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FY12 STA-21 Applicants


FY12 & 13 CORE Applicant
I'm just like many of you guys. I've been checking the status of my package everyday since it was mailed off. Hopefully thinking someone would screw up and post the results early. I'm going to guess for October 12th for the results to come out. I'm applying for Core this year, is anyone else going for Core?


Happy Monday ladies

Not a lot of participation....yet.

If/When you get selected...what is your drink of choice for celebration?

- Sam Adams Octoberfest in the backyard by the firepit...and I'm calling the LPO and taking the following day off!


I think I'd want my first chief to salute me first. He was awesome. Bushmills and Cherry Coke for the drink.


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
Not quite ice cold Boston Lager while sitting on my front porch.

And this thread will be exploding any day now ...


FY13 Pilot Applicant (2nd time)
Happy Monday ladies

Not a lot of participation....yet.

If/When you get selected...what is your drink of choice for celebration?

- Sam Adams Octoberfest in the backyard by the firepit...and I'm calling the LPO and taking the following day off!
I would have to second that notion!!!


FY-12 Oceanography Selectee
Looks like you have some good stats! How many credits do you have? Do you have an Associates? I know the website says the personal statement and the CO recommendation are huge. Who sat your board? Do you think your TIS is an advantage or disadvantage?

I would estimate more than 60 (I'm still taking classes so not sure off the top of my head... I don't have an Associates because I was going straight for the Bachelors. What degree are you looking towards and what school? My internal board was my command... my OIC (LCDR), incoming and outgoing XO's (both LCDR's) and my CO (CDR). My nomination review board was 3 CAPT's and a LCDR. The CO of NAVSTA Norfolk, a METOC CAPT, a SWO CAPT and the LCDR was a Deck DivO, I believe. I'm not sure about the TIS... it's a wild card... I don't see how it would hurt though... experience is everything in my book... plus I'm not old... not set in my ways you could say. What about you? Who sat your board?


FY-12 Specwar Alternate
Does anyone know how to go about getting reimbursed for a college application fee? Or do you have to wait until you are selected to do so?


New Member
I would estimate more than 60 (I'm still taking classes so not sure off the top of my head... I don't have an Associates because I was going straight for the Bachelors. What degree are you looking towards and what school? My internal board was my command... my OIC (LCDR), incoming and outgoing XO's (both LCDR's) and my CO (CDR). My nomination review board was 3 CAPT's and a LCDR. The CO of NAVSTA Norfolk, a METOC CAPT, a SWO CAPT and the LCDR was a Deck DivO, I believe. I'm not sure about the TIS... it's a wild card... I don't see how it would hurt though... experience is everything in my book... plus I'm not old... not set in my ways you could say. What about you? Who sat your board?
At the end of this semester I will be 94 credits into my bachelors, but in social science so I would have to start back at 60 for Atmospheric Science. The college I would prefer most is Cornell University and I would apply for Atmospheric Science. I got my AAS last year from TESC. My internal was 2 Department Heads (LCDR's) and 1 LT Instructor. I saw the Captain for a separate interview (CAPT). My external was a Submarine Squadron Deputy and 2 SOAC LT's and SubFor Oceanographer (Teleconference). The reason I wondered about the TIS is because I have seen quite a few guys get picked up as very junior guys but more senior guys who didn't have as long left to serve as an officer that didn't get selected. Are you or have you been an LPO?

Popo Jijo

Primary Complete
It is looking like STA-21 might be my only chance at staying in the Navy. PTS isn't prove to be too friendly to my rating right now. I hope it is more than 75. Rumors suck, especially bad ones.


guys don't take what one person "Mike Hagensick" from "Hawaii" says in a comment on facebook for truth. someone's co said that someone said that they heard that they were picking X number of people this year??? that could of been for a certain designator, ethnic group, etc... it is like the game in elementary school when the teacher tells the kid in the front left a phrase then passes it back to the last row on the right.... "jimmy has an apple" turns in to "sally's mom sells snapple"
i hope you guys keep your heads up. it is tough times right now. Advancement is down, PTS, ERB, PRT Changes... stay dedicated and keep your goal in sight, you applied...the worst they can say is no, sorry, try again.

just my 2 cents.


US Navy Diver
I'll believe numbers when the results come out. Not great news to hear but I have enough worry/wonder/curiosity going on that I'll just wait and see.

I'm just going to hope the results come out sooner rather than later.