I'm going to meps right now. Wish me luck!! Hopefully no issues.
I'm going to meps right now. Wish me luck!! Hopefully no issues.
Already? Do all of us go to Meps at the same location? Or just one place per state?
Different locations. I went to the MEPS in Ohio which is up in Columbus.
Looks like I will probably go to the same place.
Scar on my lip from a childhood cat scratch and lab rsults from a viral infection several years ago. Looks like I'll be going back next week. Oh meps... You kill me
Remember it is your latest score that counts and you only get 3 chances per lifetime ... Your ASTB scores are very good, better than most. In my opinion, you leave it and work on other parts of your package.
Good luck on the re-apply!
At phoenix, I'd not worry about the ASTB scores as like blarged stated it's off the last recorded score, and 7's are great and 5's are ok. If you're still in class get the GPA up ASAP, and if not then redo your motivational statement and have it proofread over and again by some crackpot literary freaks...definitely include lessons learned from your DWI experience, etc. Maybe even an interview for your communities - everything helps in the longrun, as long as you reapply and show your commitment to becoming a naval officer.