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September 2010 Boards


Looking forward to some P-8 action
Pro-Rec for SNA/SWO

I could almost cry right now!

Currently enlisted in the Army Reserve as a Staff Sergeant
Applying for SNA/SWO
ASTB: 7/8/8
OAR: 58
ASVAB: 98 (percentile)
GPA: 3.0
Degree: BS Technology Management - Aviation Core with an AS of Airway Science - Professional Pilot
Flight Experience: Commercial Pilot Certificate, working on my Multi Engine rating now

Letters of Recommendation:
-Dean of my college
-My academic advisor, who is a retired Army pilot
-A former commanding officer of mine, a Captain
-My current commanding officer, also a Captain
-Two officer interviews with a Lieutenant Commander and a Commander
This is terrible! I don't have my phone or a way to make a long distance phone call right now, so I can't get my results.

Nobody seems to have been a non-select. Is that just coincidence or what? I'll try and get the info at some point today.


I emailed the gentleman that maintains the NYUSN blog. My recruiter has been swamped lately with extra assigned duty and I suspect he took today off. I shot an email to Mr. Kovalsky and he hit me back within 3-4 minutes with the good news. Now, I would use this as a last resort. Contact your OR and other staff at your NRD before doing this.


New Member
i might try to contact the NYUSN guy since my people arn't picking up at all. Its my last resort I guess because I dont want to wait all weekend to find something out. How did you find his contact info?


Looking forward to some P-8 action
i might try to contact the NYUSN guy since my people arn't picking up at all. Its my last resort I guess because I dont want to wait all weekend to find something out. How did you find his contact info?

It's on his website, at the top of the blog, in the text


New Member
Just wondering did anyone not get a call who got a pro-rec. I'm starting to feel like a junior high school girl come Friday night. Can't get in touch with my recruiter, and don't want to bother Lt. Kovalski should it be bad news.