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June Boards


New Member
Pro Rec IW!! Still waiting to hear on first choice Intel.
2.85 BA History (2003)
53 5/5/5
3 LOR - CPO Navy (retired), DIA intel analyst/10 yrs AF, former employer
2 years software consulting experience
6 months work experience in Bangalore, India
Aiesec membership and leadership roles in college
Don't under estimate the whole person concept!


Pro Rec IW!! Still waiting to hear on first choice Intel.
2.85 BA History (2003)
53 5/5/5
3 LOR - CPO Navy (retired), DIA intel analyst/10 yrs AF, former employer
2 years software consulting experience
6 months work experience in Bangalore, India
Aiesec membership and leadership roles in college
Don't under estimate the whole person concept!

That's 2 months in a row that Ohio has gotten pro-rec's for IW with < 3.0 GPA. Big congrats! Seems to me that they are putting heavy weight on work experience.


congrats hermes. I'm a BDCP guy from ASU also. We probably have the same recruiter. now you just have to wait around for that FS


New Member
Sooooo....still haven't heard yet. Have they "officially" posted the results yet or what?

That's the word I received this afternoon...that they are still not "released" until "Wednesday or Thursday, probably Wednesday." I guess some of these regions' recruiters are better connected to inside sources than others.


New Member
First, Congrats to all who made it!

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Non-Select: SWO
3.13 GPA - Finance at Providence College
ASTB: 52
PRT: 54 push / 68 curl up / 10.15 Run
LOR: Employer, Client, College Professor
HS sports and extra-curricular in High School & College
I felt I had a strong Motivational Statement

Definitely re-applying.... ? anybody think not having a LOR w/ military experience hurt my chances
I really want this and will work to make my kit more attractive for my second attempt.


New Member
First, Congrats to all who made it!

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Non-Select: SWO
3.13 GPA - Finance at Providence College
ASTB: 52
PRT: 54 push / 68 curl up / 10.15 Run
LOR: Employer, Client, College Professor
HS sports and extra-curricular in High School & College
I felt I had a strong Motivational Statement

Definitely re-applying.... ? anybody think not having a LOR w/ military experience hurt my chances
I really want this and will work to make my kit more attractive for my second attempt.

I applied for aviation, intel, and SWO, and as far as I know only got selected for aviation. My GPA was a little higher and my ASTB was 53, but your PRT is better than mine. I had 3 LOR's from managers, so no military LOR's.

It looks like a lot of people got aviation this time, maybe there just weren't a lot of SWO vacancies, who knows. Keep at it and good luck though, I've been waiting to join since I graduated last year.


New Member
Congrats! Way to utilize that first post!

congrats frealis

Thanks y'all! When my recruiter gave me the news I just about pissed myself. I've been in the process of "applying as an officer in the Navy" for over a year. Half of it is my fault, though.

I graduated May 2008. I had pretty much all my paperwork done except LOR's because my recruiter had yet to send them to me. His office was about 2 hours from my house and I was working like crazy, so I didn't have a lot of time to drop by his office and bug him about it. Not to mention he almost never responded to email or voicemail. I finally got them around December 2008.

In August I decided to get LASIK eye surgery so that I could shoot for pilot. Unfortunately you have to wait 6 months after any surgery before joining, so the earliest I could join would have been March of this year.

Anyways my recruiter was unresponsive so one day I decided to just drop in his office. Turns out he had gone through a divorce, and had shipped out to God knows where. They were just about to toss my entire package into the "Dead Files" bin, or throw it out, or whatever, so I arrived just in time. I got transfered to another recruiter.

Around this time I made a habit of driving 4 hours round trip just to stop by the office. I never even made appointments anymore, I just dropped in. I basically drove there all of the time to push the paperwork through, and I visited the office so often that they recognized me and just buzzed me in when I showed up at their doorstep. I think they finally processed everything just to get me out of their hair.

Moral of the story: constantly annoy people? I don't know. I'm just glad that I finally got it. Now for the big wait.


pro-rec SWO
pro-rec SWO

started application process august 08, non-select NUPOC march 09

changed motivation statement, added O-3 LOR, took ASTB (ASTB not required for nuclear applicants)

SWO 1st Choice
no prior service
ASTB 69/9/9/9
PRT - excellent low
B.A. Biology, 3.06 GPA, Colorado College
M.S. Human Genetics, 3.54 GPA, University of Utah
LOR's: O-3 navy pilot (retired), 2 professors (essentially bosses/supervisors)
~60 hr flight time in 172, just short of PP license
extracurriculars: martial arts in high school, served on disciplinary committee during college


New Member
Congratulations to everyone selected this month!

I applied SNA, NFO, SWO for June. Unfortunately I did not make it, so I will be retaking the ASTB hoping to do better at the August boards.

History Major/Business Minor - 2.7 GPA
3 year Div. I football letterman
Fraternity VP of Recruitment, New Member Education Coordinator
7-7-5 60 ASTB
LOR's - LCDR, Capt. (USN Ret.), Lawyer (Army Ranger), College Football Coach, College Advisor
General Manager of family construction business

Bad stats: GPA, DWI (while in school)

For those who did not get selected - Keep your heads up! Take this bit of adversity, harness all your energy, and keep trudging forward. You will get there if you want it bad enough.


pro-rec SWO
Definitely re-applying.... ? anybody think not having a LOR w/ military experience hurt my chances
I really want this and will work to make my kit more attractive for my second attempt.

I doubt having no LOR's with military experience hurt you much, but you can always have an "assessment" done with any military officer that can be included in your application. From what I hear it is basically a job interview conducted by a nearby military officer.

I'd retake the ASTB, my GPA was pretty low, but I think my ASTB scores made up for it. Also, I honestly think that simple fact that you are reapplying will make a big difference.

bottom line: re-apply. most of us had to.


Unfortunately I did not make it, so I will be retaking the ASTB hoping to do better at the August boards.

7-7-5 60 ASTB

Remember it is your latest score that counts and you only get 3 chances per lifetime ... Your ASTB scores are very good, better than most. In my opinion, you leave it and work on other parts of your package.

Good luck on the re-apply!


New Member
I didnt post my stats with my Pilot and NFO pro-rec post. For anyone's reference, here they are again:
Age 23, M
56 - 7/7/7
3.51 GPA - University of Minnesota
B.A. Communication
LORs: Professor, 0-4 Former Navy Sub Officer, 2 Business Associates/Best Friends.
Interview with 0-6 former pilot.
Full time business owner during college/post college.
15 Volunteer hours per week for last year (Big Brother, and various Christian Charities).


Alive and kicking...sort of.
Looks like it might be a good month for BDCP applicants.

Oh man I hope so...I'm tired of waiting to just get my foot in the door. Unfortunately my OR still hasn't got back to me yet, but I've been keeping myself busy and working so I don't kill my brain cells looking at AW all day long. Tomorrow's the day, I can feel it...


Alive and kicking...sort of.
At phoenix, I'd not worry about the ASTB scores as like blarged stated it's off the last recorded score, and 7's are great and 5's are ok. If you're still in class get the GPA up ASAP, and if not then redo your motivational statement and have it proofread over and again by some crackpot literary freaks...definitely include lessons learned from your DWI experience, etc. Maybe even an interview for your communities - everything helps in the longrun, as long as you reapply and show your commitment to becoming a naval officer.