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June Boards


New Member
I applied in May but got rolled to June.

Prior service USMC infantry
BS: Finance, 3.5 GPA
OAR 61
Interview: O-5 Supply
LORs: 2 executive-level managers, 1 business associate, 1 former co-worker
Worked in private sector for a number of years, mortgage lending and real estate sales


New Member
It is confirmed. I had the pleasure of talking to a Rear Admiral who said the boards were pushed back to 23JUN. I got pushed back from May so I'm up for June!

Does anyone know a number I can call for when the results do come out? My OR is on leave until June 29th.


yeah it seems like if the board was on the 15th, most would hear by the 21st. since its the 23rd now, i would guess we'll have to wait through the weekend to hear!

anyone know whats up with ocs? ive heard of people getting selected and leaving ten days later, but there was also some talk about ocs dates not until sept/oct ...


New Member
yeah it seems like if the board was on the 15th, most would hear by the 21st. since its the 23rd now, i would guess we'll have to wait through the weekend to hear!

anyone know whats up with ocs? ive heard of people getting selected and leaving ten days later, but there was also some talk about ocs dates not until sept/oct ...

I was wondering the same thing as well. I have heard numerous reasons such as budget cuts, overhead cutbacks, quota's being met etc. I really do not know the whole or accurate story, just hear say.

I was wondering the same thing as well. I have heard numerous reasons such as budget cuts, overhead cutbacks, quota's being met etc. I really do not know the whole or accurate story, just hear say.


When I received my OCS date, I asked if there was any chance to go earlier but my OR said that due to cancellations August was the first month. And I have heard the same from some people that were waiting to reclass. But then again that is just what I have heard so take it for what it's worth.


Crusty Shellback
There have been no break in classes at OCS...there was a class every week or every two weeks, it alternated. The first summer classes were coming in just as I left...they were huge and almost all were BDCP'ers who had their dates long ago.

Maybe they are just trying to fill the non-bdcp where there are holes.


Crusty Shellback
anyone know any particular reason as to why the board would meet the 23rd instead of the 15th

It's the Navy...they do what they want. I've barely been commissioned and already learned quickly to not figure out why they do what they do...I just press the "I believe" button and roll with it. :)


Alive and kicking...sort of.
I still haven't received any word as to whether that's accurate or not - not that I don't believe the two saying so, but there's been previous statements like that that people have taken as fact only to find it wasn't the truth at all (even if the info was from a 2 star, etc.). The only ones who know when exactly are the community members who meet on the boards, and everyone else is secondhand knowledge (same goes for reasons why you weren't selected, etc.).

So I'll wait to see when I hear back from my recruiter with the info on yes or no, but I only wish it were earlier as I'll be in Cabo next week and really don't want to be worrying about the results while sipping on my mojitos on the beach.


Alive and kicking...sort of.
Also, the reason some find out earlier than others is that there is an email that's sent out to OPO's with the results of the boards. This is prior to them being posted on Otools, as for whatever reason that takes forever and/or is never working properly. So a day or two after the boards do meet ask your recruiter to check for the email that should be sent out.


Final Select NFO
It is confirmed. I had the pleasure of talking to a Rear Admiral who said the boards were pushed back to 23JUN. I got pushed back from May so I'm up for June!

I hope this is not true. This has been the longest month I can remember, and I need to know ASAP! My current job wants to give me a promotion, but they are waiting to here on if i received my pro'rec or not. They can only wait so long


Alive and kicking...sort of.
IMO, I'd take the promotion right now, as it could be weeks or months until you get a final select, and then on top of that it seems most direct ascensions are getting Sept/Oct OCS dates. So you could get in four good months of work while waiting, and when you do find out your OCS date for sure it gives your employer ample time to find a replacement - all the while working out for both your situations.


Final Select NFO
Essentially I already have. The biggest thing they want to know is whether to hire an Assistant Director(my current position), and/or Head Director(what they want to promote me to). As a teacher, I need to figure this out fast, because the school year starts in 2 months, and practices are going all summer. Don't want to play mind games with my students. Hi kids, I'm your head director, and then next week say, Hi kids, I'm leaving. Hard Choice.