Eliminating sugar, processed food, seed oils, and keeping carbs to under 100 grams / day. Within 90 days my A1C and blood pressure were well within normal levels. HDL is up, Tryg's are down and joint pain and inflammation have decreased significantly. I rarely eat before 12 Noon.
its no silver bullet. And it makes eating at restaurants and eating for convenience a real challenge. A little more planning of my meals is involved and therefore I eat at home more and eat out much less.
Zero carbs is not a reasonable goal, but avoiding sugar has been easier than I thought. Red meat and seafood, full fat dairy, and poultry and eggs as well as vegetables that grow above ground are the core of my diet at the moment and that seems to work. It's harder when I travel of course. But I definitely feel a lot healthier.
This reinforced my skepticism of traditional medicine. But I've actually come across a number of physicians who embrace this approach.