Made His Bed, Is Now Lying In It
I mean this with no disrespect and really hope you get in but I think your drop from NROTC is what is hurting you the most. Don't go enlisted if that isn't what you want, it will make getting an OCS package and slot way way harder.
None taken, this is one of the issues that has been discussed, but if that is the case, it seems to belie some of the values that the Navy espouses and the board, supposedly represents. Also, one of my LORs is the current XO of my NROTC unit, and I have the support both of my former CO and the former aviation advisor. People who were directly involved in my actions. I believe that should have gone far to mitigate any damage. It's been five years. People make mistakes, people screw up. They make bad decisions. How are you going to handle failure? How are you going to move on? I think I have answered those questions for the board by my actions since my DoR.
I choose to take this as a test. Board is sending the ball back into my court to see what I do with it. Fair enough. Challenge accepted.
Thanks SC-NY-88, appreciate the good thoughts.