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SNA Applicant (ISPP)
I'm actually talking to a buddy of mine who is a AE1 in the Blue Angels and got picked up for pilot a few months ago and he's saying all this shit about needing appraisals and stuff. A bunch of things my recruiter hasnt mentioned to me once. Maybe that's specific to guys that are going E to O?
You guys have to submit an ocs package right? Have you read the 1420?


Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
I've seen somewhere that enlisted have to do an interview with officers above them, that's probably what the appraisal is
Basically that’s what he said. I told him I don’t think that applies to me since I got out. He stayed in, became a blue angel maintainer, and applied for ISPP. Got Pro-Rec Y with a 5/5/5 because his package was so impressive


SNA Applicant (ISPP)
Basically that’s what he said. I told him I don’t think that applies to me since I got out. He stayed in, became a blue angel maintainer, and applied for ISPP. Got Pro-Rec Y with a 5/5/5 because his package was so impressive
If he applied ISPP he could have a terrible package and be fine.


Well-Known Member
The write up the skipper of the Blues did for him was quite possibly the most impressive hype up I've ever read. Basically said he wanted him in his ward room right now and would train him to fly himself if he was allowed to.
Yea ISPP you can have bare minimum requirements and you’re golden. He just put the cherry on top with the write up. Don’t get me wrong you don’t want a average package routing up to an admiral. LORs aren’t required for AD but highly encouraged where as civilian doesn’t need Appraisals.


Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
Yea ISPP you can have bare minimum requirements and you’re golden. He just put the cherry on top with the write up. Don’t get me wrong you don’t want a average package routing up to an admiral. LORs aren’t required for AD but highly encouraged where as civilian doesn’t need Appraisals.
Good to know. Was ready to be real upset with my recruiter


ProRec SNA
I really should kick my cigarette habit soon. I feel like I could get my run time so much quicker if I didn't smoke. It's tough though, I've tried to quit a few times already and keep coming back to it. Sucks man.
Try zyn pouches or something if you can deal with not “hitting” something. If it’s just the nicotine you can’t get away from maybe cut the cigs and switch to an alternative as you slowly phase it out completely


Well-Known Member
I really should kick my cigarette habit soon. I feel like I could get my run time so much quicker if I didn't smoke. It's tough though, I've tried to quit a few times already and keep coming back to it. Sucks man.
Nicotine's a bitch man! I quit smoking and vaping, and opted for dip and snus instead to save my lungs.
I heard you won't even think about nicotine when you're stressing out at OCS ?


Prior AME. SNA Board Applicant
While we're on the topic of nicotine I can't for the life of me ever think of a time I saw one of my officers smoke or have a dip in. Chiefs and enlisted all the time obviously. Hell, the only way to get a break was to be a smoker.


Well-Known Member
While we're on the topic of nicotine I can't for the life of me ever think of a time I saw one of my officers smoke or have a dip in. Chiefs and enlisted all the time obviously. Hell, the only way to get a break was to be a smoker.
Tobacco seems very taboo with Naval officers. Marine officers dip all the time... Even my OSO and some new 2ndLts that help him out. I looked up a thread here about smoking and dipping, and it seemed pretty prevalent back in the "old Navy", but I don't know it is now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when I'm keeping myself busy and have other things to think about and deal with, cigarettes don't really cross my mind but its when things settle down and I'm relaxing it just sounds good for whatever reason. The first time I quit, after about a month the smell just made me sick and I actually want to get to that point again so I can stay away from them for good.
Quitting is definitely achievable, and always at a cost! I tried weening myself off with the patch (it sucks if you're hairy like me) and nicorette gum (they suck too - they can rip your fillings out). Sugar-free cinnamon chewing gum worked for me for a few months the first time I quit, and I also gained some weight. At this point, I'm not even interested in cigarettes anymore. Dip, Swedish Snus, and cigars are a whole nother story though lol