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Next SECNAV - A Naval Aviator?


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
my intelligence work was shoddy on this one...I completely missed this. It seems like White makes more sense if he wants to push on DADT, and Garcia makes more sense if he wants someone he knows. Apparently Obama doesn't want another defense contractor like England, and maybe the undersecretary jobs will go to the policy wonk types.

1. Do you mean Winter?

2. There is only one "Under" SECNAV. Rest are Assistant SECNAVs (4) who then have Deputy ASNs under them. ASNs are also political appointees


Final Select BDCP Intel
1. Do you mean Winter?

2. There is only one "Under" SECNAV. Rest are Assistant SECNAVs (4) who then have Deputy ASNs under them. ASNs are also political appointees

White as in the Intrepid COO...his being gay might make him a point guy on that issue? Just wondering.

Assistant Secretaries of the Navy or Under Secretaries of Defense...putting a bright, Navy-focused guy in charge of Acquisitions for DoD might go a long way to cleaning up the current mess. There's an Assistant SECNAV for that too, but giving him more clout might be helpful. Oddly the position of Under Secretary of the Navy appears to have been empty since 2003...what's the story there?


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Do you mean Winter?

OccamsRazor said:
White as in the Intrepid COO...his being gay might make him a point guy on that issue? Just wondering.

I wasn't responding to that. I was asking about this vvvv

my intelligence work was shoddy on this one..... Apparently Obama doesn't want another defense contractor like England, and maybe the undersecretary jobs will go to the policy wonk types.

You mentioned England as industry SECNAV. He moved from SECNAV to OSD to be DEPSECDEF some time ago and the Honorable Don Winter replaced him as SECNAV. Winter came from industry* so I was asking if that is who you meant vice England. There is only one Undersecretary of the Navy so not sure waht you mean by "maybe the undersecretary jobs will go to the policy wonk types". Are you confusing the Navy and OSD title conventions?

OccamsRazor said:
Assistant Secretaries of the Navy or Under Secretaries of Defense...putting a bright, Navy-focused guy in charge of Acquisitions for DoD might go a long way to cleaning up the current mess. There's an Assistant SECNAV for that too, but giving him more clout might be helpful.

They did put a Navy legacy guy into USD AT&L. It was John Young who came from ASN RD&A. He is a former Congressional Committee Staffer with sterling rep there and in all positions thereafter. He does have tremendous clout over all service ACAT ID programs as well as any program he wants to yank up to his level. He decides whether programs get started and move ahead from Major Milestone to next phase or get shot in the head like recent blow to Army replacement for Kiowa Warrior. He can summon ANY program before him for a “What say you?” at any time and has done so even on Saturdays like he did with Presidential helo when it was beset with funding and performance shortfalls. Not sure how much more you think he needs.

OccamsRazor said:
Oddly the position of Under Secretary of the Navy appears to have been empty since 2003...what's the story there?

As to Under SECNAV position in Navy, this late in an administration with so many appointees leaving for their next good deal and being in a contentious election year with a controversial war, they didn't want to go through nomination process (gives Congress venue to beat up on administration while holding confirmation hearing) so Billingslea has been (Acting) Under SECNAV. This is a fairly common practice.

*As to Navy acquisition oversight, the reason you’re seeing Industry folks as SECNAV was former SECDEF wanted service secretaries more engaged in acquisition decisions and designated them as Service Acquisition Executive (SAE). Prior to that, ASN RD&A served as Navy SAE giving him (or her in case of Dr Etter who recently relinquished her tenure there) making all the calls on ACAT IC/ACAT II or less programs and sitting at DAB with USD AT&L on all service ACAT I D programs. ASN RD&A also gives final approval to designation of the key acquisition billets of Program Manager (PM) and Program Executive Officer (PEO). Although NAVAIRSYSCOM is a 3 star and talks directly to ASN RD&A, the PM reports to respective PEO for oversight and then to ASN RD&A. NAVAIRSYSCOM is not in that loop and is responsible for providing “Competency” support (Legal, Contracting, Systems Engineering, RDT&E, facilities, Logistics, etc.). The PMs “buy” the support they need from the “Competency Aligned Organization” (CAO) they NAVAIR provides. VADM Venlet does recommend a slate of proposed PM candidates, but ASN RD&A decides who gets the job and can remove a PM or PEO (1/2 star) at any time (which happened last year).


Super Moderator
*As to Navy acquisition oversight, the reason you’re seeing Industry folks as SECNAV was former SECDEF wanted service secretaries more engaged in acquisition decisions and designated them as Service Acquisition Executive (SAE). Prior to that, ASN RD&A served as Navy SAE giving him (or her in case of Dr Etter who recently relinquished her tenure there) making all the calls on ACAT IC/ACAT II or less programs and sitting at DAB with USD AT&L on all service ACAT I D programs. ASN RD&A also gives finasl approval to designation of the key acquisition billets of Program Manager (PM) and Program Executive Officer (PEO). Although NAVAIRSYSCOM is a 3 star and talks directly to ASN RD&A, the PM reports to respective PEO for oversight and then to ASN RD&A. NAVAIRSYSCOM is not in that loop and is responsible for providing “Competency” support (Legal, Contracting, Systems Engineering, RDT&E, facilities, Logistics, etc.). The PMs “buy” the support they need form the “Competency Aligned Organization” (CAO) they NAVAIR provides. VADM Venlet does recommend a slate of proposed PM candidates, but ASN RD&A decides who gets the job and can remove a PM or PEO (1/2 star) at any time (which happened last year).

Did everyone get this? Good, there will be a pop quiz on it tomorrow! :icon_smil

Actually a pretty good explanation, thanks HJ.........I think........;)


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Did everyone get this? Good, there will be a pop quiz on it tomorrow! :icon_smil

Actually a pretty good explanation, thanks HJ.........I think........;)

It will be on-line and fulfills partial credit (20 minutes) for DSMC accredited DAWIA annual training requirements. ;)


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
His picture from the past SWO days:

Maybe he'll bring the beard back as a Navy Tradition!

-ea6bflyr ;)


Registered User
I was kind of hopeful that he would stick with BJ Penn, if for no other reasons than he was an aviator and also shared a name with a pretty good UFC fighter.


Registered User
Juan Garcia's political reputation in the political area down there is less than sterling.

He might be god's gift to Naval Aviation, I have no idea. I do know that he had virtually every advantage down in his district, and still got beat in his re-election bid. He has very limited experience in politics (to be considered for SECNAV), and his military career has not been that extensive either (highest position being an aide and flight instructor).

Please don't get me wrong, I am not dogging the guy. That's just not a lot of experience for someone to even be on the list for SECNAV.

Penn's experience level is much higher than Garcia's.

The Renegade

I think the junior Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA) would have been a better pick, IMO. Recently retired 3 star Admiral, also a SWO, and former DESRON 14 commander. But, he spoke at a fundraiser for some group that was "said" to have ties to Hamas and he’s a volatile person (some say like John McCain), reasons why I believe he probably wasn’t mention. Other then that, he would have been a perfect fit. Seen him on cable news today.


Out to Pasture
I guess Obama hates VT-28, or Rep. Garcia is just having a bummer of a year

I spoke with him (Juan not POTUS :)) a few months back and outside of what Bevo stated above, there is a rule in place that you have to be off active duty for at least 5 years. Juan has only been off AD for 3-4 years. He said that the rule was a huge hurdle and doubted they would attempt to push the envelope for him.


Registered User
Any talk on why him not having the resume was not mentioned as a hurdle?

Seriously, other than being buddies with Obama from Harvard, there is nothing on his list of accomplishments that screams future "SECNAV".

He is a lawyer, a 1 term state rep, and a 1 hitch Navy Pilot. He is obviously very smart and accomplished compared to 90% of the population, but his resume is really thin compared to Penn and Malbus.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Most of the prestige jobs go to people who really pitched into to help the campaign, which put Malbus on the short list (he was also on the short list a few SECNAVs ago). Although The Honorable BJ Penn is a highly qualified contender, he has risen through service ranks and then Senior Executive Service (SES) as a professional "civil servant", not a political appointee, and they typically remain apolitical. That said, he is welcome company at monthly FCLP gatherings in DC and Tidewater and remains true to his tailhook roots.