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More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Item number two on this list is relevant here.

Just because some whack job in SF proposes something doesn't mean it's actually being done by decision makers, however suspicious we may be based on recent ship namings.

As for this rest of the homosexuality bit, let's keep it relevant to the military, and not based on our own personal beliefs, i.e. a discussion of DADT repeal and its effects on the military is legitimate, within proper bounds, but a discussion of its morality or whatever is best taken to another board. I say that knowing that I'd like to come at this debate with a baseball bat of self-righteousness at what I think is prejudice, but am trying to hold back. Like much in the military, you can have your own opinions, just as long as you don't let them affect your work. I just wonder how some people here are going to handle some of their troops who they regard as inherently "immoral," "deviant," or "pedophiles." You going to give them a fair shake?


Combat Engineer
Maybe, but I think what he's really saying is, instead of contributing something noteworthy to this debate, he will instead espouse a completely infantile homophobic caricature of a point and carry on smartly. Bravo, soda jones. You have a future in debate!

I already publicly apologized or did you not see it two posts above and 10.5 hours before your post? Maybe you couldn't see it from your high horse.


Well-Known Member
I already publicly apologized or did you not see it two posts above and 10.5 hours before your post? Maybe you couldn't see it from your high horse.

You're right. Not about the high horse. There is no conceit or arrogance in my above posts (for once). I apologize for adding to the pile of negative responses. However, I stand by my post. Can you? Right.... I forgot. You were drunk at the time. So that makes it excusable. Good luck getting through life apologizing for drunk misdeeds.


Combat Engineer
I have no ax to grind with you.

Let me make it clear, what I wrote was juvenile and wrong. Again, I am sorry I posted it. I'm not using alcohol as an excuse, I made a poor decision which I take responsibility for. If you want to discuss this further feel free to PM me.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
And there's the problem with stereotypes Otto.... See what you did there....?

I don't think you.... take a minute. You'll get it...

Took a minute.... Still not sure how you're caricature of a bigoted, hate spewing Southerner is much different from the ignorant image that was painted by those you're so critical of.

I'm NOT defending comments made here about homosexuals, but I am correctly pointing out the hypocrisy in your judgements.


Internet killed the television star
Let me be perfectly clear (this post made with zero sarcasm). This Country's Greatness rests upon the pillar of the First Amendment. I pride myself (as I'm sure you did) on wearing the uniform which means I would give my life to defend every other American's right to be (and speak as) an asshole. More power to him to speak his mind; I'm just calling the baby ugly.

This is a serious question.

Is it wrong that a person disagree with homosexuality? The way he posted his opinions was crude, but is he a bad person for not accepting homosexuality?If so, why?

It seems to me that in this day in age if you don't agree with homosexuality you are automatically a bad person. What if it's based about a person's religion, which most I believe are against it. Or, what if it's just a personal opinion not based in religion at all, and just a different set of morals beliefs?

I'm not arguing for or against homosexuality with that question, but the part that bothers me is that there seems to be as much hatred towards the people who disagree with homosexuality as the other way around.

"Stop talking smart, faggot!" in the most southern of accents.

Otto, until you realize that this is just as bad as what has been said previously, all your ranting is pointless. As a southerner I take offense to this because it stereotypes me and my family the exact same way you are arguing against Soda for.


Well-Known Member
I may not agree with how a person lives their life, but if it doesn't affect me and they aren't "in my face" about it I don't care, I just want them to do their job.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
This is a serious question.

Is it wrong that a person disagree with homosexuality? The way he posted his opinions was crude, but is he a bad person for not accepting homosexuality?If so, why?

It seems to me that in this day in age if you don't agree with homosexuality you are automatically a bad person. What if it's based about a person's religion, which most I believe are against it. Or, what if it's just a personal opinion not based in religion at all, and just a different set of morals beliefs?

I'm not arguing for or against homosexuality with that question, but the part that bothers me is that there seems to be as much hatred towards the people who disagree with homosexuality as the other way around.

Otto, until you realize that this is just as bad as what has been said previously, all your ranting is pointless. As a southerner I take offense to this because it stereotypes me and my family the exact same way you are arguing against Soda for.
Replace "homosexuality" with "black guys," then ask your question again and see how good you feel about your premise.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
This is a serious question.

Is it wrong that a person disagree with homosexuality? The way he posted his opinions was crude, but is he a bad person for not accepting homosexuality?If so, why?

It seems to me that in this day in age if you don't agree with homosexuality you are automatically a bad person. What if it's based about a person's religion, which most I believe are against it. Or, what if it's just a personal opinion not based in religion at all, and just a different set of morals beliefs?

It's not a rhetorical question.

Otto, until you realize that this is just as bad as what has been said previously, all your ranting is pointless. As a southerner I take offense to this because it stereotypes me and my family the exact same way you are arguing against Soda for.

Good point on calling out Otto on the Southerner thing. I missed the accent thing. Then again, I'm usually in favor of calling out Otto.

If I get what you're saying, you think that holding a person's religion against him is wrong. I agree with that.

At the same time, for most religions, if one really believes in all of a religion's tenets, then all other religions but his own are immoral and wrong. One is allowed to think that, and even hold rational debate about the validity of one religion versus another. Typically, though, one is expected to 1) not discriminate against members of other religions and 2) not call people horrible names because they believe in a different religion.

By the same token, one can have personal reservations about homosexuality and even express them in a civil manner. There comes a point where such comments cross the line and become unacceptable in civil society. I think "high-functioning pedophiliac" and "deviant" are among those things, both of which have been in this thread.

Private citizens exhibiting scorn for prejudice is not against the 1st Amendment. For example, you can carry a sign down Main Street that says whatever you want. Just because someone calls you an asshole doesn't mean your rights have been infringed. If the government throws you in jail, it's another story.


Internet killed the television star
Replace "homosexuality" with "black guys," then ask your question again and see how good you feel about your premise.

I think that's different, not quite apples to apples. I personally think it's a choice to be gay (I realize that's an argument unto itself) but you can't really "choose" to be black.

The problem as I see it is that it seems if you disagree with being gay it automatically means you hate gays. That's not the case in most situations I've seen but when it comes out that "hey, Johnny doesn't agree with homosexuality" it degrades into a name-calling, slug-fest, hatred laced speech instead of it simply being a question of "why?".

Where I grew up was very much Bible-belt southern Baptist area so there was an overwhelming disagreement to homosexuality but the funny thing is, I knew several gay people in high school and no one gave a shit. It is possible to disagree with someone and still be friends with them and I think that point is lost on many in this day and age.


Well-Known Member
Replace "homosexuality" with "black guys," then ask your question again and see how good you feel about your premise.

As this site's token regular black guy (which brings up another point about the reasons behind social group dynamics for another day) I respectfully disagree.

Sexual orientation and the group dynamics related are worlds different than racial orientation and the group dynamics related.

However, I can honestly see my best friend, who is white, not wanting to visit my cousin on the bad side of town because of fear of a crappy situation coming from it. At the very least, I can see him being highly uncomfortable. I can respect that.

Likewise, I wouldn't want to go to the "bad side" of San Fransico with a gay friend for fear of a crappy situation coming from it (and I've seen it happen).

I think that is what some guys on this thread are trying to say, but they are going about it poorly.


Well-Known Member
OK. I had no idea our present day Officers were so culturally and emotionally sophisticated. Not that long ago our Navy was much more conservative, so I apologize for offending todays best. You guys are the best and are indeed the leaders of today's Navy.

The story that I shared about paging certain folks to a local Gay Mens Club phone number to me was and still is humorous. Keep up the good fight and redirect that energy towards training and we'll all be better off as a result of your efforts. I still vote NO on the USS Harvey Milk idea. He did nothing extraordinary during his service to deserve such an honor.

Have a great Memorial weekend and be safe.
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