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September 2014 IDC Board


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
If you PRO-REC N, consider submitting your SMART with your reconsideration package.

I didn't send an application in for the current board, I'm applying to the December board, so I still have time if it would help. The problem I'm running into is that my OR and processor don't respond to my emails and don't provide much information. I know they're busy with other applicants so I'm hoping that they are more diligent about my package once it gets closer to the end of October (that's when the December IDC board packages are due).


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
I inquired about becoming a nuke officer since I knew the Navy is always in need of them and because of the large bonuses but, despite being a prior nuke, I was told I didn't qualify because I didn't have a STEM degree and/or the calculus/physics classes.


Well-Known Member
I inquired about becoming a nuke officer since I knew the Navy is always in need of them and because of the large bonuses but, despite being a prior nuke, I was told I didn't qualify because I didn't have a STEM degree and/or the calculus/physics classes.

kind of funny that you can become a LDO or warrant and stand the same watches as a URL nuke but you can't be a URL nuke without the calc and physics.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
kind of funny that you can become a LDO or warrant and stand the same watches as a URL nuke but you can't be a URL nuke without the calc and physics.

Yeah, it was pretty upsetting to me. I couldn't believe it when they told me. Nuke officer life seemed miserable too but I want to be an officer so bad that I thought it would be a sure fire route since I had already completed the nuke training, quals, etc. once and was told that they are desperate for nukes. I even wanted to go nuke submarine which I'm told is really hard to find people for and qualifies for the Admiral's Accelerator Award for recruiters. Apparently they aren't that desperate.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was pretty upsetting to me. I couldn't believe it when they told me. Nuke officer life seemed miserable too but I want to be an officer so bad that I thought it would be a sure fire route since I had already completed the nuke training, quals, etc. once and was told that they are desperate for nukes. I even wanted to go nuke submarine which I'm told is really hard to find people for and qualifies for the Admiral's Accelerator Award for recruiters. Apparently they aren't that desperate.

I think some NRD's have problems finding nukes, we didn't, we met and exceeded our goal each year, we even had a waiting list for people going to interview with the Admiral.


Making Recruiting Great Again
I think some NRD's have problems finding nukes, we didn't, we met and exceeded our goal each year, we even had a waiting list for people going to interview with the Admiral.

I had one get accepted in June, and I have four more going to interviews between now and the end of the calendar year.


Career Recruiter
I didn't send an application in for the current board, I'm applying to the December board, so I still have time if it would help. The problem I'm running into is that my OR and processor don't respond to my emails and don't provide much information. I know they're busy with other applicants so I'm hoping that they are more diligent about my package once it gets closer to the end of October (that's when the December IDC board packages are due).
I'm not making excuses for them but to be honest, applicants for IDC walk through the door. If you want this you must do a lot of your own research and pretty much walk in the door with a completed application. Most recruiters are concerned with hitting the hard to snag applicants. Doctors, engineers, math and applied science majors... Sometimes you have to stop by the office to talk to someone. Career fairs are a good time and place to chat. Hit up an engineering job fair at a top ranked school and you're bound to catch a recruiter.


Well-Known Member
I'm not making excuses for them but to be honest, applicants for IDC walk through the door. If you want this you must do a lot of your own research and pretty much walk in the door with a completed application. Most recruiters are concerned with hitting the hard to snag applicants. Doctors, engineers, math and applied science majors... Sometimes you have to stop by the office to talk to someone. Career fairs are a good time and place to chat. Hit up an engineering job fair at a top ranked school and you're bound to catch a recruiter.


NRC several years ago said not to go looking for IDC and to concentrate on those that don't just "walk through the door"


Well-Known Member
Stupid BUPERS...populate already!

My brother in law is in the Air Force, and applied for their equivalent of STA-21. He was accepted and never notified. It wasn't until a month or so later he did some inquiring on his own and found out he'd been accepted. Normally I'd think that is funny, but I wouldn't put it past my command. It's not like the CO/XO/CMC are checking BUPERS every 5 minutes on my behalf.


Career Recruiter
I inquired about becoming a nuke officer since I knew the Navy is always in need of them and because of the large bonuses but, despite being a prior nuke, I was told I didn't qualify because I didn't have a STEM degree and/or the calculus/physics classes.
Unless the PA has changed, you can apply for SWO and Subs with calc I & II, Calc based physics I & II as long as you had a B or better and cumulative gpa over a 3.0

Also helps tremendously with getting picked up for all other programs.
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"Wild Horse"
I'm already planning for a release next Friday. I talked to my CMC yesterday and he said that he will receive a notification once there's something for him to view in BUPERS and for me not to worry. He said that he and the Skipper will notify me as soon as they get notice. I wonder if they post to the triad view and personal view at the same time or if there is a small gap in between? I know how they like the leadership to find out first.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
I'm not making excuses for them but to be honest, applicants for IDC walk through the door. If you want this you must do a lot of your own research and pretty much walk in the door with a completed application. Most recruiters are concerned with hitting the hard to snag applicants. Doctors, engineers, math and applied science majors... Sometimes you have to stop by the office to talk to someone. Career fairs are a good time and place to chat. Hit up an engineering job fair at a top ranked school and you're bound to catch a recruiter.

I completely understand, and I didn't mind doing the leg work on my application. After all, it's my application, plus I probably would have done the research anyway. I'm a "trust but verify" kind of guy. Really my only concerns are whether they have been receiving the stuff I've been sending them, if my package is complete, and whether it has been submitted or not. Also, it would have been nice to have some feedback on things like my motivational statement. I know that IDC applicants aren't in high demand and I completely understand them concentrating on filling the needs of the Navy.