursday. Somebody was on duty in Hawaii and got it through message traffic. If I remember right it was posted Friday morning, because I did not believe that I actually got picked up until after I saw the message on two different computers. I know that doesn't make sense, but that is what I did.


STA-21 NFO Selectee
I'm sorry for the comment about annoying ass people. I know that we have all encountered "that one person" and I know I have been that one person before (I know everyone is nodding their head right now, so don't think I don't know :)) Anyways, if I disrespected any of you I am sincerely sorry and I apologize. I know my behavior on here has been a little rash, but I am stubborn and can't stand for someone to say they are a better person just because they have a higher rank or they think they know someone better than they do. Again I'm not trying to burn any bridges and I do not regret things that I have already posted. Good luck and here's hoping for tomorrow.


FY09 NFO Selectee...turned FY12 CHOP
Last year the message came out at about 8pm eastern on a Thursday. Somebody was on duty in Hawaii and got it through message traffic. If I remember right it was posted Friday morning, because I did not believe that I actually got picked up until after I saw the message on two different computers. I know that doesn't make sense, but that is what I did.

8pm eastern time....does anyone know how this system works?? Because surely someone wasnt in Millington at 7pm working on getting the list out....I am really confused by this whole process of how NAVADMINS get updated


8pm eastern time....does anyone know how this system works?? Because surely someone wasnt in Millington at 7pm working on getting the list out....I am really confused by this whole process of how NAVADMINS get updated

Pretty much the only thing that you can do is the same with the rest of us, kick back, enjoy the long weekend and enjoy the time in the moment. Don't worry about the Navadmin, it will come out when it comes out. No worries. I'm just as anxious as the rest of y'all here but I've learned patience and am now using it. Pretty much, it doesn't matter if I'm anxious or not, it will come out when it comes out. :icon_tong


New Member

Pretty much the only thing that you can do is the same with the rest of us, kick back, enjoy the long weekend and enjoy the time in the moment. Don't worry about the Navadmin, it will come out when it comes out. No worries. I'm just as anxious as the rest of y'all here but I've learned patience and am now using it. Pretty much, it doesn't matter if I'm anxious or not, it will come out when it comes out. :icon_tong

I agree and this is a really good point. We know that they aren't working this weekend, so we should all take this time to just forget about it. Of course this is hard to do, but this is what I'm gonna try and do. I'm gonna go gray at this rate if I keep thinking about them, lol. Results or not, the anxiety of 'not knowing' when the NAVADMIN comes out is almost as bad as being selected or not! Either way, this is a nice break from hitting refresh over and over, haha. :icon_tong


damn another freaking day.

Yeah but it's not like we didn't know this would happen already after reading four pages ago when we found out that the one star told them to go home early. Oh well, it's the weekend and it's not like we can't find other things to do to pass the time...at least I hope that I can at the minimum. :eek:


New Member
Please tell me you didn't....:icon_boxi:watching2

Of course I did. Since we all are looking for something to take our mind off of waiting I choose my distraction via Fox News and Hannity and Colmes. If you're going to choose a biased network you might as well choose one that's in favor of your candidate.

I'm still hopeful that we'll see the results tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
You know, I am tempted to start a thread, and post every three seconds about "WHEN IS THE FY09 ACCP MESSAGE COMING OUT!! OMG!! LOL!!!!"

Even though I know not to expect the message until November/December


STA-21 NFO Selectee
bedwellm thanks for that brief. That is the best brief on STA-21 that I have seen since I started trying to apply. It is very informative, but I wonder why they leaned to talking about IW so much.