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September 2014 IDC Board


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that. I learned a lot of valuable information for preparing for the OAR, putting together my motivational statement, what I need for my package, the application process, etc. from these threads that I needed to know and that I couldn't find a lot of information on elsewhere. So, while I agree that there is a lot of BS, there is a lot of value as well.

I would imagine with 300+ applicants, there are a percentage that don't know about this site or this thread or that airwarriors is not just for aviation candidates. Then there is a percentage of people that don't actually care about joining the Navy, they just submit applications for a lot of different services, programs, jobs, careers, schools, etc. and hope that something works out. There are probably a bunch of people that put IDC as one of their last choices, as sort of an afterthought and they've already been turned down for other designators. I'm curious how many out of the 300+ are actual competitive candidates. I'm also curious, when people say there were 300+ applications and only 15 to 25% are selected, what is the breakdown of IW, SWO-IW, Intel, SWO-Intel, IP, SWO-IP, etc.

For people like me who are only applying for Intel, I can't help but think 300+ applications of which they only take 25%. This means around 75 people. And then I heard that they do a 60%/40% split of technical v. non-technical degrees which means for me (non-technical degree), around 30 people. So 25% acceptance actually means 10% chance for me (30/300). And assuming a 25% selection rate is high, compared to what I've heard, it could be as low as 6% (18/300 with 15% selection rate). But that's just me "nuking it" again. ;)

unless goals shot way up 75 is a very high number and would essentially close out all IDC based on past history, if they do have those high numbers it is probable that the Dec board would have some changes to it.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
unless goals shot way up 75 is a very high number and would essentially close out all IDC based on past history, if they do have those high numbers it is probable that the Dec board would have some changes to it.

I figured 25% was high. I read that somewhere and used it as a best case scenario. I've heard that it's usually closer to 15%. I used the number 75 because it was 25% of 300. 15% of 300 would put us at 45 people selected. Does this sound more accurate in your experience? Does this number of selected individuals include intel, IW, swo-ip, swo-intel, swo-IW, oceanography? Because that doesn't pain a pretty picture. That's like single digit selections for each individual designator. :(


Well-Known Member
I'm also curious, when people say there were 300+ applications and only 15 to 25% are selected, what is the breakdown of IW, SWO-IW, Intel, SWO-Intel, IP, SWO-IP, etc.

Remove the percent sign and you have your answer. Historically these are the numbers (15-25 selected) it's only 20% when there are 100 applicants. The percentage throws people off. The number of applicants does not increase the goal. Percentages will be lower than normal this board simply because of the number of applicants.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
Remove the percent sign and you have your answer. Historically these are the numbers (15-25 selected) it's only 20% when there are 100 applicants. The percentage throws people off. The number of applicants does not increase the goal. Percentages will be lower than normal this board simply because of the number of applicants.

Excellent point. I guess I just assumed that there were usually that many applicants for each board. 25 selections for 300 applicants is around 8%. This gets worse and worse. lol


Well-Known Member
Excellent point. I guess I just assumed that there were usually that many applicants for each board. 25 selections for 300 applicants is around 8%. This gets worse and worse. lol

Well like one of the SMEs said in a previous thread, IW and Intel have the higher numbers where IP and SWO options are single digits. My guess is Low teens for IW low to mid for Intel and five - eight total for the others. Shooting from the hip.... I hope I am wrong. Regardless it increases the percentage to about 10 so we got that going for us. I hope to see all of you with a pro rec y in your signatures when this is all said and done.


Well-Known Member
FYI, for those of you who follow information about the IDC, the CNO had some interesting things to say about the future of the IDC today when he visited. You can probably find a summary of his remarks on his FB page.

No...sadly, I did not ask him when the results would be out. :)
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Well-Known Member
FYI, for those of you who follow information about the IDC, the CNO had some interesting things to say about the future of the IDC today when he visited. You can probably find a summary of his remarks on his FB page.

No...sadly, I did not ask him when the results would be out. :)
Nope nothing could you summarize please.


Well-Known Member
I figured 25% was high. I read that somewhere and used it as a best case scenario. I've heard that it's usually closer to 15%. I used the number 75 because it was 25% of 300. 15% of 300 would put us at 45 people selected. Does this sound more accurate in your experience? Does this number of selected individuals include intel, IW, swo-ip, swo-intel, swo-IW, oceanography? Because that doesn't pain a pretty picture. That's like single digit selections for each individual designator. :(

Oceano is off the table now per RUFIO181, SWO-Intel has had no goal for years, besides that guessing numbers is hard, there has been more than one case where the IDC board overselected and that caused an issue for subsequent boards, but probably a reasonable estimate would be 40-60 overall.


Career Recruiter
Wow! That's crazy. He sounds like he checks almost every box on what I heard the board is looking for aside from technical degree and graduate degree.

I'm curious what the selection rate is for people that reapply. Also, does anyone know what you have to do to reapply? I heard that you have to have some "improvement" to your application but I'm not sure what the magnitude of the "improvement" has to be? Another LOR? A better OAR score? . . .
At my NRD we accepted new LOR's, test scores, GPA increase motivational statement revamped along with a letter requesting and reasons for your reconsideration as justification to re apply in a period less than six months after the board results were released. Not sure if Millington has changed any of this though.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if that'll be filled by Cyber Engineer officers.

I interviewed for CWE on a last minute decision. What they do is real and matters. The technical interview was intense. Must be versed in algorithms and be able to code one on the spot in several languages. They went deep into the computer sciences. Deep...