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September 2014 IDC Board


Active Member
So I've noticed. :)

What blows me away is that if there 300+ applicants, why aren't there more people on this thread stressing, commenting, obsessing? It seems like the same 5 or 6 people making comments. I figure there are a lot of people watching.

Every time I've used google to search for answers about commissioning in the Navy, Airwarriors pops up at the top of the list. I wouldn't be surprised if every last applicant for this board has visited this site at one point or another. Also, I wouldn't imagine that most would even post here once they saw the signatures with rock star GPA's, active duty/prior service experience, letters from senior officers, etc. I am inclined to believe that those who really believe they can/will be accepted into OCS are making the overwhelming majority of the posts here.


So I've noticed. :)

What blows me away is that if there 300+ applicants, why aren't there more people on this thread stressing, commenting, obsessing? It seems like the same 5 or 6 people making comments. I figure there are a lot of people watching.

I'm one of the watchers, waiting for updates reported on here since I'm not in regular contact with my OR. My numbers are pretty good (3.95/4.0 GPA BA from a top school, 59 OAR), but if the board is only looking for prior-service or advanced/technical degrees I'm afraid I'm out of luck.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
Most of this thread is all BS when it comes down to it unless a board member wants to hop on here and give us insider info on how the board operates it's all just speculation to pass the time. ;)

I don't know about that. I learned a lot of valuable information for preparing for the OAR, putting together my motivational statement, what I need for my package, the application process, etc. from these threads that I needed to know and that I couldn't find a lot of information on elsewhere. So, while I agree that there is a lot of BS, there is a lot of value as well.

I would imagine with 300+ applicants, there are a percentage that don't know about this site or this thread or that airwarriors is not just for aviation candidates. Then there is a percentage of people that don't actually care about joining the Navy, they just submit applications for a lot of different services, programs, jobs, careers, schools, etc. and hope that something works out. There are probably a bunch of people that put IDC as one of their last choices, as sort of an afterthought and they've already been turned down for other designators. I'm curious how many out of the 300+ are actual competitive candidates. I'm also curious, when people say there were 300+ applications and only 15 to 25% are selected, what is the breakdown of IW, SWO-IW, Intel, SWO-Intel, IP, SWO-IP, etc.

For people like me who are only applying for Intel, I can't help but think 300+ applications of which they only take 25%. This means around 75 people. And then I heard that they do a 60%/40% split of technical v. non-technical degrees which means for me (non-technical degree), around 30 people. So 25% acceptance actually means 10% chance for me (30/300). And assuming a 25% selection rate is high, compared to what I've heard, it could be as low as 6% (18/300 with 15% selection rate). But that's just me "nuking it" again. ;)


Well-Known Member
What blows me away is that if there 300+ applicants, why aren't there more people on this thread stressing, commenting, obsessing? It seems like the same 5 or 6 people making comments. I figure there are a lot of people watching.

Didn't Airwarriors stop new registrations for a while? I imagine that some of them are lurking now and then. Remember, too, that some people just put Intel or another IDC designator on their package because there was room. I know a guy that applied for SWO and Supply and listed some IDC stuff as an afterthought. Navy is his plan C, so he doesn't even check in with his OR. There must be plenty of people like that.


Career Recruiter
I'm one of the watchers, waiting for updates reported on here since I'm not in regular contact with my OR. My numbers are pretty good (3.95/4.0 GPA BA from a top school, 59 OAR), but if the board is only looking for prior-service or advanced/technical degrees I'm afraid I'm out of luck.
I knew a 10 yr CTI1 with a solid application. He scored a 65 on the OAR and had a 3.5 gpa, poly science degree from tier 1 school who was a nonselect across all three IDC designators. To my knowledge he never resubmitted. Some times the competition is outrageous and others not. What I'm saying is reapply if not selected. I will apply till they tell me to stop. I'm in this for 20+. Worst thing they can say is no.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
I knew a 10 yr CTI1 with a solid application. He scored a 65 on the OAR and had a 3.5 gpa, poly science degree from tier 1 school who was a nonselect across all three IDC designators. To my knowledge he never resubmitted. Some times the competition is outrageous and others not. What I'm saying is reapply if not selected. I will apply till they tell me to stop. I'm in this for 20+. Worst thing they can say is no.

Wow! That's crazy. He sounds like he checks almost every box on what I heard the board is looking for aside from technical degree and graduate degree.

I'm curious what the selection rate is for people that reapply. Also, does anyone know what you have to do to reapply? I heard that you have to have some "improvement" to your application but I'm not sure what the magnitude of the "improvement" has to be? Another LOR? A better OAR score? . . .


"Wild Horse"
And then I heard that they do a 60%/40% split of technical v. non-technical degrees which means for me (non-technical degree), around 30 people. So 25% acceptance actually means 10% chance for me (30/300). And assuming a 25% selection rate is high, compared to what I've heard, it could be as low as 6% (18/300 with 15% selection rate). But that's just me "nuking it" again. ;)

Bro, you're killing me with all these quadratic equations! You need to translate this for us knuckle draggers in here. lol


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
Bro, you're killing me with all these quadratic equations! You need to translate this for us knuckle draggers in here. lol

Basically it means that we're all getting "PRO REC Y"s and we're all going to be in the same OCS class together so we might as well start assigning class leadership responsibilities. I'm pretty good at ironing and shining shoes . Anyone good with the Brasso? LOL.

Popo Jijo

Primary Complete
Bro, you're killing me with all these quadratic equations! You need to translate this for us knuckle draggers in here. lol

Popo Jijo

Primary Complete
Basically it means that we're all getting "PRO REC Y"s and we're all going to be in the same OCS class together so we might as well start assigning class leadership responsibilities. I'm pretty good at ironing and shining shoes . Anyone good with the Brasso? LOL.

I can tie a square knot.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that. I learned a lot of valuable information for preparing for the OAR, putting together my motivational statement, what I need for my package, the application process, etc. from these threads that I needed to know and that I couldn't find a lot of information on elsewhere. So, while I agree that there is a lot of BS, there is a lot of value as well.

I would imagine with 300+ applicants, there are a percentage that don't know about this site or this thread or that airwarriors is not just for aviation candidates. Then there is a percentage of people that don't actually care about joining the Navy, they just submit applications for a lot of different services, programs, jobs, careers, schools, etc. and hope that something works out. There are probably a bunch of people that put IDC as one of their last choices, as sort of an afterthought and they've already been turned down for other designators. I'm curious how many out of the 300+ are actual competitive candidates. I'm also curious, when people say there were 300+ applications and only 15 to 25% are selected, what is the breakdown of IW, SWO-IW, Intel, SWO-Intel, IP, SWO-IP, etc.

For people like me who are only applying for Intel, I can't help but think 300+ applications of which they only take 25%. This means around 75 people. And then I heard that they do a 60%/40% split of technical v. non-technical degrees which means for me (non-technical degree), around 30 people. So 25% acceptance actually means 10% chance for me (30/300). And assuming a 25% selection rate is high, compared to what I've heard, it could be as low as 6% (18/300 with 15% selection rate). But that's just me "nuking it" again. ;)

Yup your nuking it again ;) You right I have learned more from this forum than my OR could ever know. I was referring more to how the board operates behind closed doors, and how they evaluate packets. All we have to analyze the post board data therefore we cannot draw a conclusion as to their methods due to the inconsistencies of those who were selected.


Well-Known Member
So I've noticed. :)

What blows me away is that if there 300+ applicants, why aren't there more people on this thread stressing, commenting, obsessing? It seems like the same 5 or 6 people making comments. I figure there are a lot of people watching.

out of all the applicants I had over the years only a handful knew about this site.


Well-Known Member
Most of this thread is all BS when it comes down to it unless a board member wants to hop on here and give us insider info on how the board operates it's all just speculation to pass the time. ;)

Except that each board can have different members, and while they will have some similarities with other boards it is just a snapshot in time, recruiters look at trends over years and common factors, it isn't perfect but it provides a pretty good estimation of how things will go.

Near the end of my recruiting time before the board was held I had a little game with our processors, I would pick out the names of those going for Pilot/NFO/SWO/Supply as to who I thought would get picked up, I was rarely off, and all I did was go by the past trends.