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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board


Can anyone please explain to me what pro-board/rec/Y/N/X stand for? Did I miss any others? Thanks!

Also, are packages automatically sent to the rolling boards for review or do you have to keep in constant communication with your OR to find out when these boards are held in order to submit your package for review? Thanks again!


Can anyone please explain to me what pro-board/rec/Y/N/X stand for? Did I miss any others? Thanks!

Also, are packages automatically sent to the rolling boards for review or do you have to keep in constant communication with your OR to find out when these boards are held in order to submit your package for review? Thanks again!

PRO-Board- Means that your packet has been sent in for review, and awaiting a Pro-Y/Pro-N rec status change on your application after the board convenes.

PRO-Rec Y- Good news, you made the selection.... now you just sit and wait, and wait, and wait, OCS Date yay!!.....Wait some more, and wait even more (gotta get used to that), swear-in, then you're haze gray and underway soon afterwards!

PRO-Rec N- Bad news, but its good that you still put in the effort. I haven't seen very many of these... in fact, I haven't seen any during the last few boards that have happened.

As for everyone up here, just try to be patient as much as possible. Your time is coming, and when it does, its the greatest feeling in the world! I swear in tomorrow, and I look forward to serving with the rest of you.


NavyOffRec is the better man of the team, as he has very USEFUL BTDT information that can better help you with than I can. As does BzB.


As for everyone up here, just try to be patient as much as possible. Your time is coming, and when it does, its the greatest feeling in the world! I swear in tomorrow, and I look forward to serving with the rest of you.
Thanks for clarifying that for me and good luck swearing in tomorrow! I hope to join you and others in the near future!

Evan Pappas

You never know, it all depends on how many apply and in most cases the quality of those that apply.

Does this mean that if the overall applicant pool is of higher-than-average quality, then the selection rates will likely be higher? Or does it mean that the bar will be set higher for selection and those with normally competitive qualifications but in the lower part of the applicant pool may not be picked up? I'm sure it's also a bit of a numbers game for how many applications there are total, but what have you seen in the past?


I tried finding out how many applications are put in each board but couldnt dig up any solid numbers. The reason i was looking was because my OR felt that there was 70-80% selection rate this next board

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
70-80%? I have heard from 80-100%. Who knows hopefully we'll find out by the end of next week.


Well-Known Member
I tried finding out how many applications are put in each board but couldnt dig up any solid numbers. The reason i was looking was because my OR felt that there was 70-80% selection rate this next board

Hey Halfbreed, did you find out your Suppo results?

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
August 1st cause I am getting married this weekend and didnt know if there would be a rolling board again. Didnt want to miss my own wedding.


August 1st cause I am getting married this weekend and didnt know if there would be a rolling board again. Didnt want to miss my own wedding.

Congrats. I did the opposite last weekend lol (ended it).

My date is Nov. 1. I wanted a little extra time between knowing I was accepted and starting ocs. Plus I wouldn't have to repay my signing bonus for my civy job.