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Well-Known Member
Yeah, he told me it was a plan B for me. His reasoning was would I rather wait over a year to see if I get selected and then another year to be shipped out to OCS. I can see how that isn’t right of him to submitted my package to another community without my knowledge. However, does this ruin my chances of getting selected for NFO if I decline?
If you don't want SWO then decline and go for what you want, and I would call out your recruiter for submitting you for something you didn't want. I don't know if @FormerRecruitingGuru would agree or not but I don't put up with recruiters doing shady shit.

It sounds as if he didn't even submit you for aviation or if he did he put SWO 1st and the other after that, otherwise you wouldn't have an OCS date for SWO.


Ricky Jenkins
If you don't want SWO then decline and go for what you want, and I would call out your recruiter for submitting you for something you didn't want. I don't know if @FormerRecruitingGuru would agree or not but I don't put up with recruiters doing shady shit.

It sounds as if he didn't even submit you for aviation or if he did he put SWO 1st and the other after that, otherwise you wouldn't have an OCS date for SWO.
And I thought applicants had to sign for whatever they were applying for, I didn’t know it was possible to just “submit “ without their knowledge


If you don't want SWO then decline and go for what you want, and I would call out your recruiter for submitting you for something you didn't want. I don't know if @FormerRecruitingGuru would agree or not but I don't put up with recruiters doing shady shit.

It sounds as if he didn't even submit you for aviation or if he did he put SWO 1st and the other after that, otherwise you wouldn't have an OCS date for SWO.
Can something happen to that recruiter if he is caught doing that?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he told me it was a plan B for me. His reasoning was would I rather wait over a year to see if I get selected and then another year to be shipped out to OCS. I can see how that isn’t right of him to submitted my package to another community without my knowledge. However, does this ruin my chances of getting selected for NFO if I decline?
If this happened to me I'd be raising holy hell with the recruiter. And would let his superiors know this happened and that I would not accept SWO since I never applied for it.
If you want to be a NFO you are going to need to fight for it. It ain't right for your recruiter to do apply you under SWO without your knowledge or consent.


Well-Known Member
There was a situation a few years ago of a recruiter doing something similar on here and the applicant later found out the recruiter was removed from their job.
When they get caught doing something dicey, and they're removed from their jobs, what happens next? Do they go back to their old jobs, assigned a new duty, or get separated?


Well-Known Member
In your going to have to throughly explain why you left OCS. its a lonnnnnnnnnng process for Enlisted folks who quit in bootcamp to try to join back, and that's a case by case, I can only imagine how much more tedious for future officers who quit and it wasn't medical related.
Yea man, it wasn’t ideal, but things happen, you roll with the punches and play the cards you have. I believe I did I good job pleading my case, and I had letters from a few people vouching for me.
Like I said, it’s a personal situation and I didn’t just quit. It’s kill me to leave and kills me everyday still, hence my drive to get back.


Well-Known Member
No, nothing major, just a surgery on the record that got cleared already.
But I do have a drop from OCS which looks unfavorable, however I have letters explaining why I left so hoping they can look past it.
We had two people in my class that previously left OCS. One got attrited which is practically the worst possible outcome and the other DOR'ed for medical reasons. Both were accepted when they asked to come back.


Well-Known Member
What are the common reasons for that?
Various reasons. Most common was failing a bunch of stuff. Failing the same test/ event multiple times in a row.

Getting kicked out is rare. 95% of folks who leave the program choose to DOR. Attriting is nothing to worry about.
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