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Well-Known Member
Do civilians get a comprehensive eye exam with cyclopeligic drop dilation at meps? As active duty I had to do this before I was able to submit.
I didn't when I went through meps, just the eye chart, depth perception test, and that thing where they blow air into your eyes


Well-Known Member
lol, I'm considering doing the same - but also afraid of learning something I can't un-learn. I feel like the best possible way to prepare for this is to decide absolutely whether you are happy to be an officer first.
haha that's a good point. I might just roll with it, seems like having some unknown eye condition is generally on the rare side anyways. And I'd imagine that if that was the case, it'd probably be minor enough to be waived if you didn't recognize anything wrong to begin with


Well-Known Member
lol, I'm considering doing the same - but also afraid of learning something I can't un-learn. I feel like the best possible way to prepare for this is to decide absolutely whether you are happy to be an officer first.
I actually *highly* recommend doing this. I'd never had my eyes looked at before bc I had 20/20 vision my whole life.

MEPS mismeasured my eyes. I was still good to go for SNA, but i was worried my eyes had deteriorated, and I wanted to check on it before committing to aviation.

Learned I had a stigmatism before rolling up to OCS, but I was still within limits for everything so it didn't matter.
Civilian doc did almost everything they did later at OCS.


Well-Known Member
Man what a day. First off I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to give me advice as I took my last astb. Well I didn’t end like I had hoped it would 51 5/6/6. I dealt with computer malfunction the entire pbm portion and I paid the price for it on dichotic listening . good luck to everyone submitting wishing you luck.
Just got off the phone with my recruiter , Pensacola had some software issues so i get to take my PBM section again, although my 51 oar will stand.


Well-Known Member
Dude that is awesome news!
Man today was disastrous , I was killing it too and then I started running into all the issues, i kept my composure but I let the director of the office know. My recruiter even witnessed two sections and he vouched for me. I still can’t believe I got a 6 without any audio the whole time. I tracked really well. You guys all gave some really good advice I felt confident the whole day. It sucks I hit this snag in the road but I’m super thankful I get this rebuttal. I’m more motivated than ever.


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a good experience with the ASTB software? Swear we all have only horror stories?


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a good experience with the ASTB software? Swear we all have only horror stories?
I had to take the UAV section three times because the software kept crapping out. It was great, like having two free practice tests


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a good experience with the ASTB software? Swear we all have only horror stories?
When I took the ASTB no body else was. Because earlier that day NAMI sent an email to all the recruiters telling them not to give the test that day.
He didn't see the email until after I finished but there was little to no lag time which was nice.