Are there any rumors on when they might select for fy 15, or if they will at all?
In past years they don't look at selecting people for the next FY until April, but that really depends on how many they have waiting that are being pushed into the next FY, I have seen designators shut down for months or years (IP).
Hey everyone. I'm getting anxious abor results and can't seem to find a Board to follow for what I submitted for...
I am currently awaiting results back from 14Feb Boards for Navy Intel, IW, IP, and SWO.( those were my choices in order) I would love se feedback about chances for people that have no experience in military.
I am 22, currently in my third semester of grad school for Global Affairs and Counterterrorism
Undergrad GPA: 3.4
Political Science Major and Criminal Justice Minor
Grad GPA: 4.0
Global Affairs and Counterterrorism
OAR: 46
No prior service
22 years old
College Athlete, Captain all three years
Graduated in three years by taking 22 credits a semester
Traveled the world by myself
Captain in High School Varsity Softball and Basketball
Involved in college SGA, Spanish Club, among 3 other groups/boards
References from 2 retired Jag Officers and 2 Star General Brigadier
Slightly confused on how selections take place regarding my order of choices.
Thanks! I didn't realize that SWO and Intel Boards would be so far apart. I'm pretty much just looking to get my foot in the door. I would take just about any position to get. I'm just hoping my civilian status doesn't hurt me compared to the rest of the applicants.
Well, i was expecting the board to be march/april ish. But My CO called me yesterday and said that i will be driving a boat(Picked up for SWO). I turned in my package January 14th and Active Duty. So who knows what's what.
Probably, I just texted my OR and asked since hehateme was told my his CO that he made itIsn't SWO closed for the FY?
I havent been to work yet, but i will check my email just to make sure everything is official or my CO read something wrong. Well, Im active duty, maybe that the difference?