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New Member
Has anyone heard of the odds of age waivers for SNFO? I couldn't get approved for eye surgery but have a Masters of Science in Aeronautics, Commercial pilot with over 1500 hours and finishing up an Airline Transport Pilot rating by May. Scored well on the OAR and the NFO section of the test. Kicker is I turn 34 in March. I also have 8 years prior enlisted in Army Aviation. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
It definitely feels weird not having a career plan now. I'm a college senior graduating in May, so I'm looking for jobs for when I graduate. I'm trying to apply for the jobs I would want to do if I were to never get selected for SNA so that if I don't get selected I can carry on with other goals, but it just feels so wrong since I know this is what I want to do. I keep on going back and forth between getting a real job/career job related to my major or getting a more temporary gig. Either way, I just gotta keep the faith and hope this board works out.
Yeah try and get a job you’d like and will benefit you with work experience because you will wait awhile before leaving for ocs sometimes like I was at the November board and I don’t go to ocs till August. I don’t necessarily love my job since the oil/gas industry isn’t my passion but I’ll say some of the corporate jobs are nice with the benefits, time off, and pay. Because I am quitting in June but majority of May and June I won’t hardly be working cause I’m taking all my time off. Now be careful about corporate jobs because they typically front load all vacation time and you technically still have to earn it.
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Well-Known Member
It definitely feels weird not having a career plan now. I'm a college senior graduating in May, so I'm looking for jobs for when I graduate. I'm trying to apply for the jobs I would want to do if I were to never get selected for SNA so that if I don't get selected I can carry on with other goals, but it just feels so wrong since I know this is what I want to do. I keep on going back and forth between getting a real job/career job related to my major or getting a more temporary gig. Either way, I just gotta keep the faith and hope this board works out.
I have a couple of other paths I could take if for some reason military aviation doesn't work out, but both of those would require significant time or money commitments so I'll have those sitting on the back burner in case I need them, hopefully I don't haha.


Well-Known Member
Does the board weight a graduate degree over an undergrad degree or do they compare them both equally?
An opportunity to raise your GPA might be worth it though right? Doesn't apply to me because of my age but could help you out. I hope you get picked up before you get a grad degree though! :)


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard of the odds of age waivers for SNFO? I couldn't get approved for eye surgery but have a Masters of Science in Aeronautics, Commercial pilot with over 1500 hours and finishing up an Airline Transport Pilot rating by May. Scored well on the OAR and the NFO section of the test. Kicker is I turn 34 in March. I also have 8 years prior enlisted in Army Aviation. Thanks!
NRC hands out waivers pretty easy, it is if the board decides your age is an issue or not.


Well-Known Member
With everything going on the other side of the pond, what does this do for our board. Does this speed things up if a war (God forbid) breaks out?
It definitely feels weird not having a career plan now. I'm a college senior graduating in May, so I'm looking for jobs for when I graduate. I'm trying to apply for the jobs I would want to do if I were to never get selected for SNA so that if I don't get selected I can carry on with other goals, but it just feels so wrong since I know this is what I want to do. I keep on going back and forth between getting a real job/career job related to my major or getting a more temporary gig. Either way, I just gotta keep the faith and hope this board works out.
Welcome to my world. Graduated in December and am going through this currently.


higher gas prices is the only thing I can think of that it would affect
Do you think they would try and correct the slow down selections during a potential war brewing? Its been talked about them cancelling boards so that they can address the problem of too many people in the training pipeline, but would it now make more sense to keep kicking the can down the road
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Well-Known Member
Do you think they would try and correct the slow down selections during a potential war brewing? Its been talked about them cancelling boards so that they can address the problem of too many people in the training pipeline, but would it now make more sense to keep kicking the can down the road
I was thinking about this earlier. Curious to hear everyone’s opinions on this.


Well-Known Member
I feel that unless the US enters the conflict in a material way, there wouldn’t be any reason to adjust the boards.

That said, the optimist in me thinks they would want to have an excess rather than a deficit in new entrants given the uncertainty that comes from Eastern Europe and SE Asia. So kicking the can further down the road makes sense in a way.

Meanwhile, buying energy and cybersecurity stocks lol
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@exNavyOffRec has there ever been a case where there was a second OCS when the Navy was in a real need for officers?

Also do candidates currently at OCS get debriefs on situations like Ukraine?
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