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Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
You have a lot going on! I don't know how BDCP does things, but I'm sure you can get LORs from some of your leaders from the fleet or professors. You might be good with those scores as a prior, but better scores wouldn't hurt.
So far I’ve asked the general manager of the repair station I work at, and I’ve reached out to one of my old commanding officers but it turns out he’s the XO of a carrier now and is out at sea so whoops. Professors are gonna be hard right now because I’m in a quarter school so they’re all still on summer and I’ve reached out to a few and haven’t heard back. For some reason my recruiter is really hung up on local government officials but that makes me really uncomfortable. I don’t know those people lol


Well-Known Member
For people who are civilians and trying to get LOR from their managers, how are you going about that? I'm lowkey scared to let my boss know of my intentions of leaving the company for the military. And I know it's protected under USERRA blah blah blah but still...


Well-Known Member
So far I’ve asked the general manager of the repair station I work at, and I’ve reached out to one of my old commanding officers but it turns out he’s the XO of a carrier now and is out at sea so whoops. Professors are gonna be hard right now because I’m in a quarter school so they’re all still on summer and I’ve reached out to a few and haven’t heard back. For some reason my recruiter is really hung up on local government officials but that makes me really uncomfortable. I don’t know those people lol
You might as well reach out to a local government official you don't know and send him/her an email with your intentions. That's how people apply to the service academies, and some congressmens' websites, they even advertise that they can write you LORs lol.


Well-Known Member
For people who are civilians and trying to get LOR from their managers, how are you going about that? I'm lowkey scared to let my boss know of my intentions of leaving the company for the military. And I know it's protected under USERRA blah blah blah but still...
LORs are pretty meaningless for civilians. You will provide references to your OR, and they'll get emailed. Just don't put your current manager. I put one of my old managers that can speak about my work performance. No one I currently work with has known about my intentions for the past two years lol.


Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
For people who are civilians and trying to get LOR from their managers, how are you going about that? I'm lowkey scared to let my boss know of my intentions of leaving the company for the military. And I know it's protected under USERRA blah blah blah but still...
I pretty much walked in my bosses’ office with confidence and with the DD370 in hand and asked him. He was definitely taken aback, especially because as far as he knew I was intending on being an engineer at this company but he said he’d get around to it. That was about a week ago haha


Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
You might as well reach out to a local government official you don't know and send him/her an email with your intentions. That's how people apply to the service academies, and some congressmens' websites, they even advertise that they can write you LORs lol.
I did reach out to a congresswoman and her office told me no. I was like welp, okay then


You might as well reach out to a local government official you don't know and send him/her an email with your intentions. That's how people apply to the service academies, and some congressmens' websites, they even advertise that they can write you LORs lol.
I knew that you had to get an LOR from a congressman to apply, but I didn't realize some would just do it if you asked lol. Roy Blunt's website requires a bunch of documents in order to even have a chance to be selected for a nomination.


Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
Yeah and each congressman/woman is only allowed like 2 service academy nominations a year so it's tough to get. Read a story recently about some kid who applied to every single academy, and got accepted to each one but for each application needed a different nomination. So essentially he was being a big time asshole unintentionally by screwing other people out of potential service nominations since at the end of the day you gotta choose one.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and each congressman/woman is only allowed like 2 service academy nominations a year so it's tough to get. Read a story recently about some kid who applied to every single academy, and got accepted to each one but for each application needed a different nomination. So essentially he was being a big time asshole unintentionally by screwing other people out of potential service nominations since at the end of the day you gotta choose one.
It seems like it would be a different protocol since you're not applying to a service academy, but instead a college program that sounds like the USMC's PLC. I would check in with the Dean of Academics, because the Fall semester is right around the corner.

Oh, and fuck that dirtbag!!


Applying SNA 31Oct2022
For people who are civilians and trying to get LOR from their managers, how are you going about that? I'm lowkey scared to let my boss know of my intentions of leaving the company for the military. And I know it's protected under USERRA blah blah blah but still...
My recruiter said we don't need LORs... I hope that's true cuz I didn't get any ?


Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
I'm actually talking to a buddy of mine who is a AE1 in the Blue Angels and got picked up for pilot a few months ago and he's saying all this shit about needing appraisals and stuff. A bunch of things my recruiter hasnt mentioned to me once. Maybe that's specific to guys that are going E to O?


My recruiter said we don't need LORs... I hope that's true cuz I didn't get any ?
From what I've read, it doesn't look like citizens need LORs

I'm actually talking to a buddy of mine who is a AE1 in the Blue Angels and got picked up for pilot a few months ago and he's saying all this shit about needing appraisals and stuff. A bunch of things my recruiter hasnt mentioned to me once. Maybe that's specific to guys that are going E to O?
I've seen somewhere that enlisted have to do an interview with officers above them, that's probably what the appraisal is