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September 2014 IDC Board


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
I had to deal with this in my job in the fleet, it isn't secret it is confidential for NPS, those going to subs had to get the higher clearance before going to the boat, but they worried about that once they knew where you were going, we had many arrive on the ship after prototype and all they had was just an interim confidential.

Interesting. I have a couple forms in my old service record that state I had a Secret clearance and the date that I received it is listed as right before I classed up for Power School.

Also, it says this on Wikipedia, "Prospective enlisted enrollees in the Nuclear Power Program must have a qualifying score on the ASVAB exam, may need to pass a general science exam, and must undergo a NACLC investigation for attaining a "Secret" security clearance." But who trusts Wikipedia . . .


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I have a couple forms in my old service record that state I had a Secret clearance and the date that I received it is listed as right before I classed up for Power School.

Also, it says this on Wikipedia, "Prospective enlisted enrollees in the Nuclear Power Program must have a qualifying score on the ASVAB exam, may need to pass a general science exam, and must undergo a NACLC investigation for attaining a "Secret" security clearance." But who trusts Wikipedia . . .

nukes going surface will have an investigation to obtain a secret but will not be given one unless needed, when I went to a command where I needed a secret it just required the command to do something on their end and I had it within a few weeks.

in this case I would say wiki is correct, investigation is done, but not necessarily needed or granted depending on ultimate platform.


Well-Known Member
In the meantime, I'll take this opportunity to ask a few questions that I feel weren't straightly answered by my OR, since many people here seem to have a bit of experience with this whole deal.

-If I got my security interview 3 months ago, and about 2.5 months ago was the last interview for anyone associated with me, will I hear anything back about clearance?

-Also, is that clearance transferable? For instance if, not being selected for the Navy, I applied to the Air Force or CIA. I don't believe I was ever told for sure what level of clearance it really was.

-If you are granted the clearance (and are cleared at MEPS), after selection, are there any more snags that would hold a candidate back from OCS? (other than possibly obvious things like 5 DUIs immediately after)

-How long does one generally wait between selection and getting an OCS date? (then getting to OCS itself?)

-If not selected, can you reapply to the same board even if there are no real changes in your application? (Same job, experience, GPA, OAR)

I will take the secondt one as I have some first hand experience with this: -Also, is that clearance transferable? For instance if, not being selected for the Navy, I applied to the Air Force or CIA. I don't believe I was ever told for sure what level of clearance it really was

You will maintain your clearance but if you change jobs ie. joining a diferent agency such as one of the 3 letter agencies they will do their own invetigation. Your SF-86 is electronic now via e-quip so you will have to log in and update your information once the sponsoring agency opens the invetigation. This is the govenment so there is a lot of over lap on this stuff. I have filled out somewhere between 5-10 SF-86's for varios agencies even though I still hold an active secret clearance. Most agencies are very territorial in this way that they want to do their own investigation. Hope this helps.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
I wasn't sure if I should mention this in my kit but I also have a Super Secret Squirrel clearance that I got by sending in $4.75 to some internet site and receiving a secret decoder ring. Before anyone asks, yes, it glows in the dark.


OCS Class 04-16, 27 SEP 2015
Yes. But it only will print out on a dot matrix printer.

I wouldn't have it any other way! Besides, I've read that your earning potential actually goes down when one progresses from a masters or professional degree to a doctorate. So that may be all I can afford.