The cap is flexible, and if they decided to stick with the 60 cap anyone that applied after mid Jan would be the next board as on the mid Jan dashboard they already had 60 listed, they can sometimes go over the cap. The other thing is the cap doesn't include 3rd choice so if a person put SNA or SNFO 3rd they won't show up.
They can select more and that would count against the future boards, that has happened in the past but that was when they didn't stick to the cap, recently with other designators they have been underselecting.
One thing to keep in mind is the numbers for each board selection is based on NRC selection number, that is about 40% over what is needed to ship to OCS to account for losses and get ready for the beginning of the next FY, by the numbers if the FY 23 shipping goal is the same as FY 22 shipping goal they have pretty much already filled FY 23 shipping goal.