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June Boards


New Member
relax Bates...That's one thing you'll have to get used to if you want to make it in the Navy. You gotta learn to hurry up and wait....or if you prefer....."standby to standby" :D

I know all about how it works. I am prior enlisted Navy myself. (4 years). Feels like you are waiting for years for some things... HAHAHA



New Member
I am still waiting myself bates. North Carolina seems to be in the dark right now. Good luck and hopefully we will hear soon!


New Member
I know all about how it works. I am prior enlisted Navy myself. (4 years). Feels like you are waiting for years for some things... HAHAHA


haha....so you know the feeling. I've been around the Navy all my life so I know where youre coming from. My dad is still in as matter of fact.


For those of us still waiting, my OR office said that whomever has results already is privy to some inside info. They are still unable to see posted results. I think I'll check back here sometime in October to make certain they are good and posted by then.

My OR just checked for me an hour ago and that's the same thing he told me as well. Results not posted yet....hang in there! :banghead_


pro-rec SWO
Just got my call, pro rec SWO

To all:

please include your stats along with either the good news or the bad. It helps those of us who are trying to gauge the strength of our package without having to search for a previous post. :)


NFO select Started process: Apr. 10th 2008 Accepted: Jun. 2009

Declined February 2009 for SNA only. Accepted with improvements to GPA and Motivational statement. Also added an interview with a LCDR (previously a pilot and instructor), and another letter of recommendation.

GPA 2.83/4.0 Behavioral Sciences/ Psychology

ASTB 51 6/6/5

I think what helped me was being an Eagle scout, and also an active scout master for the past year.

Persistence pays off! Good luck to anyone who fell short this time.


New Member
Selected for IW and CEC, but not for SNA. I am considering retaking the ASTB and including my (then obtained) private pilots license for a re-submitted package for next months board if I still have time. Congrats to everyone who got selected though.


Selected for IW and CEC, but not for SNA. I am considering retaking the ASTB and including my (then obtained) private pilots license for a re-submitted package for next months board if I still have time. Congrats to everyone who got selected though.

And turn down IW? awww ...

Just kidding. If SNA is what you really see yourself doing, make it happen! :)


New Member
it seems like more and more people are getting accepted. maybe i should submit my package and see what happens. i was being hesitant because people would good scores were getting denied. i'm glad things are working out for everyone


it seems like more and more people are getting accepted. maybe i should submit my package and see what happens. i was being hesitant because people would good scores were getting denied. i'm glad things are working out for everyone

You didn't want to submit your package because you didn't think you would be selected? Well how is not submitting a package and getting selected working out for you? Don't worry about the others submitting, put together the best package you possibly can and hope for the best. And if the best doesn't happen, apply again.