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Well-Known Member
For prior service, are NWU type 3 blouses that have enlisted warfare designators stitched on expected to be removed before attending and being accepted for use? Thanks,
No. They will check the entire uniform to see if it’s in good condition. But if it’s too worn and too faded they’ll make you buy new ones.

I got three brand new sets from the local thrift shop before I left and had my warfare devices put on
Two stupid questions about OCS:
1. One of the supplies we need to get from the NEX is a sewing kit...do we need to know how to sew or will they teach us what we need in case we need to use the kit?
2. As someone fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to have facial hair that grows fairly quick, what is the recommended shaving method? Are electric razors allowed? Should I go instead for single blade vs multi-blade?
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Well-Known Member
1. You’ll get a showing kit there. And no you won’t need. Maybe in an emergency but 99 percent sure you won’t. You def will need it for RLP presentation.

2. Electric razors are allowed. And the expectation is to be clean shaved all day. So if you need to shave in the morning and later in the day you need to.


Well-Known Member
Two stupid questions about OCS:
1. One of the supplies we need to get from the NEX is a sewing kit...do we need to know how to sew or will they teach us what we need in case we need to use the kit?
2. As someone fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to have facial hair that grows fairly quick, what is the recommended shaving method? Are electric razors allows? Should I go instead for single blade vs multi-blade?
1. No. Sewing kit is there in case you pop one of your uniform buttons off. Typically at least one person in your class knows how to sew, you can ask for help, but no you won’t be evaluated on it
2. You can use electric razors. Just don’t bring a safety or straight razor
More stupid questions :)

For the IST, how much of a break do you get in between exercises? Assume you do the push ups first, do you roll immediately into a plank or are you given some time to rest your arms?
More stupid questions :)

For the IST, how much of a break do you get in between exercises? Assume you do the push ups first, do you roll immediately into a plank or are you given some time to rest your arms?

You will be divided into two groups. You’ll get a bit of rest while the other group goes plus whatever time it takes for them to record scores and introduce the next exercise.

If you are in decent physical shape the IST should be cake. I say this all the time, but I would STRONGLY recommend training with HIIT workouts instead of just for the PFA. Not only will they improve your PFA scores, but they will condition you for the much more physical demanding evolutions.

I’d recommend preparing with 10-15 minute sessions of constant exercise alternating between push ups, burpees, leg lifts, mason twists, bicycle crunches, and squats at random for like 90-120 seconds each with no rest in between.
You will be divided into two groups. You’ll get a bit of rest while the other group goes plus whatever time it takes for them to record scores and introduce the next exercise.

If you are in decent physical shape the IST should be cake. I say this all the time, but I would STRONGLY recommend training with HIIT workouts instead of just for the PFA. Not only will they improve your PFA scores, but they will condition you for the much more physical demanding evolutions.

I’d recommend preparing with 10-15 minute sessions of constant exercise alternating between push ups, burpees, leg lifts, mason twists, bicycle crunches, and squats at random for like 90-120 seconds each with no rest in between.
If doing CrossFit for nearly 4 years has not prepared me for the IST and PFA, I should ask for a refund.

I was just concerned because after doing push ups your arms will be fatigued, even if it’s just 2 minutes. To then roll into a plank? If I’m fresh, I can pump out enough push ups or hold a plank for at least 2 minutes; one after the other? Haven’t done it yet.


Well-Known Member
IST you’ll get a little break between push ups and planks. But other rollable evolutions you won’t and you’ll be doing. Push-ups into planks fast, without rest. Prep now


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Site Admin
But other rollable evolutions you won’t and you’ll be doing. Push-ups into planks fast, without rest. Prep now

Having never been to OCS, I'm curious...what other events could they roll you for that involve calisthenics?


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Site Admin
First Friday
Fast cruise
Training country fam
Any of the 4 PRTs you’ll take

Other than the PRTs, I don't know what those are. I'm asking what the events are, generally. For example, isn't RLP about something other than PT, but PT is used as a stressor? So being rolled isn't a result of the PT, it's about the overall performance during that evolution. Or maybe I don't understand what RLP is, which is entirely possible.


Well-Known Member
You fan find what each evolution is by searching on here and online. But in the case RLP. It’s a room inspection…..while you’re getting PTd. And many drill instructors could not care less about your room. They want to see you put out for the duration of the exercise. While reciting your bravo knowledge.

If you get rolled during RPT it’s due to the following typically in this order

Failure to perform PT
Lack of knowledge
Too many hits in your room.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
You fan find what each evolution is by searching on here and online. But in the case RLP. It’s a room inspection…..while you’re getting PTd. And many drill instructors could not care less about your room. They want to see you put out for the duration of the exercise. While reciting your bravo knowledge.

If you get rolled during RPT it’s due to the following typically in this order

Failure to perform PT
Lack of knowledge
Too many hits in your room.
OK…I think I understand the concept of “First Friday,” but what are,

Fast Cruise and Training Country Fam?


An AOCS Graduate Who Didn’t Have Any of That


Well-Known Member
Fast cruise is just another high intensity session where the RDCs and DIs push people to their limits.

Training country fam is where they show you the campus and do PT along the way. You can role if you’re unable to keep up/do the PT for safety reasons.

They can honestly pull you for safety or failure to perform any day they are PTing you and you’re not meeting the bar.