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:( Not accepting any more applications is pretty devastating to hear. The only reason I haven't submitted is that LASIK wait and I've got everything lined up to submit the second I'm done with MEPS. I ain't getting any younger around over here!
same story with me for the last board, I had an issue that required me to do the same 3 month long wait


Well-Known Member
By any chance, if everything was submitted but We're waiting for NRC to find something that doesn't exist, does that still count as a full submission? I have to contact my recruiter tomorrow to see what's going on with that. Everything else has already been submitted, but NRC was looking for the DD-214 that doesn't exist.

BB Poison

Well-Known Member
Bummer, guess that means I get a couple more months to improve my package though ?‍♂️ For those of you who haven’t submitted yet, new thread!


Well-Known Member
By any chance, if everything was submitted but We're waiting for NRC to find something that doesn't exist, does that still count as a full submission? I have to contact my recruiter tomorrow to see what's going on with that. Everything else has already been submitted, but NRC was looking for the DD-214 that doesn't exist.
It doesn't, when submitted to NRC all documents need to be there or it will be kicked back to the recruiter, NRC doesn't look for something, NRC has the recruiter look. NRC give special consideration to AD so a person on AD might slip in after the deadline.


Latest may spreadsheet is in my signature. Since the last one is primarily filled with people that haven't submitted yet, I changed that into the august spreadsheet
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New Member
When the board for ProRec board is closed for May, is that mean the URLO IPP route for May board is closed too? I understand they are two different routs for commission. Dose any one know the answer??


Well-Known Member
Spoke with my recruiter, everything has been submitted and they got a certified letter from the Marines in regards to my previous training. All is set and ready for May.

He also told me that NRC is mainly looking for NFOs and that alot of people who applied for pilot have a higher chance of getting NFO rather than SNA. If that does happen where they do offer me that instead of SNA, im going to take it since it's a guaranteed slot.


SNA (Primary - Pool)
So I took @FloridaDad 's advice and got a Logitech joystick to use the ASTB flight sim with. In the interest of everyone who is considering doing the same, I decided to record my data. After a week of practice on the hardest difficulty and in 60 second runs, there seems to be a downward trend in my average distance to the targets with the joystick and the throttle.

astb flight sim.png

Here are some of my observations:
  • Focusing on the joystick target with the throttle in the peripheral seems to be the optimal way of tracking both at the same time. Since the joystick target moves in 2 dimensions, it's harder to recover from a mistake in tracking that one than it is for the throttle. In other words, focus more on the joystick, but don't totally neglect the throttle.
  • Sitting further from the screen increased my field of view, making it easier to keep the throttle in my peripheral vision.
  • Playing the sim with headphones on while listening to dichotic listening videos is about as close as you can get to the real exam without actually taking it. Leaning your head to either side seems to have helped me listen to the audio playing through that ear; other people have mentioned that this helped them so I just wanted to confirm it myself.
  • Playing Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 helped me learn to make minute adjustments to the throttle and joystick, something that translated to the trainer fairly well.
  • A Cruel Angel's Thesis is a dope song. That's not really related to my observations, but listening to it during the sim made it feel more fun and intense.
It's important to note that I did not use the audio cue training feature in the sim. My computer wasn't playing the audio for some reason, so I decided against it. Also, I've read that the audio in the sim only plays through one ear, as opposed to both ears like during the exam.
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