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New Member
I texted mine and he said I got selected and have a date 24Jan21
That is so awesome! Congrats! Please do not take this the wrong way, but your stats give me so much hope for the quotas this cycle. Obviously, I don't know what else went into your package, but you didn't need crazy high stats to be selected. Hopefully were good, and quotas don't suck :/


New Member
Is there a right way to take your comment? It was extremely rude.
I honestly didn't mean any disrespect at all. I just meant that I looked at people who were selected/non-selected over the last few cycles, and it always looked like they weeded people out on GPA. I'm just saying that it looks like they took more time to examine people on the "whole-person" aspect, and not just on numbers. I apologize for the offense.


Well-Known Member
I honestly didn't mean any disrespect at all. I just meant that I looked at people who were selected/non-selected over the last few cycles, and it always looked like they weeded people out on GPA. I'm just saying that it looks like they took more time to examine people on the "whole-person" aspect, and not just on numbers. I apologize for the offense.
I get what you were trying to say. It can come off rude, but I get that you didn’t intend it that way. I also have hope that quotas will be higher than Feb. Best of Luck! ❤️


Active Member
I honestly didn't mean any disrespect at all. I just meant that I looked at people who were selected/non-selected over the last few cycles, and it always looked like they weeded people out on GPA. I'm just saying that it looks like they took more time to examine people on the "whole-person" aspect, and not just on numbers. I apologize for the offense.
I believe you didn't mean it in a mean way, just try be more mindful in the future. Especially if you get picked up, ships are high stress situations and small comments, while not ill intended can cause a big impact on a junior sailor. Especially coming from someone of a high rank. Just something to think about.
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Active Member
Off topic, but I just got orders to the America ❤. So if I don’t get picked up, I’m going back to Japan ?? SO EXCITED. #GlassHalfFull
I had orders to Hawaii buttt they couldn't get orders for my husband in Hawaii so I am heading to San Diego! I've always been east coast so I'm ecstatic! Congrats on Japan! We were gonna try overseas but figured dual with a kid might not want to risk it if I get picked up


Well-Known Member
I had orders to Hawaii buttt they couldn't get orders for my husband in Hawaii so I am heading to San Diego! I've always been east coast so I'm ecstatic! Congrats on Japan! We were gonna try overseas but figured dual with a kid might not want to risk it if I get picked up
I’ve heard San Diego is great. My husband and I met in Japan on the Fitz, so we’re so excited to go back. Now we have our baby girl, so she can experience it too! Hopefully, I get selected an all ?... but at least now I have something to look forward to.


Active Member
I’ve heard San Diego is great. My husband and I met in Japan on the Fitz, so we’re so excited to go back. Now we have our baby girl, so she can experience it too! Hopefully, I get selected an all ?... but at least now I have something to look forward to.
I feel you. We are the same. His family is from cali and mine is all over the east side so we get to be by his side now which is cool. We have a little girl too! I'm always nervous about dual mil and him being a very small rate. We also weren't colocated this tour because he had hard copies before we got married so my biggest hope is we are colocated if I pick up. He's 3 hours away now so not a huge issue I just would prefer not to do another 2 maybe 4 away


Well-Known Member
That is so awesome! Congrats! Please do not take this the wrong way, but your stats give me so much hope for the quotas this cycle. Obviously, I don't know what else went into your package, but you didn't need crazy high stats to be selected. Hopefully were good, and quotas don't suck :/

im not upset about it, but I’m of the mindset that if you have to say something like “don’t take this the wrong way”, you should find another way to say it or not say it at all. Almost like saying “no offense” then saying something offensive.

That being said, I did have a low GPA. However, I had more to my package than just a GPA and a test score. @exNavyOffRec will always tell you that they rarely look at anything outside of GPA and OAR, but I didn’t really change either of those from my last application. This is purely speculative on my part, but I feel like I put in a much stronger package than I had on the Feb board. I got better letters of rec, I did an interview with a SWO captain (not easy when you live in ND), I put in extensive volunteer time, and rewrote my motivational statement. I don’t know if my prior service mattered much. Overall, I feel like I made my package significantly better the second time around. How much that actually mattered, who knows?


Well-Known Member
im not upset about it, but I’m of the mindset that if you have to say something like “don’t take this the wrong way”, you should find another way to say it or not say it at all. Almost like saying “no offense” then saying something offensive.

That being said, I did have a low GPA. However, I had more to my package than just a GPA and a test score. @exNavyOffRec will always tell you that they rarely look at anything outside of GPA and OAR, but I didn’t really change either of those from my last application. This is purely speculative on my part, but I feel like I put in a much stronger package than I had on the Feb board. I got better letters of rec, I did an interview with a SWO captain (not easy when you live in ND), I put in extensive volunteer time, and rewrote my motivational statement. I don’t know if my prior service mattered much. Overall, I feel like I made my package significantly better the second time around. How much that actually mattered, who knows?
Hell yea dude, that is what a captain at my board told me to just keep applying if you do not get it the first time up, they want to see your willingness to become an officer. Congrats!


Well-Known Member
Hell yea dude, that is what a captain at my board told me to just keep applying if you do not get it the first time up, they want to see your willingness to become an officer. Congrats!
The board has started giving N-DNR for those that continually to apply with no significant change to the application. It is about best qualified, sometimes good applicants get a N on tough boards and get in on the next one, but if a person gets a N on a board with a 90% selection rate well that is kind of telling.

Edit: they also give N-DNR for other reasons as well such as someone with a waiver they will not select due to the reason for the waiver.
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