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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board


Dont want to rate this bad but do not cut out your carbs. Cut out sugar. If you wanna drop its going to require a lot of cardio in which you need good carbs as it requires more energy to break down and burns fat.
Can't tell if you are joking. He might want to have water weight considering his next weigh in is at OCS, not dehydrated.

Can't agree more here with Spenz. Doing the sweat bags or using any sort of sweat inducing technique is EXTREMELY dangerous. I've seen guys do that and collapse over and have to go to the emergency room because of it.

Scary as hell, and I always promised no matter how bad my weight got I would never do something like that ever again.


All day, every day!
Can't agree more here with Spenz. Doing the sweat bags or using any sort of sweat inducing technique is EXTREMELY dangerous. I've seen guys do that and collapse over and have to go to the emergency room because of it.

Scary as hell, and I always promised no matter how bad my weight got I would never do something like that ever again.

I wasn't joking. I have a friend who actually does the sweat bags... he runs 6 miles twice a week in a garbage bag around where he lives. But he's a freak... Hey, one of my high school teachers had to meet a weight requirement for modeling so she only ate grapes for a week... if you really want to lose that weight there are many smarter ways to do it.

I probably should have mentioned that in my last post- I don't recommend the whole water weight trick and if you're doing that make sure you know what you're doing or have somebody to watch your back during it (probably medical personnel would be best). Dehydration like that is no laughing matter and can cause serious issues (MMA fighters usually have paramedics supply intravenous fluids to replace what they lost after weigh in), but you can lose 5-12 lbs in a pinch if you REALLY must (see "Occupation: Fighter" if you don't believe me). You will also feel like crap and your entire body will slow down.

As far as fad diets go, there are plenty of crazy diets out there that you can find that can wreck your body or there are diets that can work to your advantage. With a high metabolism, that would probably do the job, but you could also replace one of your normal meals with a salad and some added legume protein. One of my classmates did the wholefoods or rawfoods diet for a month (forgot which) and lost about 12 lbs. She also cut out drinking and partying late too, it did wonders for her.

There are probably about a billion other suggestions you can find on the internet, you can find your own dangerous or BS diet there, you can count calories, you can eat nothing but lettuce if you really want. My suggestion is be sensible and spend maybe 30-40 extra minutes a day walking uphill real fast (really steep grade) or bicycling. Both things will work on your legs and cause you to sweat a lot. If you REALLY want a diet plan, you can try this one, which my brother is on (professional firefighter) http://engine2diet.com/

Mr Spenz, sugar is in everything. Good luck.


Active Member
Dont want to rate this bad but do not cut out your carbs. Cut out sugar. If you wanna drop its going to require a lot of cardio in which you need good carbs as it requires more energy to break down and burns fat.

To each their own, but cutting carbs is a tried and true method for weight loss. Carbs contain sugars. Fruit contains fructose, bread has glucose, dairy products contain lactose, beer contains maltose, and so on. You can find yourself getting nowhere if you say to yourself "well I'll just cut sugar" but keep eating fruits and vegetables that are high in sugar content, such as bananas or tomatoes.

When I'm dieting hardcore, I stick to the green veggies. Those give me the carbs I need + fiber and nutrients without the sugar content. I usually eat oats in the morning to get my metabolism going and give me some energy , but you don't need to eat a bunch of carbs to have the energy to work out. In fact, the more tired you feel, the more fat you're burning, as feeling tired is a result of burning fat for fuel, as it's an inferior source of energy than food.

Personally I'd stick to only whole grains, oats, barley, brown rice - that sort of thing in limited quantities. I've had a lot of trial and error with dieting but sticking to fibrous carbs and lean meats with the right balance of healthy fats is never the wrong way to go.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
To each their own, but cutting carbs is a tried and true method for weight loss. Carbs contain sugars. Fruit contains fructose, bread has glucose, dairy products contain lactose, beer contains maltose, and so on. You can find yourself getting nowhere if you say to yourself "well I'll just cut sugar" but keep eating fruits and vegetables that are high in sugar content, such as bananas or tomatoes.

When I'm dieting hardcore, I stick to the green veggies. Those give me the carbs I need + fiber and nutrients without the sugar content. I usually eat oats in the morning to get my metabolism going and give me some energy , but you don't need to eat a bunch of carbs to have the energy to work out. In fact, the more tired you feel, the more fat you're burning, as feeling tired is a result of burning fat for fuel, as it's an inferior source of energy than food.

Personally I'd stick to only whole grains, oats, barley, brown rice - that sort of thing in limited quantities. I've had a lot of trial and error with dieting but sticking to fibrous carbs and lean meats with the right balance of healthy fats is never the wrong way to go.

I should have been specific when saying simple sugars, but you want to keep complex sugars. I eat a 50% carb, 30% protein and 20% fat diet and I still shed fat off my body. I completely agree with your last paragraph though.


How will AD guys receive their final select letter?
Once a Physically Qualified (PQ) letter is issued, NRC processors will forward the PQ letter to the director of OCS Accessions for final review. If approved, your CO will be notified via email. This is what is on my BUPERS page.

After speaking with the processors, they said we can find a date from them a bit before our command gets the notice. If you have access to an NRD such as myself, their processors can also view our information. Unfortunately OR's can not.


I'm okay with the events unfolding currently
I am under the assumption that cutting/gaining fat and muscle is strictly a matter of mathematics—reaching a calorie deficit/surplus. My understanding is that the macros can control the quality of your loss or gain, but not whether it happens. If you have crap macros but you still have a 500-calorie deficit, you're going to lose weight. You just might lose more muscle than you'd like. Likewise, if you eat crap macros and a surplus of calories, you are going to gain...but you might gain more fat than you want to. Again, this is my understanding of it. I'm actually operating on these principles myself right now, so the conversation is useful to me.

On that note, I'd figure eating macro-valuable foods (i.e., quality complex carbs, lean protein sources) would help you maintain the right calorie and macro balance to achieve optimal gain/loss (depending on your goals). Am I correct, or completely out of whack on this?

EDIT: Also, the above statement assumes the calorie/surplus deficit is affected by both exercise and diet, however you choose to achieve it.


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new here and trying to re-designate to Aviation from SWO. I turned 31 on 29JUN and the OCM is telling me the board won't even look at my package due or grant a waiver due to the fact that I'm already 31. I finished my full flight physical recently and still have 20/10 vision and absolutely nothing wrong with me and no past issues either. The doctor highly recommends me and says I'm in outstanding health. I want this pretty bad and I'm planning on taking the ASTB soon.

Is there anything I can do to be granted that waiver after my CO endorses it or should I just not even try? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Hey everyone, I'm new here and trying to re-designate to Aviation from SWO. I turned 31 on 29JUN and the OCM is telling me the board won't even look at my package due or grant a waiver due to the fact that I'm already 31. I finished my full flight physical recently and still have 20/10 vision and absolutely nothing wrong with me and no past issues either. The doctor highly recommends me and says I'm in outstanding health. I want this pretty bad and I'm planning on taking the ASTB soon.

Is there anything I can do to be granted that waiver after my CO endorses it or should I just not even try? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Are you prior service?

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
I am under the assumption that cutting/gaining fat and muscle is strictly a matter of mathematics—reaching a calorie deficit/surplus. My understanding is that the macros can control the quality of your loss or gain, but not whether it happens. If you have crap macros but you still have a 500-calorie deficit, you're going to lose weight. You just might lose more muscle than you'd like. Likewise, if you eat crap macros and a surplus of calories, you are going to gain...but you might gain more fat than you want to. Again, this is my understanding of it. I'm actually operating on these principles myself right now, so the conversation is useful to me.

On that note, I'd figure eating macro-valuable foods (i.e., quality complex carbs, lean protein sources) would help you maintain the right calorie and macro balance to achieve optimal gain/loss (depending on your goals). Am I correct, or completely out of whack on this?

EDIT: Also, the above statement assumes the calorie/surplus deficit is affected by both exercise and diet, however you choose to achieve it.

Ya you eating macro-valuable foods (complex carbs, lean protein, good fat) will help with optimal gain/loss with exercise. Just depends if you are trying to gain weight or lose weight.


Hey everyone, I'm new here and trying to re-designate to Aviation from SWO. I turned 31 on 29JUN and the OCM is telling me the board won't even look at my package due or grant a waiver due to the fact that I'm already 31. I finished my full flight physical recently and still have 20/10 vision and absolutely nothing wrong with me and no past issues either. The doctor highly recommends me and says I'm in outstanding health. I want this pretty bad and I'm planning on taking the ASTB soon.

Is there anything I can do to be granted that waiver after my CO endorses it or should I just not even try? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


MILPERSMAN 1542-010 says that you would have to request an age waiver through BUPERS.

Good luck and be sure to share your experience on Airwariors.com to help others through the process.

You can also checkout a previous post:





Well-Known Member
Once a Physically Qualified (PQ) letter is issued, NRC processors will forward the PQ letter to the director of OCS Accessions for final review. If approved, your CO will be notified via email. This is what is on my BUPERS page.

After speaking with the processors, they said we can find a date from them a bit before our command gets the notice. If you have access to an NRD such as myself, their processors can also view our information. Unfortunately OR's can not.

OR's have the same view access that processors do, the difference is OR's cannot upload into CIRIMS


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm new here and trying to re-designate to Aviation from SWO. I turned 31 on 29JUN and the OCM is telling me the board won't even look at my package due or grant a waiver due to the fact that I'm already 31. I finished my full flight physical recently and still have 20/10 vision and absolutely nothing wrong with me and no past issues either. The doctor highly recommends me and says I'm in outstanding health. I want this pretty bad and I'm planning on taking the ASTB soon.

Is there anything I can do to be granted that waiver after my CO endorses it or should I just not even try? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


You have to go through the OCM, and the lateral transfer board, the OCS boards are only for those that have not been commissioned.