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Merged: Vermont ANG F-16 Pilot Grounded for Flyover Fenway


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
I'm no safetycrat, and I would highly endorse getting "waivers" for every flyover for high speed and low alt--even turn and burns would be awesome (yes, FAA, we are perfectly capable of flying low, fast AND turning!), but anything with a potnetial for a high-closure-midair over a crowd is just not smart.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Stu Who?

Stuwho viper pilot that is going to make it harder to get waivers from the FAA for flyovers.

But whatever.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
I'm with you. All I can say is BUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLSHIT.

"Irregular maneuver" my ass.

Kind of cool, but way stupid.

That was on purpose. Don't bullshit a bullshitter.

Ditto. If that was remotely true, the flight lead should be grounded as well for not having his formation together well before the flyover took place. It almost looks like they're trying to work their own variation of a missing man formation as Dash 4 left a spot for Dash 3 so that tells me this wasn't a late joinup or there wouldn't be a space like that. Whomever said it was a late joinup should have this imbedded in his PC so everytime he hits a key, the appropriate reminder initiates.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Just saw the video...that was really bad.


Well-Known Member


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Maybe sending him to a Predator assignment would be appropriate.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot

Chappy disapproves. "Doug, get back in formation."

Maybe sending him to a Predator assignment would be appropriate.
He has Protocol Officer written all over him.


New Member
Vermony ANG, Fenway, and Fly Bys

here is a link to the article http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/sports/stories/2008/04/10/fenway_0411.html

and here is a link to the video

The pilot who performed the barrell roll(i think thats what you would call it) has been grounded after his performance. I don't have any experience to base it off of but I thought from the ground the fly by was pretty cool. I was wondering what those who have actually flown a fly over think about it? I assume that his CofC is pretty pissed because if he had had a crash it would have been into the densley populated city of Boston. I have been to many boston sporting events with fly overs and this is one of the top three fly overs i have seen the other two great ones was the world series opener last year at fenway when the same unit did a sunset night fly by at low altitude in full afterburner that got the crowd going.

The best fly by in my opinion ever was the 1999 all star game opening fly by. It was done by VF-31. They were honoring Ted Williams before the game and because he was a naval aviator they brought the tomcats up to fly by at the national anthem( yes i know he was a marine but thats what they said at the park). So there I was a 13 year old kid sitting right next to pesky pole for the all star game (right field for those who arent in red sox nation) and my brother and I are looking out across the monster (pre monster seats) and in the distance we can definatly see some formation of jets circling out in the distance. So as the national anthem is winding down im wondering what type of jets they were and when they were coming. Then just as the perfect moment a lone tomcat at about 1000-1500 feet up in the air flies over the park slowly and off set. I could tell that he clearly was up high looking down on something then out of no where just over the giant scoreboard came the tightest and lowest 4 ship formation I have ever seen of 4 tomcats with the wings swept back in full burner. I can say with confidence that they looked even closer than the blue angels perform at. They split the two light towers and screamed away into the setting sun. The coolest fly by ever. The sad part about this was it was such a well kept secret no one ever told the tv crew so they were panning the player's faces when the planes flew by and all you hear is the sream of the jets so it is only those who were there who will ever be able to testify to what we saw. Later on around the 4th or 5th inning the pilots had landed back at Hanscomb AFB just outside Boston and had just arrived at the park to watch the game. They were brought up into the 400 club (now the 406 club) and that is where my dad was watching the game because he had taken clients with him. Some of the red sox employees who knew my dad was a navy pilot in the reserves brought him over to meet the pilots. My dad told them how impressed he was with the fly by and was wondering what altitude they flew in at. He said he got the usual remarks of 1500 feet hard deck blah blah blah. Finally my Dad basically called bs on them saying he too was a navy pilot and that he knows they were MUCH lower than that, and that he was just curious and didnt want to get them in trouble. Finally the RIO in the #4 of the formation looked at my dad and said "sir when i looked out the side of my cockpit i was at eye level with the light tower". My dad also said that they told him they had dropped off another member of the squadron at the park earlier in the day and that he stood on the roof singing the national anthem into a radio to the jets circling so they would be on time. If anyone on here knows more about this fly by i would love to hear about it.

i did a google search and this is a little article i found on the event but it doesnt do it justice. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3897/is_199912/ai_n8857806/pg_1


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Then just as the perfect moment a lone tomcat at about 1000-1500 feet up in the air flies over the park slowly and off set. I could tell that he clearly was up high looking down on something then out of no where just over the giant scoreboard came the tightest and lowest 4 ship formation I have ever seen of 4 tomcats with the wings swept back in full burner.
HeyJoe, ever seen the picture that the high guy was there to take?:D


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Can't say I have. Those shots aren't easy for pilot or "camera operator" so they don't always turn out.
True, I did one over a parade at The Citadel in the S-3 and the stills stunk. Should have used a video and done a screen capture. The recent Citadel grads would have seen it.:D