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June Boards


New Member
That means more like the 29th or 30th for results. I'm neither SNA or NFO so prob even longer for me. (Just trying to make sure I can count every excrutiating hour)


1st post, long time lingerer. Figured it's time to join in the fun! I was told by my OR that I should be getting looked at in June, but im not sure if he actually checked or not...
3.0 gpa MTSU Aerospace maintenance management
6/8/7 50
800 TT CFI cl-65 type (furloughed from the airlines, but I was gonna quit anyway, ha)
5 LORs (2 former naval officers, one nuke, one swo, 1 from church pastor who was also a former navy seal, 1 college prof, 1 boss)
PRT and MEPS pending selection

The bad: A couple of speeding tickets. Not sure how many are gonna show up but I admitted to as many as I could remember. (3)


New Member
I did a double take at Cashvilles stats.. I thought for a second that was my post. My stats are almost identical.. except I dont or havent flown for an airline.


New Member
Don't worry you didn't miss much...Horrible work rules, and laughable pay (if u think being poor is funny). Like I said, regardless of whether or not I got furloughed, I was as good as gone anyway.

Most of my buddies from school flew for comair, colgan, pinnacle, and eagle. Just about all of them are on furlough.


New Member
i wonder if these boards for june is going to be packed with people considering how many people have been pushed back to this board from previous months.


New Member
I just read your blog Blarged. You've been through quite a process. I am very intrigued to see that you got into IW without even a 3.0 gpa, and I got denied with a 4.0, fairly high ASTB, and great LORs. Goes to show you that you are a greater writer and know how to make that application look good. I would LOVE to see your letter of reconsideration, if you wouldn't mind PMing me that. I dunno, but I'm just having this gut feeling that I'm going to get a PRO-NO for SWO on this board. I mean, supply and IW said no, so might as well make it a tri-fecta. sigh. I wish I had higher hopes.


pro-rec SWO
I dunno, but I'm just having this gut feeling that I'm going to get a PRO-NO for SWO on this board. I mean, supply and IW said no, so might as well make it a tri-fecta. sigh. I wish I had higher hopes.

you and me both.

blarged, what do you think made the difference in your package the second time around? im thinking that i am going to be reapplying this fall, any tips on how one could improve their package?


I just read your blog Blarged. You've been through quite a process. I am very intrigued to see that you got into IW without even a 3.0 gpa, and I got denied with a 4.0, fairly high ASTB, and great LORs. Goes to show you that you are a greater writer and know how to make that application look good. I would LOVE to see your letter of reconsideration, if you wouldn't mind PMing me that. I dunno, but I'm just having this gut feeling that I'm going to get a PRO-NO for SWO on this board. I mean, supply and IW said no, so might as well make it a tri-fecta. sigh. I wish I had higher hopes.

adhermes -

I will PM you the letter of reconsideration shortly.

Being completely honest, my 2.9ish GPA really had me worried. But what everyone says on this forum about the 'whole person package' is very true. I believe it did help that my GPA was for a Engineering geared Computer Science degree, which is a different animal all together when compared to a 2.9 in Underwater basket weaving.

In contrast to my GPA I had other things that I believe helped me stand out as an applicant. But each month is different. If I had applied a month earlier or a month later, the results may have been different.

Also, remember, that I wasn't accepted my first application attempt either, and I believe the re-application is a huge plus in the eyes of the board, showing them that you are serious about your desire for a commission.

Keep your chin up about the SWO results, don't get down when there is no reason to yet. The boards are all independent of each other, so just because you don't get accepted by one, does not mean that a different board will see something in your application that peaks their interest.

Best of luck, and I am happy to help out wherever my very small amount of experience (all of which is application process) may be of benefit.


you and me both.

blarged, what do you think made the difference in your package the second time around? im thinking that i am going to be reapplying this fall, any tips on how one could improve their package?

Long answer
I'll give you a quick summary of my application first and second time. Keep in mind that this is all in hindsight.

First Application (January 2008)

  • An OK motivational statement. It was good topics, just wording when I reread it later seemed a bit off
  • LOR from O4 IWO, 2 HS Band directors, 1 PPL Instructor
  • 1.5 years work experience at a Fortune 500 (#26) in Information Systems
  • 2.9 GPA
  • 65/7/7/7 ASTB
Second Application (May 2009)

  • A much better worded motivational statement (IMO)
  • LOR from O4 IWO, 2 HS Band directors, 1 PPL Instructor, 2 work managers (one from current company and other from high profile company)
  • Going on 2 years work experience at the same company with a 6 month break/internship working for Apple Computers
  • 2.9 GPA
  • 65/7/7/7 ASTB
  • Reconsideration letter
As you can see there wasn't all too much difference between my first and second application. The differences were good ones though. I believe the things that helped me most in my second time application were internship/LOR from Apple, my LOR from an IWO that seems to be very active in the IW community, and the fact that it was my second attempt.

Short answer
The difference was that I applied again and had more relevent work experience where I had more responsibility. I was able to show my qualities that will be important as an IWO and that I am committed to the task of becoming an IWO


New Member
Thanks for the words of encouragement and advice, blarged. I believe in being prepared for both answers, good or bad; but I also believe that positive energy and a good attitude are a powerful force in the world. I am prepared to apply for my commision for as many times as it takes, age waivers and all if it comes to that.

On another note: Does anyone have supply as a choice? AD guys don't have the regular news source that most everyone else does in their ORs. I was hoping someone could tell me when the supply board is meeting.