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September 2014 IDC Board


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
Question WRT GPA: My cumulative GPA is a 3.54, but the GPA I recently graduated my tech school with was a 3.98. Will the board only see one or both of these, and, since my early college days 8 years ago, will my more recent achievements outshine my teenage mistakes?

My understanding, for whatever it's worth, is that there are different GPAs:

(1) there is the GPA on the first page of your APSR (i.e., OCS Application) which is your "most current" GPA (i.e., whatever educational program you most recently graduated from).
(2) then there is the GPA calculation sheet which will contain the GPA of all the educational programs you have graduated from.
(3) finally, also on the GPA calculation worksheet, there will be some sort of cumulative GPA based on all the educational programs you've completed. There's been debate on how this is calculated but it is a function of GPA and how many credit hours the program had (i.e., f(x) = [GPA1(credit hours) + GPA(credit hours) + . . .]/(Total Credit Hours)].

there's another equation for you @A_Longo88 ;)

I'll let the actual ORs comment on this though . . .


Pro-Rec Y IW
Also, when you say "cumulative GPA," what GPA are you referring to?

The combination of the credits and grades for each used to complete my degree. I went to three different schools.

EDIT: Also, after speaking to the processor, it sounded like only the credits used (no others) were factored into the cumulative equation.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
Did anyone submit their SMART transcript with their package? I read somewhere that we were supposed to but then my OR said that I wasn't.


Well-Known Member
My understanding, for whatever it's worth, is that there are different GPAs:

(1) there is the GPA on the first page of your APSR (i.e., OCS Application) which is your "most current" GPA (i.e., whatever educational program you most recently graduated from).
(2) then there is the GPA calculation sheet which will contain the GPA of all the educational programs you have graduated from.
(3) finally, also on the GPA calculation worksheet, there will be some sort of cumulative GPA based on all the educational programs you've completed. There's been debate on how this is calculated but it is a function of GPA and how many credit hours the program had (i.e., f(x) = [GPA1(credit hours) + GPA(credit hours) + . . .]/(Total Credit Hours)].

there's another equation for you @A_Longo88 ;)

I'll let the actual ORs comment on this though . . .

pretty close, only correction is on (2) it the GPA of all educational programs whether you graduated or not.


Well-Known Member
The combination of the credits and grades for each used to complete my degree. I went to three different schools.

EDIT: Also, after speaking to the processor, it sounded like only the credits used (no others) were factored into the cumulative equation.

The cumulative GPA would be right off the transcript for the school you graduated from, that goes on the front of the APSR, all others will be on the GPA calculation sheet.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
Yes, I included my SMART transcript. I believe you're supposed to, as it was on the checklist I was sent by the OCS processor.

Do you have a link to that checklist? I have something called the "Officer Candidate School (OCS) Application Checklist," and I don't see SMART transcript on there anywhere. The one I have is "Rev. 05/27/11" though so there may be a newer one.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
This is the one I used.

Thanks. This seems to be for "Fleet Sailors" so perhaps civilians (even prior enlisted) don't have to submit their SMART transcripts. Too bad, that would have helped me out significantly with the STEM angle (100+ STEM Credits).


Pro-Rec Y IW
Thanks. This seems to be for "Fleet Sailors" so perhaps civilians (even prior enlisted) don't have to submit their SMART transcripts. Too bad, that would have helped me out significantly with the STEM angle (100+ STEM Credits).

If you PRO-REC N, consider submitting your SMART with your reconsideration package.


Career Recruiter
This is the one I used.
Although he was prior service, he is not active duty from what I read. This checklist was specific to the Active Duty "FLEET" applicants. Civilian applicants also us the APSR (Application Processing Summary Record) NAVCRUIT1131/238 where we use the OPNAV1420.1 Check CNRC Forms for the most recent updates for CIVILIAN APPLICANTS http://www.cnrc.navy.mil/forms.htm. FLEET Processors will issue many of the AD specific forms.