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FY12 STA-21 Applicants


So we all agree on October...Jeep you picked a Saturday??? I will be at the Navy-Southern Miss football game that day.

Question of the Day...Sept 14th
- How many "substantiating documents" (quals, awards, etc) did you have in your package (i.e. the number listed on the STA-21 website)?
- 29.

If you didn't answer DB Q#1 feel free to answer both Q's, and the same goes from here on out...for non frequent visitors/deployed....

Popo Jijo

Primary Complete
Q #1- OCT 3rd (very hopeful)
Q #2- 11

I think another good question would be what NAVADMIN number will it be?


US Navy Diver
Hmm, can't remember exactly but mine was about 20-something. Don't really feel like looking it up (always buggy trying to access it from home).


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
So we all agree on October...Jeep you picked a Saturday??? I will be at the Navy-Southern Miss football game that day.

Question of the Day...Sept 14th
- How many "substantiating documents" (quals, awards, etc) did you have in your package (i.e. the number listed on the STA-21 website)?
- 29.

If you didn't answer DB Q#1 feel free to answer both Q's, and the same goes from here on out...for non frequent visitors/deployed....
Yeah ... don't know how I picked a Saturday ... my day is now going to be 06 Oct ... the Thursday prior. I had 21 documents in my package.

David M. Holland

East Meets West
So many would be O's... Anybody have any idea if the numbers will improve? I heard accenstions were down, but they cut too many pilots last year and are in need.


New Member
So we all agree on October...Jeep you picked a Saturday??? I will be at the Navy-Southern Miss football game that day.

Question of the Day...Sept 14th
- How many "substantiating documents" (quals, awards, etc) did you have in your package (i.e. the number listed on the STA-21 website)?
- 29.

If you didn't answer DB Q#1 feel free to answer both Q's, and the same goes from here on out...for non frequent visitors/deployed....
# 1 - I'm going with 2OCT11
#2 - I had 9... What did you guys put in there to make such high numbers?


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
# 1 - I'm going with 2OCT11
#2 - I had 9... What did you guys put in there to make such high numbers?
I had 3 NAM's, 2 LOC'S, 3 LOR's, My Page 4 from the ship and CSC PQS cover sheet (4 pages), 3 Letters of Des, 1 Letter from VT(college), a degree plan from UVA (3 Pages), My ESWS Cert, and something else that I can't think of off the top of my head. Everything I sent in had a purpose in showing the board the whole me. Hope this helps.


killer boots man!
I am going to guess OCT 21. Last year my guess was only 1 day off. I think I guess a wednesday and it came on a thursday. (correct me if im wrong). So for the 2nd question...I have 20 additional documents and that doesnt seem like a high number so 9 is actully low.


New Member
It could be that my CoC was lazy and didn't care but people like that don't exist in the Navy. Right? :rolleyes:

Your CoC was probably just hoping you would f&*king leave without having to pretend that they were happy for you, for good reason!

And with the repeal of DADT, you don't have to hide who you really are anymore. (as made evident by your use of a purple emoticon)


US Navy Diver
I may try Firefox again, haven't used it in awhile.

I had several LOR, quals, awards, Dari language score, Page 4, etc... Mostly it was a lot of Certificates from school and training programs that did not make it into my Page 4.

David M. Holland

East Meets West
I was told not to put too much in it. Just my page 4. I put in LOAs and LORs. If you look at previous threads, a lot of past selectees didn't have that. But whatever works.

David M. Holland

East Meets West
I was told not to put too much in it. Just my page 4. I put in LOAs and LORs. If you look at previous threads, a lot of past selectees didn't have that. But whatever works.
On a side note, you have to look at a few other things, budget cuts, so if you have an associates or something that people can put you easily through, they need only spend have the money on you, thus more selectees. Just some thoughts.


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
I was told not to put too much in it. Just my page 4. I put in LOAs and LORs. If you look at previous threads, a lot of past selectees didn't have that. But whatever works.
I am not sure that there is a proverbial "right" number of documents to include in this enclusure. I've been given conflicting advice as to how to go about it. Some people insist that if it's in your evals, then don't worry about putting it in the enclosure. Others, like one of my reviewing Officers, loved how complete she felt it was. Since I do not know what the Officers that sit the board in Pensacola are looking for, I decided to err on the side of caution. I want that Officer to feel like he know's everything there is to know about me in regards to this package. I felt that beyond awards, quals and LOR's, there were other aspects of my package that would be beneficial to address. But that's me and who know's. One Officer may think, wow, this guy is a bit pompous. Another might eat it up. I suppose we can compare when results are released and use it as a learning tool.