Yeah. My 1.5 mile before OCS was 9:40ish, my IST was like an 11:15 or so, since you eat like shit the first week, and the fact that they’re yelling at you doesn’t help. By the time I left for my out PFA I ran a 10:12 indoors (20 laps). However, as soon as I reached JOC phase me and one my buddies would squeeze a track session whenever we could 4 times a week, since the actual running sessions during PT were whatever. Also, the times we had our 3 mile runs I went with the fast group led by my gunnery sergeant. The moral of this story is, you will fall out of shape, or improve as much as you want to. Sometimes we would come back from class, get changed real quick, hit the pullup bars, go run, go back, get changed and go to chow. We would study for different tests while doing all this stuff just to kinda multi task. Some people during the Christmas break ate like shit, didn’t work out at all and failed the Out PFA and got rolled…felt no sympathy for them.
Happy Thanksgiving bishesss