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JAN/FEB/MAR 2014 Rolling SNA and SNFO Boards


"Descent Planning"
Since when could you do that?
Not sure. Didn't ask too many questions when they said I could do that. Cost $400+ though to go through a physician that knows what they are doing so has its downsides. But everything is submitted to N3M or whatever the place is and still have to get PQ'd just like everyone else.


Pew pew pew
I had a great time at Meps, me along with a couple of guys kept laughing and cracking jokes about each other. We tried to make someone laugh when everyone was literally trying to hold in their piss for the drug test. All the nonsense changed and it got pretty quiet after the sports physical though...


I had a great time at Meps, me along with a couple of guys kept laughing and cracking jokes about each other. We tried to make someone laugh when everyone was literally trying to hold in their piss for the drug test. All the nonsense changed and it got pretty quiet after the sports physical though...
LOL! The "nuts and butts" check.

Quoting a petty officer helping out with the exams.


Joking aside... I went to MEPS 5 times. The staff kept insisting I had a fungal infection in my ear, wouldn't take a general practitioner note had to see a specialist (3 trips). 4th trip navy staff had lost all my paperwork... Went back 2 days later and finally got my fit for service signature. (3hr drive each time btw)


Then I didn't get selected for SNA because of depth perception... I eas in the chair for 20-30 seconds and they said I was good. (I was enlisting at the time so I assume they were just testing to see if I qualified for service)

I went to a civilian eye doctor and had a 1 hr eye exam that shows good depth perception.

I reapplied in November hoping for a word in December. I don't think I'll get SNA because I turn 27 in August. I'm hoping for NFO.


SNA Select
Recommend retake after 90 days.:)

Wasn't trying to embarrass you, but it's impossible to offer meaningful help not knowing anything about your package (at a minimum GPAs/ASTB-OAR, LORs, degree major, etc.). Don't go it alone, there is plenty of experience available here to give educated advice, and attempt to answer most questions.:)

No worries, you didn't embarrass me. Here's my stats:

Degree: Aeronautics from Embry-Riddle
GPA: 3.802 (Magna Cum Laude)
LORs: 3 USAF O'6, 1 USAF 0-5, 1 USAF E-8, and 1 Professor
Interview: 10
ASTB: 45/5/6/6
Strong Motivational Statement

Also, I will definitely be retaking the ASTB. I just wanted to get a little board experience and ensure I am ready for round two. I will submit a reconsideration package in hopes of showing significant improvement.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Joking aside... I went to MEPS 5 times. The staff kept insisting I had a fungal infection in my ear, wouldn't take a general practitioner note had to see a specialist (3 trips). 4th trip navy staff had lost all my paperwork... Went back 2 days later and finally got my fit for service signature. (3hr drive each time btw)
On the UP side of a frustratex like this... is that you have shown one and all, that you REALLY want this program, and you will go to great lengths to achieve your goals.;) That means much more than most applicants realize. Whining & claiming entitlement during the application process, can be very hazardous to one's military future!:eek:

Jay Mouton

Ok everyone I have some info to share with you all, information I got straight from the "horses mouth" so to speak. First off the rolling boards aren't based on a time frame, they are based on the number of applications that Millington sets. It could be every 30 days if they were getting a lot of applications. They just cant hold SNA packages longer than 120 days without boarding. They are close to reaching the goal of applicants they set for the next board. I might not make this one, but as long as I can be a Commissioned Officer it doesn't matter when I get selected. Since this site isn't officially sponsored by the Navy we have to take all the information we find here with a grain of salt. Good luck to everyone out there looking to join the worlds finest Navy and I'm looking forward to serving with you in the fleet.

*There isn't a such thing as SNFO. You will be considered a SNA whether you are applying Pilot or NFO :)
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"Descent Planning"