Hey all,
Received an email from my recruiter yesterday that said, "Congratulations on getting selected for pilot." Before I got really excited, I wanted to speak with him in person and he just confirmed it. Pro-rec SNA. Birthday was Sept. 20th and I have had about the worst week ever, so this is a really nice gift!
3.1 BA in Communications from CSUS
7/8/8 63
MEPS cleared
No flight time
LOR: Retired O-4 JROTC teacher, brand new O-1 fraternity president, regional director of the FAA in Alaska, HR rep at old job
High School - Two letter winner for 3 years, Captain of one, AFJROTC for two years, Student council for two years
College - Multiple intramural sports for three years, fraternity involvement including public relations positions, full time job for most of college
Just wanted to add a few things. My packet probably wasn't pretty. I admitted to trying marijuana, I also admitted to being sent to collections (sold my car to my father and forgot to do release of liability so CA DMV garnished tax return), I had multiple withdraws in the first two years of my college career, etc. The only really good things were my ASTB scores, MEPS being cleared, possibly motivational statement and my LORs. I wrote one of them and had it signed off, two others were really solid. My family is a military family and for at least the last three generations, every male on both sides has gone in. Not sure if something like that is relevant, but I made a note in my motivational statement. Finally, I turned 26 on Sep 20th. For board purposes, I was still 25. Not sure if that helped any.
I write all this to give others some indication that you don't have to be perfect to get selected. I noticed that most of the pro-recs I have seen were priors or had flight time, even both. It had me a little worried, but it worked out. Don't get discouraged.