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Well-Known Member
You can reapply for both however on the enlisted side requires a FULL KIT waiver along with an approved dd214 for example if you couldn't pass the prt or swim test, that must be included in your "why navy" statement and what you've done to improve, not to mention going through MEPS. And applicants going enlisted must pass a prt prior to even signing a new contract. It took a few months the last person I wrote that failed bootcamp. For OCS I'd imagine you have to convince the board members why they should entertain you in the first place because I was told you have two sign a paper at docs that you are basically quitting.
You can quit boot camp now? I had only seen one guy go home in boot camp and that was due to the individual falsifying medical documents and then it was determined the member needed to be on certain medications that were DQ’ing for the military. Everybody else that struggled got rolled into classes behind us.


Ricky Jenkins
You can quit boot camp now? I had only seen one guy go home in boot camp and that was due to the individual falsifying medical documents and then it was determined the member needed to be on certain medications that were DQ’ing for the military. Everybody else that struggled got rolled into classes behind us.
No you can’t “quit” you can however get a failure to adapt admin separation etc. people do get sent for various reason abs they to apply again in 6 months. Like boot camp won’t keep you won’t keep you but so long like not passing the swim test/ prt that requires s a bunch of kit work and many steps before they are aloud to return again


Well-Known Member
What's up May board. So my recruiter texted me saying I got selected for SWO and I would have an OCS date of June 16th. However, I never considered SWO. He just said he submitted my application as a back up plan and I got selected. I only had one shot at the aviation board a year ago and didn't get selected. I never had a true second chance at applying to another aviation board because of miscommunication. My next try would be this one or august I believe. I am not sure what to do. Part me wants to wait for a second shot but I also want to join the Navy already since I am not getting any younger(I am 27) Any input is appreciated and welcomed.
So you're a recruiter put you in for swo without your knowledge? @FormerRecruitingGuru this seems like it could be a huge issue.


What's up May board. So my recruiter texted me saying I got selected for SWO and I would have an OCS date of June 16th. However, I never considered SWO. He just said he submitted my application as a back up plan and I got selected. I only had one shot at the aviation board a year ago and didn't get selected. I never had a true second chance at applying to another aviation board because of miscommunication. My next try would be this one or august I believe. I am not sure what to do. Part me wants to wait for a second shot but I also want to join the Navy already since I am not getting any younger(I am 27) Any input is appreciated and welcomed.
Hey there I'm in the exact same position. SNFO was my top choice for this May board and I also got picked up for SWO in February. I'm taking either and heading to OCS in June! I'm a couple years younger than you but I'm itching to get out there.


I know it's common gouge on here that the navy/board does not care about civilian pilot ratings, but after reading the past Pro-rec boards feedback pages it is clear that they do consider it when deciding. Just a tip for anyone on the edge about getting some experience or licenses.
FWIW: as someone who had a shit gpa(2.56 in psychology. im 30 now. college was 8 years ago), my recruiter said the PPL will be the determining factor. He says he's submitted applicants with ASTB scores "4s and 5's" but with PPL and they received SNA slots. He told me letters of rec, with my PPL and recent ASTB scores(61 8/7/7) chances would be good. Without the PPL it's a tossup. But that's just one recruiter's words.


Well-Known Member
FWIW: as someone who had a shit gpa(2.56 in psychology. im 30 now. college was 8 years ago), my recruiter said the PPL will be the determining factor. He says he's submitted applicants with ASTB scores "4s and 5's" but with PPL and they received SNA slots. He told me letters of rec, with my PPL and recent ASTB scores(61 8/7/7) chances would be good. Without the PPL it's a tossup. But that's just one recruiter's words.
He also probably will try to sell you the Brooklyn bridge soon.

4 is not qualifying, 5 was not qualifying for several years and can't think of a 5 pickup for SNA. I have seen several who were decent GPA, multi rated and CFI that had 5's and 6's get turned away.

A 7 is a tossup and it really will just depend how the others on this board look, your GPA could be an issue, but if several on the board have 5's and 6's you could have a better chance.


Well-Known Member
Unless you can prove that you only wanted pilot, not SWO. (written communication email text etc.) you are kinda locked in. The boards do not look favorably when you turn down a pro rec in another designator. This happens a lot with people getting NFO when they wanted SNA. They view it as you wasted their time and took someone's spot. Getting picked up in your situation after turning one down is very rare. ExNavyOffRec can speak to this more. also this board will be very very tight based on selection numbers. Best of luck
Not necessarily true, same situation, had to write a letter declining SWO, was picked up next board for my first choice of NFO


Well-Known Member
So you're a recruiter put you in for swo without your knowledge? @FormerRecruitingGuru this seems like it could be a huge issue.
Yeah, he told me it was a plan B for me. His reasoning was would I rather wait over a year to see if I get selected and then another year to be shipped out to OCS. I can see how that isn’t right of him to submitted my package to another community without my knowledge. However, does this ruin my chances of getting selected for NFO if I decline?


Well-Known Member
Hey there I'm in the exact same position. SNFO was my top choice for this May board and I also got picked up for SWO in February. I'm taking either and heading to OCS in June! I'm a couple years younger than you but I'm itching to get out there.
See if I was younger I would most likely be excited and ready to go with any community but I’m getting closer to 30 but congrats on getting selected for SWO!


He also probably will try to sell you the Brooklyn bridge soon.

4 is not qualifying, 5 was not qualifying for several years and can't think of a 5 pickup for SNA. I have seen several who were decent GPA, multi rated and CFI that had 5's and 6's get turned away.

A 7 is a tossup and it really will just depend how the others on this board look, your GPA could be an issue, but if several on the board have 5's and 6's you could have a better chance.
Oh I'm right there with you. When I walked in for my retake of the ASTB, he was like "why are you retaking it with a 56 6/6/7?". Because it's not competitive with a low GPA? Lol. He then said some bad things about AirWarriors and I just brushed it off.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he told me it was a plan B for me. His reasoning was would I rather wait over a year to see if I get selected and then another year to be shipped out to OCS. I can see how that isn’t right of him to submitted my package to another community without my knowledge. However, does this ruin my chances of getting selected for NFO if I decline?
same situation, had to write a letter declining SWO, was picked up next board for my first choice of NFO


Well-Known Member
same situation, had to write a letter declining SWO, was picked up next board for my first choice of NFO
That would be a dream if that happened for me. The way the ship out dates are looking though I could be waiting over a year and that’s if I get selected. Congrats to you though bro!
That would be a dream if that happened for me. The way the ship out dates are looking though I could be waiting over a year and that’s if I get selected. Congrats to you though bro!
A bit off topic but may I ask what it is about nfo that makes it your first and only choice? I strongly debated putting down nfo too but I don't really know what they do. (no nfos at my squadron). If I don't get selected I'm going to resubmit with nfo as well.


Well-Known Member
A bit off topic but may I ask what it is about nfo that makes it your first and only choice? I strongly debated putting down nfo too but I don't really know what they do. (no nfos at my squadron). If I don't get selected I'm going to resubmit with nfo as well.