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June Boards


New Member
power outages

For anyone who might want to know this information:

This came from my OR yesterday. He said that navy HQ is experiencing heavy power outages which has caused a lot of trouble, hence the date being pushed back for OCS. He said one of his friends on the board gave him the inside on that. Hope that helps.
It's the Navy...they do what they want. I've barely been commissioned and already learned quickly to not figure out why they do what they do...I just press the "I believe I can fly" button and roll with it. :)

Sorry OU I couldn't resist. I would take OU's word over mine about OCS classes since he just got done 2 weeks ago? But either way I would worry first about pro-rec's and everything else will work itself out. For those of you firguring out what to do with your jobs, I was pro-rec'd in March and am not reporting until Aug 30th, which is just an example of my timeline but seems to be just about an avg for those of us selected in March.


New Member
I hope this is not true. This has been the longest month I can remember, and I need to know ASAP! My current job wants to give me a promotion, but they are waiting to here on if i received my pro'rec or not. They can only wait so long

I figured that there would be a website which put up each months results, but I have yet to find that site.



New Member
I applied in May but got rolled to June.

Prior service USMC infantry
BS: Finance, 3.5 GPA
OAR 61
Interview: O-5 Supply
LORs: 2 executive-level managers, 1 business associate, 1 former co-worker
Worked in private sector for a number of years, mortgage lending and real estate sales

Our backgrounds are similar but all of your stuff is like a step up above mine. I was in the marines but was a POG, your GPA way better than mine and I was a finance major, you're going for supply, and your OAR was 16 points higher than mine, plus you have experience in finance. If you don't get in, there goes all hope for me. I hope you make it! good luck.


Alive and kicking...sort of.
OK, my OR just contacted me and said there was no info about the boards being delayed, and that they should have been held yesterday on the 15th. I'm not sure which is going to be true, so I guess it's still up to us waiting to hear for the results.


New Member
OK, my OR just contacted me and said there was no info about the boards being delayed, and that they should have been held yesterday on the 15th. I'm not sure which is going to be true, so I guess it's still up to us waiting to hear for the results.

Yea, my OR said the same thing. All is on time from what he had been told.



New Member
I got the confirm the other day that I will not be seen in June. Recruiter told me that if I were to send my package in right away I would probably get rejected as I'm applying under a letter of reconsideration (I got denied in April). So I will be hopefully seen in July (Just another month).


New Member
I got the confirm the other day that I will not be seen in June. Recruiter told me that if I were to send my package in right away I would probably get rejected as I'm applying under a letter of reconsideration (I got denied in April). So I will be hopefully seen in July (Just another month).

what did you do to improve your application, if you do not mind me asking


New Member
I got the confirm the other day that I will not be seen in June. Recruiter told me that if I were to send my package in right away I would probably get rejected as I'm applying under a letter of reconsideration (I got denied in April). So I will be hopefully seen in July (Just another month).

Hang in there, it will happen.



I dont know whats more nerve racking...the anticipation of wether I am pro-rec'd sna or finding out the board was bumped a week. either way this sucks