Seriously?China joined the WTO in 2001, WTF are you talking about?
This much is true.It's not just about Ukraine.
Thinking in the long term, it is worth considering that around the globe the rising power is India (now being armed by the U.S.) and this could encourage China to eye opportunities to their west (because Russia is so weak) rather than taking an aggressive stance in the Pacific.
Your assessment is correct. China has been playing the “great powers” game using money to buy access since Xi came into power, and in a tragicomedy way we’ve been paying for it with our purchasing power. The big point here, and this certainly is NOT the result of any Trump “wisdom” is that while Russia wants to play the Great Power game, they can’t. To pivot off of @robav8r post above, Putin has fucked Russia into a cocked hat. Putin, in his foolish strike at Ukraine, has…I may be misreading the intent of this, but I'd argue China has already been doing that while also still being aggressive in the Pacific. China has moved into AFG (an Indian trading partner), they have Belt and Road into Africa and the Med, and they've got their various economic claws set into Central and South America.
I don't disagree with your statement, it just seems like it's long since already happened (or is happening).
He has also grown NATO, as both Sweden and Finland joined the alliance since the war began.Your assessment is correct. China has been playing the “great powers” game using money to buy access since Xi came into power, and in a tragicomedy way we’ve been paying for it with our purchasing power. The big point here, and this certainly is NOT the result of any Trump “wisdom” is that while Russia wants to play the Great Power game, they can’t. To pivot off of @robav8r post above, Putin has fucked Russia into a cocked hat. Putin, in his foolish strike at Ukraine, has…
Lost nearly 3800 tanks (and it will take 10 or more years to rebuild)
Lost some 7500 armored combat and infantry combat vehicles
Lost 395 combat aircraft
Suffered the worst naval defeat since 1905
And, of course, the manpower losses - which they can easily replace.
No matter how this ends, Russia is the real global loser.
Excellent addition to the list.He has also grown NATO, as both Sweden and Finland joined the alliance since the war began.
Russia made some territorial progress - and they had a 4-1 manpower advantage as well as significant armor and artillery numbers. How does Ukraine retake territory when they would have to attack despite being outnumbered 4-1? It appears that maneuver tactics are extremely difficult and we have returned to WW1 attrition warfare requiring massive industrial capacity- too bad we gave our manufacturing base to China.The “we would have to use our own forces in combat” is a red herring. We haven’t so far.
We (the West) should double down. This is a war of wills, to determine what kind of world we will have. Messy democracies? Or whatever you want to call Russia and China. Quoting…
A serious U.S. president would recognize that Putin is playing a very weak hand that we should exploit..In April 2022, following Russia’s retreat from the north of Ukraine, it controlled 19.6 percent of Ukrainian territory; its casualties (dead and wounded) were perhaps 20,000. Today Russia occupies 19.2 percent and its casualties are 800,000, reckon British sources… More than half of the 7,300 tanks [Russia] had in storage are gone. Of those that … The reallocation of resources from productive sectors to the military complex has fueled double-digit inflation. Interest rates are 21 percent.”
If this were poker, Putin is holding a pair of twos and bluffing by going all in. Trump, instead of calling Putin’s bluff, is saying, “I think I’ll fold.”
A Russian international affairs scholar, who can speak only privately, remarked to me from Moscow that Putin’s team sees Trump’s team as a clown car, full of amateurs — easy pickings for the savvy and cynical Putin’s ultimate goal: “MRGA — Make Russia Great Again (and Make America Less Great Again).”
requiring massive industrial capacity- too bad we gave our manufacturing base to China.
Steel production?Comments like these always make me chuckle, and reveal the level of education behind how much people really know about the US economy. If wars were decided on making cheap manufactured goods with low quality commodities, then yeah China has an advantage. When it comes to producing high tech advanced systems at scale then it’s apples and oranges. China couldn’t even produce organically sourced ballpoint pens until 2017.
Afghanistan defeated Russia. Bled them out.How does Ukraine retake territory when they would have to attack despite being outnumbered 4-1?
Again, how are they going to reclaim territory? Russia has the financial and numerical advantage. Just a matter of time. Ukraine needs to quit while they can instead of throwing more innocent Ukrainians to the meat grinderAfghanistan defeated Russia. Bled them out.
Ukraine just has to not lose.
What's this great financial advantage you post of? Their economy is in the toilet.Again, how are they going to reclaim territory? Russia has the financial and numerical advantage. Just a matter of time. Ukraine needs to quit while they can instead of throwing more innocent Ukrainians to the meat grinder