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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board


Well-Known Member
Okay, so not to derail the discussion too much or anything, but I figure this concerns the folks on this board the most anyway. I've read other threads but they've not really helped.

I'm genuinely concerned about our service commitment once we're in. I'm Pro-Y for pilot and NFO and my recruiter has told me several times that a pilot's active duty commitment is six years + two in the individual ready reserve. I believe he also said that the commitment includes two years for training.
Now, everything I've ever read on the internet, particularly the Navy's website, has said that it is an eight-year active duty requirement, starting the day we get our wings. I'm honestly not sure which to believe. Be it six or ten, I want to join; it's just that I would like to know what I'm signing up for without any ambiguity.

Has anyone also had a recruiter tell them this, and if so, do you believe it's true?
Looking forward to seeing ya'll in Newport!

SNA is 8 years after winging


New Member
Okay, so not to derail the discussion too much or anything, but I figure this concerns the folks on this board the most anyway. I've read other threads but they've not really helped.

I'm genuinely concerned about our service commitment once we're in. I'm Pro-Y for pilot and NFO and my recruiter has told me several times that a pilot's active duty commitment is six years + two in the individual ready reserve. I believe he also said that the commitment includes two years for training.
Now, everything I've ever read on the internet, particularly the Navy's website, has said that it is an eight-year active duty requirement, starting the day we get our wings. I'm honestly not sure which to believe. Be it six or ten, I want to join; it's just that I would like to know what I'm signing up for without any ambiguity.

Has anyone also had a recruiter tell them this, and if so, do you believe it's true?
Looking forward to seeing ya'll in Newport!

Here's the official document: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-n...s/Unrestricted/Documents/PA-106 OCS Pilot.pdf

It says your clock starts once you are designated a Naval Aviator and you must spend 8 years on active duty. Time spent as a Student Naval Aviator does not count. NFOs have basically the same setup, but their obligation is only six years after winging.


Active Member
I am 24 going to be turning 25 on the 23rd of this month. I am in shape for crossfit standards. But according to the Navy tables I am 5 pounds over weight and right at 22% BF. I have to burn a few pounds really quick. There is no way that I am 22% in reality. But it is what it is, I'd like to be able to be so far below the line that there in no question. Good luck all. Maybe my OR can push the date back a little bit if I don't get under weight. My max weight is 191.

You can do it man, it's all about willpower. Cut out your carbs, hit the gym and be strict about it. I taped in at 22% last week but I'm already down to 20% after about a week of working on it. MEPS is next week for me. I'm sitting at 212 lbs, and my max is 206 so I could feasibly get in under the max weight and not have to worry about taping, which would be nice.


Active Member
It depends on who's taping me, I'm anywhere from 19% to 22%. I just wish there were a better standard. Oh well.

I've been told at MEPS they will be pretty much right around the navel line every time. But I'm also told they always round up, never down. So I understand the nervousness. That's why I'm busting my ass right now to make sure I'm as far under it as I can be, lol.


All day, every day!
Thanks for the answer, NavyOffRec. No FS letter yet, but my medical qualification is still pending.


All day, every day!
If you really need to lose weight fast, do what the professional MMA fighters do before weigh-in and sweat all the water weight out.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
You can do it man, it's all about willpower. Cut out your carbs, hit the gym and be strict about it. I taped in at 22% last week but I'm already down to 20% after about a week of working on it. MEPS is next week for me. I'm sitting at 212 lbs, and my max is 206 so I could feasibly get in under the max weight and not have to worry about taping, which would be nice.

Dont want to rate this bad but do not cut out your carbs. Cut out sugar. If you wanna drop its going to require a lot of cardio in which you need good carbs as it requires more energy to break down and burns fat.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
If you really need to lose weight fast, do what the professional MMA fighters do before weigh-in and sweat all the water weight out.

Can't tell if you are joking. He might want to have water weight considering his next weigh in is at OCS, not dehydrated.


I have not yet begun to fight.
If you really need to lose weight fast, do what the professional MMA fighters do before weigh-in and sweat all the water weight out.

I saw a guy who did this when I went to meps and they had a really difficult time doing the urine sample test because he was so dehydrated. Probably best to do it the old fashioned way.
A tip for all: 1lb of fat contains about 3500 calories. ie, to lose one pound of fat you need to burn an extra 3500 calories in addition to what you normally do. One good way is to cut 500 calories a day and also add extra cardio to your workout regimen.


Haze Gray
I saw a guy who did this when I went to meps and they had a really difficult time doing the urine sample test because he was so dehydrated. Probably best to do it the old fashioned way.
A tip for all: 1lb of fat contains about 3500 calories. ie, to lose one pound of fat you need to burn an extra 3500 calories in addition to what you normally do. One good way is to cut 500 calories a day and also add extra cardio to your workout regimen.
If you have a smartphone you can get LoseIt! or fat secret app, both of which are free and will estimate how many calories you can eat per day based on your height/weight/age/activity level. LoseIt even has separate settings for losing 2lbs vs 1lb a week and both apps have barcode scanners so you can just scan the box of label of whatever you're eating to get the calories.

I bolded the most useful part of this dude's post because a lot of people seem to think you need to do p90x/insanity/whatever fad to lose weight. In reality you just need to eat less, getting off your ass + eating better just helps with that goal


Haze Gray
Lol who said those workouts are "fads"?

I didn't mean any offense to you if you're doing any of those programs, I just wanted to get the message across that if you're really overweight the first thing you should be doing is eating at a sensible deficit.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
I didn't mean any offense to you if you're doing any of those programs, I just wanted to get the message across that if you're really overweight the first thing you should be doing is eating at a sensible deficit.
None taken. But those programs def work. ESP if you follow their diets they help you calculate for weight loss. But that app is cool too.