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June Boards


New Member
I'm a little confused. My OR claims that I must "improve my package with more than just interviews." He said the only way I can have a chance is to retake the ASTB. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to get a shot. How should I go about this?

I would recommend getting all appropriate books on the test that independent test companies make. Then after you know those back and forth, go out and get as much GMAT test booklets, GMAT is the test you take to get into Graduate school. The math section on the GMAT books really helped out as i began to memorize the answers in the ASTB study booklets.

If you really want to go the extra mile, maybe a tutor?


New Member
I really saw myself doing all 3. Though Aviation and SWO are obviously different, there were different elements in each that I saw were great opportunities, originally i wanted NFO, but put SWO down anyway.

But it doesn't matter to me really, I'm happy to get into any program.


New Member
ASTB retake

Hi all,

Will you please tell me if you can retake the ASTB 90 days from the second try, or has it changed to 6 months? My OSO says I would have to wait 6 months from the second try to take it a third time. Thanks.


New Member
Hi all,

Will you please tell me if you can retake the ASTB 90 days from the second try, or has it changed to 6 months? My OSO says I would have to wait 6 months from the second try to take it a third time. Thanks.

No sir, as of last week the wait time was 90 days according to my OR in Charlotte. Unless the Navy changed it since then you should be fine after 3


I'm a little confused. My OR claims that I must "improve my package with more than just interviews." He said the only way I can have a chance is to retake the ASTB. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to get a shot. How should I go about this?

If I were you, I would get my interviews without a second thought. I would also try to get another solid letter of recommendation. I personally added a letter of recommendation from the dean of students at my university, and she blew it out of the water. Also try to get into some volunteer work. If you have a YMCA near by, try to get into the big brother/big sister program. Volunteer work looks great on a potential leader.


pro-rec SWO
I would recommend getting all appropriate books on the test that independent test companies make. Then after you know those back and forth, go out and get as much GMAT test booklets, GMAT is the test you take to get into Graduate school. The math section on the GMAT books really helped out as i began to memorize the answers in the ASTB study booklets.

GMAT is for business school, GRE is for graduate school. either one has the same type of questions though, so a test prep book for either one would work just as well.


this should get you through most of the aviation related knowledge on the test that you wouldn't know otherwise. there is really no other way you would know a lot of the information information on the flight section of the ASTB unless you had some flight training. most of what is included in this book wont appear on the test (FAA regs, weather, maps, etc) but definitely study the sections on flight mechanics inside and out.

also, some basic understanding of physics and engineering would help significantly on the technical section, but i don't know how you would go about studying for that other than taking a mechanics course from the physics or engineering department at a university, or an introductory textbook on mechanics?


Final Select NFO
What question were you writing an answer to to get that information on paper? Or did they ask you about it during the physical exam?

They noticed the slight scare on my lip, one that is so small I forget I even have it even though I look at myself every day. Then they said while your getting that taken care of, might as well bring us info on this infection you had in college... Frustrating, but not a big deal, should be cleared up by tomorrow for a revisit on tues/wed.

Strange thing is, they didn't let me go through the rest of the way. I did the blood pressure, hearing test, and the initial paperwork, but sent me home after that. Shreaded my documents so I'll have to do the entire thing over again. Not that I had to go Quack and let a doctor get to know me, but it is annoying.


New Member
Not that I had to go Quack and let a doctor get to know me, but it is annoying.

I'm sure you're glad that part is over.

The doc told me to turn around, pull down my boxers, bend over, and spread 'em. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a bottle of lotion or something in his hands so I prepared for the worst. Fortunately, it was a bottle of hand sanitizer and after he got his peek I cleansed my hands. He was so thoughtful.


New Member
Hi all,

Will you please tell me if you can retake the ASTB 90 days from the second try, or has it changed to 6 months? My OSO says I would have to wait 6 months from the second try to take it a third time. Thanks.

I had this conversation with my OR this afternoon and this is what I learned: an applicant must wait 30 days between the initial ASTB exam and the first re-take, and 90 days between the first re-take and the second re-take. An applicant can take the ASTB exam a maximum of three times with the boards using the most recent score.

6 months is the waiting time required between a non-select from the board and any subsequent attempts at re-applying. The 6 month wait can be overlooked if the applicant has a 'significant' change to their package. 'Significant' is a subjective term. I've read in other posts that additional officer interviews, re-taking the ASTB, or correcting any major shortcomings with your package count as significant, but at the end of the day it's up to the judgment of whoever fields the applications. Hope this helps.


New Member
Pill_Hacker said:
Why NFO over NA? Just like the NFO responsibilities/mission more?

Yea, I'm much more interested in what the NFO does, even though my friends think I'm nuts for not wanting to fly the plane. haha

By the way, if I go on the NFO route, what is flight school like?


New Member
just got the word from CNRC i got pro rec'd SNA woooo hoooo what an amazing phone call as soon as my ship pulled peir side from SEA TRIALS.


New Member
Congratulations to all!

BA - Int'l Relations 3.2 gpa
Strong let Rec
Arabic study abroad in Middle East
Plenty of volunteer work

Package completed in February 09. All hope were nearly lost till two days ago when I got a phone call.


I was pro-rec'd for both Pilot and SWO. I haven't heard about intel.


Do I have the power to choose between pilot and SWO or is that entirely up to the Final Select committee?


Alive and kicking...sort of.
I guess I can post here now too...pro rec BDCP PILOT and NFO!!!

24 years old
3.25 GPA B.A. Political Science, University of North Texas
LOR's: AF O-6 pilot (coworker, director of safety at an airline I worked for), Navy O-5 pilot (coworker, chief pilot at the airline), director of ops (former boss at the airline), university department chair (from a former school), AF O-4 pilot/instructor (local Justice of the Peace/Judge/family friend)
100+ hours of unlogged flight time, including turbine experience
Roughly 50 hours/year community service, through our church or other organizations
4 years church musician/youth group leader
Former AFROTC cadet/flight/squadron commander
Great motivational statement (trust me, it's good lol)

I found out yesterday as well but couldn't get to my computer to post. Another interesting tidbit...I only put down SNA but came back both SNA and NFO, as well as received a notice that I failed my depth perception test and am not qualified for SNA. I don't know if my recruiter/processor did that to ensure I was at least selected for one or both, or if the board went ahead and selected me for both - I lean towards the first. Oh well, I'm clearing up the depth perception issue this week and a couple other health questions they had and the PRT. But it's good to know I'm finally getting somewhere.

Congrats to everyone in, and good luck to those who are reapplying in the next months or so. Don't give up, the second attempt usually proves to them you are here for the long run to be a naval officer. And all good gouge above about the pilot/naval/mechanical study guides and ASTB info...


Alive and kicking...sort of.
Tell me about it! I started my app at the end of October, had to wait through December to apply, only to find out I couldn't apply before I met every reg first (as opposed to get in regs while waiting for final select), spent 4 months losing 25 pounds and jumping through the waiver hoops, and here I am looking at more hoops again...the good ol' "hurry up and wait" is gearing up for me yet again.

I hate how we go from one wait holding pattern (pro rec) to the next (final select) to the next (OCS date) and next (orders), etc...guess I'll be getting more practice on my patience. But I'm gonna go ahead and predict that once my paperwork's in order I'll be getting my FS notice in 2 weeks...or else there might be more beer drinking involved than absolutely necessary.