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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was to give you false hope. Your OR expressed concern over the viability of SNA for you, but after talking to NRD decided to include it. You have zero chance of getting SNA if you don't apply, and I imagine your OR figured it was worth a try but you know it is slim. We can speculate all day, but in the end it's the board that decides. Good Luck!

Actually it is not the board that decides on age issues (for those over the waiverable limit), the board will never see his application for SNA if they are doing their job back at NRC, one of the checks is age if it is or cannot be met the NRC processor will pull the application and pro X it for SNA, if it gets past the processor the program manager does the same check with the same results.

Sarah Sprayberry

New Member
Does anyone know when the next board will be held? My OR is saying possibly September. I'm wondering if anyone else has heard the same.

I received this link from a fellow on here. It is a list of the documented board dates and due dates for application submissions. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but from the looks of it the next SNA/SNFO board is Dec. 2, 2013 (Apps due Nov. 6, 2013).

http://www.cnrc.navy.mil/publicatio...4 BOARDSKED By Community - Encl 4 - DRAFT.pdf


New Member
I'm glad I started when I was still young. If anyone hears anything about the next board being any earlier than a November deadline, please post about it or let me know through PM. My OR expects the first new FY14 board to be a lot earlier than the date the rough draft of boards has listed, and I aim to make sure I don't miss another one.

Edit: To be clear about that board schedule, the Navy Recruiting Command, NavyOffRec, and my OR are all united in saying it's only a rough draft and it's likely that some boards will be closed and some boards will be moved up. Needs of the Navy, hurry up and wait, et cetera.


Is the end of July yet?
I received this link from a fellow on here. It is a list of the documented board dates and due dates for application submissions. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but from the looks of it the next SNA/SNFO board is Dec. 2, 2013 (Apps due Nov. 6, 2013).

http://www.cnrc.navy.mil/publicatio...4 BOARDSKED By Community - Encl 4 - DRAFT.pdf

If you got that from CNRC then I feel that it would be safe to say that it is pretty accurate.

When are you done with school?

Sarah Sprayberry

New Member
If you got that from CNRC then I feel that it would be safe to say that it is pretty accurate.

When are you done with school?

I graduate this December. I am very excited to be nearly done and move forward with this process. @TheBall77 How has your process been so far regarding your application?

I would prefer to complete my kit before August in attempt to meet a "possible" September boards, but I'm not sure that it will be feasible nor even necessary for that matter as it's possible that there will not be an earlier board. On the other hand, from the looks of the schedule, the previous boards have been dead on with the dates given. I wouldn't have reason to believe it would not follow this schedule in the future... but as others have wisely pointed out: We don't know and will have to wait to find out.
Side note: I am very new to this process and was merely looking for a solid date to be sure to submit my kit.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
@TheBall77, Dont get all upset with me cause you asked a question and I gave you a honest and correct answer. I am sorry it was not the answer you were looking for. I was only trying to be helpful and honest while providing accurate gouge. No reason to call me a "sea lawyer" or dislike my posts.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
I graduate this December. I am very excited to be nearly done and move forward with this process. @TheBall77 How has your process been so far regarding your application?

I would prefer to complete my kit before August in attempt to meet a "possible" September boards, but I'm not sure that it will be feasible nor even necessary for that matter as it's possible that there will not be an earlier board. On the other hand, from the looks of the schedule, the previous boards have been dead on with the dates given. I wouldn't have reason to believe it would not follow this schedule in the future... but as others have wisely pointed out: We don't know and will have to wait to find out.
Side note: I am very new to this process and was merely looking for a solid date to be sure to submit my kit.

Its best to get your kit in ASAP in case of a rolling board, but it also just gives you something less to worry and stress about :)


So we're down to one more week till the board convenes. It seems that the closer it gets the more nerve racking it also gets. On a side note, anybody know how to improve swimming stamina? I'm trying to build up the stamina to swim longer and further known stop.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Just keep swimming. Start small or moderate multiple times a week and gradually increase your distance

Robert Allen

I've fixed them, now I fly them!
So we're down to one more week till the board convenes. It seems that the closer it gets the more nerve racking it also gets. On a side note, anybody know how to improve swimming stamina? I'm trying to build up the stamina to swim longer and further known stop.
Yes, swim! Honestly, for me my swimming stamina increased faster than running when I did it constantly.
Just jump in the pool 3-5 days a week and do as much as YOU can in a hour.


New Member
I swam competitively for about 11 years and made side money teaching it to everyone from triathletes to little asian kids. There are a bunch of things to do, but the number one issue I see with strong athletes who don't have a swimming background is technique. Strong all-around athletes get their butts kicked in the pool by skinny people and little girls because their lack of technique causes them to spend a ton of excess energy moving through the water. Practice the front crawl: Make almost knife hands and learn to insert them into the water smoothly so there's as little splash as possible, then rotate your body and pull back. Consider having someone tape you so you can look at your technique. You also want to set a rhythm with your breathing and make sure to alternate sides: Good rhythms are every 3 or every 5 strokes for someone looking to do long distance, as you'll need to replenish your oxygen throughout the swim.

For non-technique endurance, when you don't have access to a pool, lay on your back, lift your legs six inches off the ground, and perform short, sharp kicks that come just short of touching the ground at a fast pace for as long as you can. If your legs go out during the 500 and you have to use only your upper body, you're gonna have a rough time.

When you do have a pool, you'll want to warm-up and train intervals much the way people would advise you to do with running. By the end of it all, ideally swim 1000yds without puttering out so you can keep a solid pace for the 500 yd swim.

Note: Robert Allen's advice goes without saying. Swimming is ultra-low-impact, so be in the pool every day you can be.


Thanks everyone for the informative post. I'm trying to make it a habit to swim for a minimum of an hour everyday. @NCHopeful, which swimming stroke would you recommend? I'm currently trying to perfect both the freestyle and the combat side stroke.


New Member
I actually know very little about the combat side stroke. It seems to me to be something that would be easy to do when clothed or carrying something weighing more than a pound, and it looks like it would be easier to maintain motion if you become extremely tired, so my guess is that it was designed to meet the specific needs of SEALs, Divers, and other SPECWAR amphibious types. I am tempted to say you should use freestyle because it's the fastest stroke in competitive swimming and its use is widespread throughout the civilian world for sprinting 500yds and going multiple miles across open water. That said, I am not really qualified to compare because the combat side stroke is not something I have ever taught or used much myself. If you try it and like it, go for it.

Do people do the swim at the In-PRT at OCS?


Do people do the swim at the In-PRT at OCS?

It's not part of the PRT but there is a 3rd class swim test consisting of:

Abandon Ship Jump: Jump from a 10 foot tower to simulate abandoning ship.
5 minute Prone Float: Remain afloat face down, utilizing survival floating skills, for five minutes.
Shirt and Trouser inflation: Fill a shirt and pair of trousers with air to remain afloat.
50 yd Swim: Using any single following stroke or combination of the crawl, breaststroke, sidestroke, and elementary backstroke

This is just info from the Officer Training Command website. As to when it is taken, I'll leave that to users who have gone through.