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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board

I have meps in 2 days. My OR is very confident thrbull be going in October/November. Has anyone been hearing any difference as far as time table?


All day, every day!
I heard "it's unlikely that you'll be going in Jan due to finishing your degree in December." I was hoping for Feb or March, but that would mean I'll be turning 27 at OCS with an SNA designation and won't be 27 by commission. Hopefully that won't be a problem.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
I believe you have to turn 27 on graduation or after comission. Not before. Unless you prior with age waiver.


All day, every day!
Yes, but as it is with any government entity, sometimes there is a difference between what the rules say and what is enforced.

I should probably just try to stop worrying about the specifics. Worrying is a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but as it is with any government entity, sometimes there is a difference between what the rules say and what is enforced.

not so much, I have seen several pro Y that never had a FS letter arrive for their primary designator due to various reasons, I have seen one (1) person who was pro Y that went and commissioned after the max age, this person was issued a FS then due to OCS issues the FS was rescinded but we rec'd an email stating that because a FS letter was issued with an OCS date that would have allowed for a commissioning before the max age they were overlooking the max age.

the key thing is getting a FS letter issued, you get that you should be good.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
not so much, I have seen several pro Y that never had a FS letter arrive for their primary designator due to various reasons, I have seen one (1) person who was pro Y that went and commissioned after the max age, this person was issued a FS then due to OCS issues the FS was rescinded but we rec'd an email stating that because a FS letter was issued with an OCS date that would have allowed for a commissioning before the max age they were overlooking the max age.

the key thing is getting a FS letter issued, you get that you should be good.
What are the various reasons you have seen for not getting a FS for you first choice?
Congrats! Good luck and hope your in shape lol!

Good for you! How old are you? Just curious if you might be one of their high priority types.

I am 24 going to be turning 25 on the 23rd of this month. I am in shape for crossfit standards. But according to the Navy tables I am 5 pounds over weight and right at 22% BF. I have to burn a few pounds really quick. There is no way that I am 22% in reality. But it is what it is, I'd like to be able to be so far below the line that there in no question. Good luck all. Maybe my OR can push the date back a little bit if I don't get under weight. My max weight is 191.
I am 24 going to be turning 25 on the 23rd of this month. I am in shape for crossfit standards. But according to the Navy tables I am 5 pounds over weight and right at 22% BF. I have to burn a few pounds really quick. There is no way that I am 22% in reality. But it is what it is, I'd like to be able to be so far below the line that there in no question. Good luck all. Maybe my OR can push the date back a little bit if I don't get under weight. My max weight is 191.

Good luck. I'm in the same weight class but I finally crossed the 191 threshold. I'm at 188. I had to lose 43 pounds to get here. I know you can do it!

I think someone on here said you can be deferred at a rate of 1 week / 2 pounds over for a period of time.

I have meps tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
I am 24 going to be turning 25 on the 23rd of this month. I am in shape for crossfit standards. But according to the Navy tables I am 5 pounds over weight and right at 22% BF. I have to burn a few pounds really quick. There is no way that I am 22% in reality. But it is what it is, I'd like to be able to be so far below the line that there in no question. Good luck all. Maybe my OR can push the date back a little bit if I don't get under weight. My max weight is 191.
Lol no junk food and 4-5 small strict diets on top of crossfit and running you should be fine. May I was 190 (max weight is 186) and 19% BF. I am now 184 and ~14-15% BF. Good luck! Hoping I find out soon.


New Member
Okay, so not to derail the discussion too much or anything, but I figure this concerns the folks on this board the most anyway. I've read other threads but they've not really helped.

I'm genuinely concerned about our service commitment once we're in. I'm Pro-Y for pilot and NFO and my recruiter has told me several times that a pilot's active duty commitment is six years + two in the individual ready reserve. I believe he also said that the commitment includes two years for training.
Now, everything I've ever read on the internet, particularly the Navy's website, has said that it is an eight-year active duty requirement, starting the day we get our wings. I'm honestly not sure which to believe. Be it six or ten, I want to join; it's just that I would like to know what I'm signing up for without any ambiguity.

Has anyone also had a recruiter tell them this, and if so, do you believe it's true?
Looking forward to seeing ya'll in Newport!