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FY10 STA-21 Applicants gather round!


New Member
HOO-RAH! Thats a good ass Navy wife right there. Thanks for your support ladies!
It is pretty funny to see a wife go after another wife.
I do wonder. if he is only going to be on leave for 3 weeks, regardless if the results came out today tomorrow or two weeks ago he would still only have 3 weeks of leave and how does that change anything. unless you think that he is going to be too tired to do anything (wink wink) anyway. I know i would somehow find the stamina to take care of my 'duties' at home and still pass a physical hell even a PRT directly afterwards to ensure that i get it all done in time. Then i would come back home and retake care of my 'duties' at home again when i was done with work related stuff. Whatever lady!


Well-Known Member
Im just glad my wife is all about me getting picked up. I couldnt imagine doing all this with out her help. that sucks.


New Member
see... what really happened was when we set our clocks back an hour... the people at BUPERS mistakenly set them back a month, so they think it's Oct 6th......... :icon_tong

So when I originally made this post I did so jokingly. However with yet another Friday come and gone, I have to wonder if maybe there was some truth to it...


Well-Known Member
was there any truth to what someone said earlier about the board being compromised. That would explain the long ass delay.


Hey, I'm a Navy wife and I'm feeling pretty pissed myself. I honestly hope my husband doesn't get accepted this year because he's deployed right now and won't return for another few weeks. After that, everyone goes on leave for 3 weeks so I don't see how he's going to be able to get all his paperwork through. A pain in the ass to say the least

Sure, he might have to not go on leave in order to get everything done in time. But lets face it, if he gets picked up, he'd be trading three weeks of leave for three YEARS of shore duty with ZERO chance of deployment, followed by more shore duty in initial officer training...

And even at that, I'm sure he could still technically be on leave any of those times he doesn't need to be on base to get his paperwork done. (Physical, etc)


And my fortune cookie says:



Hers:"Ignorance never settles a question." .... in bed
Mine: "You will soon gain something you have always wanted." ....... in bed


New Member
Hey, I'm a Navy wife and I'm feeling pretty pissed myself. I honestly hope my husband doesn't get accepted this year because he's deployed right now and won't return for another few weeks. After that, everyone goes on leave for 3 weeks so I don't see how he's going to be able to get all his paperwork through. A pain in the ass to say the least

I actually got a user name to simply reply to what you just said. That is THE MOST ungrateful thing I have ever heard anyone say....EVER. There are people on here who would do just about anything to be picked up, and like they've said before, it is alot of work to get a packet like this together, and to organize all of the boards. I've seen all that my husband has had to do first hand to get his packet together. Do you not understand that this is something to better your life just as much as his? Didn't realize that bettering yourself for your and your family's sake was such a "pain in the ass to say the least". I think its freakin' awesome.


New Member
I actually got a user name to simply reply to what you just said. That is THE MOST ungrateful thing I have ever heard anyone say....EVER. There are people on here who would do just about anything to be picked up, and like they've said before, it is alot of work to get a packet like this together, and to organize all of the boards. I've seen all that my husband has had to do first hand to get his packet together. Do you not understand that this is something to better your life just as much as his? Didn't realize that bettering yourself for your and your family's sake was such a "pain in the ass to say the least". I think its freakin' awesome.

That's my daughter-in-law! YOU GO GIRL!!


Hey, I'm a Navy wife and I'm feeling pretty pissed myself. I honestly hope my husband doesn't get accepted this year because he's deployed right now and won't return for another few weeks. After that, everyone goes on leave for 3 weeks so I don't see how he's going to be able to get all his paperwork through. A pain in the ass to say the least

A military career is something that you are going to support him with. It is very unfortunate you feel the way that you do. I have been blessed with a wife who has supported every endeavor I have undertaken. She also understands the opportunity that this program give us at bettering our life.

....oh did I mention I just deployed about a week and a half ago? Here I am sitting in Iraq...hoping I get accepted, while my wife sits home wishing the same. Maybe instead of being ungrateful you should help put in his applications, there is still time...not a lot but I wouldn't be surprised to see the deadlines pushed. He shouldn't have to be there in person to take care of most the loose ends.


New Member

I gave in and called Ed today to hear this response:

"It is on CNP VADM Ferguson's desk awaiting his signature. As soon as he signs it the results will be released."

He also stated that he believes results would be out today (not happening with what time it is now), tomorrow, or Monday.

My opinion of that is tomorrow is Saturday and I have personally never seen a message released on a Saturday. I would say it is possible on Monday but what is the standdown period for Veteran's Day. I know that some people are off on Monday.

With this information, it just goes to show that no one really knows. The STA-21 guys are probably assessing just like us about when they will be out and they are not 100% sure either.

What they did know was it was on VADM Ferguson's desk. With that, my assessment is the results will be out on Tuesday. This is just what I think from the information I have been given. It is open to your opinionated criticisms and that is fine by me.

Sorry for the late post as I work night shift and internet is not too good on the ship underway.

Have a great weekend and try not to think about the results. I know that is what I am going to try to do.

Thanks again for the informative/comical/sometimes aggressive forum.

Douglas Kelley



As much as I really want to believe this, my faith in "the process" is at an all-time low.

I would guess, if this information is true, that we should be looking for it Monday nights message traffic for commands to inform applicants on Tuesday.
On a side note, I've been sitting around watching old episodes of the show "Seaquest". I think I'm gonna try and get myself a ballcap from ebay