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Well-Known Member
It doesn't work like that for Officer recruiting, NRC always over-selects to get a jump on the next FY, roughly OCS shipping goal x 1.5 gives NRC selection goal. They have already been filling FY24 due to continuing to hold aviation boards even when they were off the normal cycle. In a normal situation those being selected on this board would be leaving for OCS in March/April.

The way NRC does it there is no advantage as to when a person applies, of course with how many have been selected in the past there is a disadvantage right now until they get back on track.
Ahhhhh thanks you for correcting me. That would make sense to keep the playing field even


SNA/SNFO Applicant
Wont lie. Heartbroken. Second time applying, but this was a brutal board. I had a better chance of making Chief than this, flight engineer with 2500 hours in two aircraft.

Keep your heads up y’all. This wasn’t a failure on your part, the pipeline is so jacked up sometimes you have to accept the fact it’s out of your hands.

See you in May. The best advice I can give is don’t quit on your dreams. I haven’t.


Well-Known Member
Wont lie. Heartbroken. Second time applying, but this was a brutal board. I had a better chance of making Chief than this, flight engineer with 2500 hours in two aircraft.

Keep your heads up y’all. This wasn’t a failure on your part, the pipeline is so jacked up sometimes you have to accept the fact it’s out of your hands.

See you in May. The best advice I can give is don’t quit on your dreams. I haven’t.
Head up bro. I am also 0-2. Third time will be the charm. No lie though the first time hurt the worst. This time it's more "Hello my old friend Pro-Rec N. Really sucks because with ISPP I thought I had this one in the bag. Its more of the "hey hows your package?" or "hey are you selected for officer yet?" literally every day in my damn work center.


Well-Known Member
Wont lie. Heartbroken. Second time applying, but this was a brutal board. I had a better chance of making Chief than this, flight engineer with 2500 hours in two aircraft.

Keep your heads up y’all. This wasn’t a failure on your part, the pipeline is so jacked up sometimes you have to accept the fact it’s out of your hands.

See you in May. The best advice I can give is don’t quit on your dreams. I haven’t.
The lack of selections isn't due to the pipeline issues, it is due to the goal changes last year with the over-selections that happened at the same time, then compounded by NRC not making immediate adjustments like they have in the past.


The lack of selections isn't due to the pipeline issues, it is due to the goal changes last year with the over-selections that happened at the same time, then compounded by NRC not making immediate adjustments like they have in the past.
Supposedly the reason why (according to SNAs waiting to start Primary) NRC actually selected such a low amount this board is because around July the CNO was in pensacola for some event and had talked to some A-poolers. This is where they found out there is an 18 month wait for SNAs checking in for NIFE and not having enough staff jobs to keep everyone busy. This got the ball rolling for NRC to change their selection goals for the designator.

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SNA/SNFO Applicant
The lack of selections isn't due to the pipeline issues, it is due to the goal changes last year with the over-selections that happened at the same time, then compounded by NRC not making immediate adjustments like they have in the past.
Again, pipeline. Know people in the program who are offering people to get out due to overpopulation. The standard pipeline isn’t going fast enough, and despite the absolute necessity for pilots due to the desire of civilian airlines, they can’t qualify faster than demand.

Average Monke

A primate with internet access
Recruiter was on leave but took the time to call me and let me know I got the PROREC-Y for SNA!

For everyone who wasn't selected this round, just keep walking with your head high. You'll get your chance, and hopefully our paths will cross at some point! My DMs are open if you wanna talk about anything at all

Congrats, that’s incredible!


Well-Known Member
Supposedly the reason why (according to SNAs waiting to start Primary) NRC actually selected such a low amount this board is because around July the CNO was in pensacola for some event and had talked to some A-poolers. This is where they found out there is an 18 month wait for SNAs checking in for NIFE and not having enough staff jobs to keep everyone busy. This got the ball rolling for NRC to change their selection goals for the designator.

This issue was in the works way before that, it was a year ago, the goals for NRC are based on long term staffing projections and they are adjusted each FY, when they did the selections last Nov along with the goal adjustments it resulted in them immediate having selected for all of FY22 that meant the other boards were filling mostly FY23 and FY24.

Again, pipeline. Know people in the program who are offering people to get out due to overpopulation. The standard pipeline isn’t going fast enough, and despite the absolute necessity for pilots due to the desire of civilian airlines, they can’t qualify faster than demand.
Shipping is due to pipeline issues, selection deals with numbers of selections vs numbers of spots available. This is also how people hear about retention issues and think they are having issues getting applicants, there are 2 separate issues in play here.

This below should explain the selection issues, while also showing nearly all FY23 SNA's have already been shipped. This is the exact same issue that happened with SWO and Intel in the past but then did a complete board halt.

OCS SNA shipping goal for FY23 is 207 they have already shipped 166 which means between now and June they just need to ship just 41, they have 187 waiting, that means they are looking at 146 getting pushed to FY24 and shipping goal is generally the same year to year so you can see why this board had such a low amount and why they are skipping boards.


Active Member
This issue was in the works way before that, it was a year ago, the goals for NRC are based on long term staffing projections and they are adjusted each FY, when they did the selections last Nov along with the goal adjustments it resulted in them immediate having selected for all of FY22 that meant the other boards were filling mostly FY23 and FY24.

Shipping is due to pipeline issues, selection deals with numbers of selections vs numbers of spots available. This is also how people hear about retention issues and think they are having issues getting applicants, there are 2 separate issues in play here.

This below should explain the selection issues, while also showing nearly all FY23 SNA's have already been shipped. This is the exact same issue that happened with SWO and Intel in the past but then did a complete board halt.

OCS SNA shipping goal for FY23 is 207 they have already shipped 166 which means between now and June they just need to ship just 41, they have 187 waiting, that means they are looking at 146 getting pushed to FY24 and shipping goal is generally the same year to year so you can see why this board had such a low amount and why they are skipping boards.
Do you think the next board will be any better?