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FY10 STA-21 Applicants gather round!


New Member
Hey, I'm a Navy wife and I'm feeling pretty pissed myself. I honestly hope my husband doesn't get accepted this year because he's deployed right now and won't return for another few weeks. After that, everyone goes on leave for 3 weeks so I don't see how he's going to be able to get all his paperwork through. A pain in the ass to say the least

WOW!! Does your husband know how you feel? Are you prior Navy or any service? Did you not know what you were getting yourself into marrying a Sailor? Yes the Navy is a pain sometimes, but it turns out worth it.. Do you get mad and stomp your feet when he has duty or has to deploy? lmao. WOW, and some people wonder why navy wives have bad names...

To all the other wifey's supporting their husbands I give you respect, but SingleBE...


New Member
Hey, I'm a Navy wife and I'm feeling pretty pissed myself. I honestly hope my husband doesn't get accepted this year because he's deployed right now and won't return for another few weeks. After that, everyone goes on leave for 3 weeks so I don't see how he's going to be able to get all his paperwork through. A pain in the ass to say the least

That is a great display of family support. This is a hard ass process, I almost didn;t apply this year but my husbands support is what got me through it this year. I have applied the past 3 years and it is disappoint when you find that you were not selected. I am not sure how much time and effort your husband put into applying, but i am sure he would not appreciate your waivering support. If he is selected I am sure hios admin will help, but the huddles and obstacles that we have to over come is part of what becomeing an officer is about.


New Member

I gave in and called Ed today to hear this response:

"It is on CNP VADM Ferguson's desk awaiting his signature. As soon as he signs it the results will be released."

He also stated that he believes results would be out today (not happening with what time it is now), tomorrow, or Monday.

My opinion of that is tomorrow is Saturday and I have personally never seen a message released on a Saturday. I would say it is possible on Monday but what is the standdown period for Veteran's Day. I know that some people are off on Monday.

With this information, it just goes to show that no one really knows. The STA-21 guys are probably assessing just like us about when they will be out and they are not 100% sure either.

Douglas Kelley

I went by the command career counselor's office and heard similar info. He said that the admiral is engaged elsewhere at the time and as soon as he gets back all he has to do is sign it. So I feel like we might be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


New Member
You can't be serious! I'll be proud of your husband for you. Did he submit his package while he was deployed?

I understand it's a lot to handle, on top of a deployment. On the other hand, he is trying to create a better life for your family. While most of us our sitting in our comfy homes pressing the F5 like addicts, he is serving our country and protecting our freedoms.

It will be "a pain in the ass to say the least." Three years from now, when he is an officer, you will look back and regret this statement.

It's hard to see the other side of the hill until you work hard getting to the top!

Perhaps I didn't explain the situation enough. This is his first time applying and we were not exactly prepared. We didn't know that he would have to submit the acceptance letters and additional documentation by a certain deadline. Yes, he has been deployed twice this year, so I myself have put a considerable amount of time into helping him with his application. But he's 27, too old for most schools to accept him as a freshman, and has only 6 college credits, too few for most schools to accept him as a transfer student. Because of that his options will be severely limited to which schools he can apply for, including his top choice which was NC State. I would just hate for him to get accepted into the program only to be kicked out because 1) we didn't get the documentation submitted in time or 2) because he couldn't get accepted into a school. We have talked about it and both realize that those are two very real possibilities so we're just chalking this year up as a learning experience and hoping to be better prepared for next year.


New Member
Sure, he might have to not go on leave in order to get everything done in time. But lets face it, if he gets picked up, he'd be trading three weeks of leave for three YEARS of shore duty with ZERO chance of deployment, followed by more shore duty in initial officer training...

And even at that, I'm sure he could still technically be on leave any of those times he doesn't need to be on base to get his paperwork done. (Physical, etc)

This is not about him going on leave! He is taking one week of leave out of the three. The rest of his command is going on leave. And it's not about the deployments. He is up for shore duty in May and won't be deploying between now and then. We both agreed that next year we will just be better prepared because of the lack of deployments and the fact that he will have more college classes that he has taken, including Calculus.


FY09 STA-21 Pilot Alternate
Perhaps I didn't explain the situation enough. This is his first time applying and we were not exactly prepared. We didn't know that he would have to submit the acceptance letters and additional documentation by a certain deadline. Yes, he has been deployed twice this year, so I myself have put a considerable amount of time into helping him with his application. But he's 27, too old for most schools to accept him as a freshman, and has only 6 college credits, too few for most schools to accept him as a transfer student. Because of that his options will be severely limited to which schools he can apply for, including his top choice which was NC State. I would just hate for him to get accepted into the program only to be kicked out because 1) we didn't get the documentation submitted in time or 2) because he couldn't get accepted into a school. We have talked about it and both realize that those are two very real possibilities so we're just chalking this year up as a learning experience and hoping to be better prepared for next year.

I am living, breathing proof that you can get into any college after acceptance. 80 days absent with a 2.0 GPA my senior year and I got into University of Maryland. Schools WILL work with your husband because of his military status and the program. There are many people that aren't on this site that are in the same situation that haven't started the 2nd process. I would surely think that deadlines will slide right because of the delay in the release.

Just my .02


FY-07 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
This is not about him going on leave! He is taking one week of leave out of the three. The rest of his command is going on leave. And it's not about the deployments. He is up for shore duty in May and won't be deploying between now and then. We both agreed that next year we will just be better prepared because of the lack of deployments and the fact that he will have more college classes that he has taken, including Calculus.

Yes it would be bad if your husband got accepted into STA-21 and then got dropped because of some paper work issue; however, if you get accepted there are plenty of schools that will accept him because they know the government money is good, or because they already have in place programs with the military.

So please don't sell yourself or your husband short.

I am living, breathing proof that you can get into any college after acceptance. 80 days absent with a 2.0 GPA my senior year and I got into University of Maryland. Schools WILL work with your husband because of his military status and the program. There are many people that aren't on this site that are in the same situation that haven't started the 2nd process. I would surely think that deadlines will slide right because of the delay in the release.

Just my .02

Not all schools will accept the 2.0 GPA. In fact a friend of mine who was selected for as an Alternate in FY06 was unable to get into any school that he applied for. Note, he did not apply to the military friendly schools. He only applied to the ones that he insisted on going to. Thus, when he was rejected by all the schools, he had to turn down his acceptance into STA-21 when it was offered later on.
So my advice, work hard to get into the school that you want, but getting your degree and commission is the most important thing. Also, keep in mind that if your husband is planning getting a masters at all, it usually does not really matter what his bachelors was in because the masters is a higher level degree.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I didn't explain the situation enough. This is his first time applying and we were not exactly prepared. We didn't know that he would have to submit the acceptance letters and additional documentation by a certain deadline. Yes, he has been deployed twice this year, so I myself have put a considerable amount of time into helping him with his application. But he's 27, too old for most schools to accept him as a freshman, and has only 6 college credits, too few for most schools to accept him as a transfer student. Because of that his options will be severely limited to which schools he can apply for, including his top choice which was NC State. I would just hate for him to get accepted into the program only to be kicked out because 1) we didn't get the documentation submitted in time or 2) because he couldn't get accepted into a school. We have talked about it and both realize that those are two very real possibilities so we're just chalking this year up as a learning experience and hoping to be better prepared for next year.

Don't worry yourself too much...if you call Ed and explain your situation, he can make the world move for you.

If all else fails, all it takes to get into Old Dominion is two legs, a hole, and a heartbeat. ODU is only about 4 hours away from NC State, if being on the east coast is what you're worried about.


New Member
Don't worry yourself too much...if you call Ed and explain your situation, he can make the world move for you.

If all else fails, all it takes to get into Old Dominion is two legs, a hole, and a heartbeat. ODU is only about 4 hours away from NC State, if being on the east coast is what you're worried about.

If that's the case then can I go ahead and apply for him? Or does the application require a signature? And should I even be contacting the general academic advisors at the schools or just the NROTC reps? The advisors were the ones telling me that he could not apply as a freshman. I have not been in contact with the NROTC reps.


Proud Navy Wife
Perhaps I didn't explain the situation enough. This is his first time applying and we were not exactly prepared. We didn't know that he would have to submit the acceptance letters and additional documentation by a certain deadline. Yes, he has been deployed twice this year, so I myself have put a considerable amount of time into helping him with his application. But he's 27, too old for most schools to accept him as a freshman, and has only 6 college credits, too few for most schools to accept him as a transfer student. Because of that his options will be severely limited to which schools he can apply for, including his top choice which was NC State. I would just hate for him to get accepted into the program only to be kicked out because 1) we didn't get the documentation submitted in time or 2) because he couldn't get accepted into a school. We have talked about it and both realize that those are two very real possibilities so we're just chalking this year up as a learning experience and hoping to be better prepared for next year.

It's disheartening to know that my husband and others are up against yours, when your not even fully committed to this! This obviously meant a lot to your husband if he went through all the hoop jumping to get his package in on time.

I get it, the longer they hold the results, the more stress of getting everything done before NSI. I'm sure he has lost some hope. That's where we, the wives or significant others, come in and help keep the spirits up. Remember, this is a complete evaluation of him as a person and soldier. Rejection is not a great feeling, then to look over and know your wife was hoping you didn't get in? That sure would make me feel worse!

It's one thing to feel a certain way, but when you express that feeling on an open forum, you opened yourself up to judgement.

It was a big slap in the face to those of us who want this more than anything! To wives who spent all night trying to keep our husbands pre-occupied, wink wink, to keep them off this forum, even for just 5 minutes.

There are only so many places without wifi, so it looks like another weekend at the beach!:D


New Member
physicals and 36 months degree plans

Hey, has anyone actually mailed their physicals off yet and if so did you personally mail it or did you have medical mail it? The medical department on my ship is behind the curve because when I went to them they told me that I should have mailed it with my package which I disagreed with..

Also anyone completed their degree plan yet? Someone at ODU is working with me from the Computer Science Department but he asked me the specific Naval courses I have to take which I don't know. All I know is that you will take a few at NSI and 2 at your chosen University. Anyone knows the exact courses?

I completed my physical in 2 days so thats out of the way but I want to get everything else together since the results are late.


FY-07 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
Hey, has anyone actually mailed their physicals off yet and if so did you personally mail it or did you have medical mail it? The medical department on my ship is behind the curve because when I went to them they told me that I should have mailed it with my package which I disagreed with..

Also anyone completed their degree plan yet? Someone at ODU is working with me from the Computer Science Department but he asked me the specific Naval courses I have to take which I don't know. All I know is that you will take a few at NSI and 2 at your chosen University. Anyone knows the exact courses?

I completed my physical in 2 days so thats out of the way but I want to get everything else together since the results are late.

These following are the required course, each 3 credits.
NAVS 401-Ideally Fall Senior year
NAVS 402-Spring Senior year

You also have to enroll in the "lab" for naval science which is what is known as drill. The list of you designated lab is below. Each of the labs are 1 credit.

Sophomore Fall- Navs 211
Sophomore Spring-NAVS 212
Junior Fall- NAVS 311
Junior Spring- NAVS 312
Senior Fall- NAVS 411
Senior Spring- NAVS 412